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新视野大学英语第二版读写教程第二册答案 - 2 

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1.初了其他内容,他的研究还牵涉到发展中国家与爱滋病的斗争. 2.这些人明白了他们的服务越好,他们就挣得越多.

3.尽管父亲似乎忧虑不安,但苏珊感觉不到他在表情或行动上有什么变化. 4.能获得多少经济资助已成为学生选择上哪所学校的更重要的因素. 5.她已经减少了外出和买衣服的花费,但她还是没钱开始还债. 6.控制压力的方法之一是认识到生活中有很多事情是我们无法掌控的. CLOZE XII.

1.D 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.B 11.D 12.B 13.C 14.C 15.B Section B

Comprehension of the Text II.

1. F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.F 8.T Vocabulary III.

1.constant 2.ambition 3.consequence 4.evident 5. summarize 6.welfare 7.schedule 8.attaining 9.loyal 10.indispensable IV.

1. There isn't anything to do other than wait to see what will happen. 2. Althought Bill was going to the movies, he told Joe to the contrary. 3. I wonder who it was that defined man as a rational animal.

4. Traveling in that country isn't necessary expensive;you can find reasonably priced hotels and restaurants.

5. Janet tends to get angry if you bother her. 6. I would rather walk there than go by bus.

7. She was held for twenty days and at times she feared for her life.

8. He's been burning the midnight oil for a week now, getting ready for finals.

9. For many people