第 1题:翻译题(本题1分)
Globalization places us in increasingly more situations where we may need to host international business associates for meals. With so many cultural differences in dining preferences, even among those ofthe same nationality and culture, the safest and most considerate thing we can do when
treating a guest is to simply ask. Avoid making too many assumptions about what your guests would like and inquire about their preferences.
China's dish names are infused with its culinary culture, and expressing them in English is not
always so easy. Zhao Huimin, director of Beijing Foreign Affairs Office, said, \to become a 'World City', we need a better language environment. And Chinese food has become more popular around the world in recent years, so it's essential to standardize the translation. The newly published book contains easy-to-understand English names of almost all mainstream dishes of China's eight major cuisines. It is for reference only, and is not compulsory.\【答案解析】:
全球化可能使我们需要款待国际商业伙伴的情况日益增加。饮食喜好方面的文化差异很大,即使是在相同国籍和文化背景下,当在招待客人时,我们能够做得最安全、最用到的事情就是直接询问他们。对于你的客人喜欢什么,不要进行太多的假设,而是要去询问他们的喜好。 中国莱名注入了中国的烹饪文化,因此用英语表达并不总是那么容易。北京市外事办主任赵惠民说“随着北京在努力地成为‘世界城市’,我们需要更好的语言环境。近年来中国食品在世界范围内变得越来越受欢迎,因此翻译规范化是至关重要的。这本新出版的书(这里指《中文菜单英文译法》)几乎收录中国八大莱系中所有主流菜肴的简单易懂的英文名称。该书仅供参考,并非是强制性的。”
第 2题:翻译题(本题1分)
We live in a moment packed with new possibilities, and we've never been better equipped to seize them. The problem is that many of us don't feel it. If this is the best time to be alive, it certainly hasn't becn the easiest.
This upheaval has created winners: among owners ofcapital; among entrepreneurs who have grown into new markets; and among individuals whose skills, acumen or luck helps them to navigate this tangle. But it has also created losers: among pensioners and homeowners whose savings were
destroyed by unforeseen financial risks; among workers whose jobs are now being done overseas by people escaping from poverty; among those whose jobs stayed onshore but are being replaced by machines; among farmers whose crops are failing because of climate change; among citizens in countries where a small elite are siphoning the benefits of global integration into offshore bank accounts. 【答案解析】:
第 3题:翻译题(本题1分)
第 题:翻译题(本题分)
Studies show that social engagement is one of the best predictors of happiness. Yet we associate with each other less than ever. Robert Putnam of Harvard University called this phenomenon \alone\that was making people poorer emotionally. That pattern has accelerated as we swivel toward a more digital society.
We live in the richest, most prosperous, freest time in human history. That's a wonderful gift we've all been given. But we've also shed gifts that are ancient and vital: the gift of solid family structure; the gift of common religious commitment; the gift of a culture and heritage of meritocracy (精英教育 ). No government program can fill those gaps-and every effort to do so ends with the exacerbation of precisely the failures govemment programs are designed to alleviate. 【答案解析】:
研究表明,社会参与度是幸福的最佳指标之一。但人们之间的交往却比以往任何时候都要少。哈佛大学的Robert Putnam称这种现象为“独自打保龄球”。他称,私人团体,尤其是教会的衰落造成了孤立,使得人们在情感上变得更为贫瘠。随着我们的社会变得更加数字化,这种模式已经加剧。
第 4题:翻译题(本题1分)
Do friends of the opposite gender distract teenagers, hampering their academic performance? It may seem obvious, and yet it is hard to prove.
A survey of American schoolchildren conducted in 1995, for example, suggests no link between the proportion of a girl's friends who were boys and her grades. A new paper by Andrew Hill of the
University of South Carolina, however, comes to a different result. He finds that for every 10% more children of the opposite sex among a student's friends, his or her grade-point average (GPA) declines by O.l (GPAs range from O t0 4) .
Not only may having more friends of the opposite sex be bad for grades, but it has other effects, too. Among the children from the original survey who were successfully re-interviewed 14 years later, those whose grades had been dragged down by friends of the opposite gender were more likely to be married. 【答案解析】:
交异性朋友会使青少年分心,影响他们的学业吗?这个问题看似显而易见,但其实很难证实。比如.1995年,对美国在校儿童的一项调查显示:女生的学业成绩与其异性朋友的所占比例无关。然而,南卡罗采纳大学的教授Andrew H.1l发表的最新论文却得出了不同的结论。他发现,一个学生的朋友中,每多IO%的异性朋友,他或她的各科平均绩点(GPA)会下降O.l(各科平均绩点在0-4之间)。交更多的异性朋友不仅不利于学业,还有其他一些影响。14年后,对初次参加调查的孩子又进行了一次采访,结果显示,因交异性朋友而导致成绩下降的孩子更可能结婚。
第 5题:翻译题(本题1分)
Sweating on purpose is becoming an elite phenomenon. In a darkened room at the edge of downtown Washington, D.C., electronic music pulses over the speakers as a crowd of mostly sweaty young women bop up and down. Sadly, this is not a drugfuelled rave, but rather a midafternoon spin class.
women bop up and down. Sadly, this is not a drug-fuelled rave, but rather a mid-afternoon spin class. It is run by Soul Cycle, which promotes the idea that riding an exercise bike to loud music is akin to entering a \
costs about S35 for 45 minutes, which does not deter its well-heeled customers. \pay a lot of money to go here,\
According to figures from the International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association, an industry group, gym members now number 54m, up from 45m in 2009. Twice as many Americans subscribe to gyms as in the mid-1990s. 【答案解析】:
有意流汗成为精英现象。在华盛顿哥伦比亚特区市郊一处幽暗的房间里,一群年轻女性跟着扬声器里传出的音乐节拍,又蹦又跳,挥汗如雨。遗憾的是,它不是一场药物刺激下的狂欢,而是斯宾课的下午场。这是一节由激情单车工作室开办的动感单车课程,其推广的运营理念是:在高亢激昂的音乐下骑行,就好比参加了一次“灵魂救赎营”的集训。一节课程通常是45分钟,单次收费为35美元,骑车的同时还需要做一些笨拙的拉举动作,但这并不会阻止那些高端消费者纷纷加入。“有些女性为了来这里花了很多钱。”一位工作人员扬着眉毛说道。根据行业组织国际健康及运动俱乐部协会的数据显示,健身俱乐部会员现已达到5 400万,超出2009年的4 500万,是20世纪90年代中期美国人报名参加健身俱乐部的两倍。
第 6题:翻译题(本题1分)
Until the early 20th century failure to bear a son was grounds for divorce. South Koreans greatly preferred boys, who could not only support their parents financially but also carry out ancestral rites. When ultrasound technology became widespread in the 1980s, many South Koreans used it to detect female femses and then have them aborted. Sex ratios became skewed. In response to these trends the South Korean government made it illegal for doctors to reveal the sex of a fetus,
Following the Asian financial crisis of 1997, many women took part-time jobs to supplement the family income. Parents noticed, and began to invest more heavily in educating girls. In 2015 three-quarters of South Korean female secondary-schoolers went to university, compared with two-thirds of their male peers. Since 2009 expectant parents have been allowed to know the sex of their baby after 32 weeks' gestation. Many will have found out before, from doctors who trust that parents' attitudes have changed. 【答案解析】:
第 7题:翻译题(本题1分)
A recent US study found that people who score high for extroversion rate themselves as leaner and taller than they acmally are, with male extroverts weighing more than introverts. Conscientiousness is associated with a healthier weight, xvith the most conscientious (in the top 25%) weighing on
average almost Skg less than the least conscientious (in the bottom 25%). Participants scoring low on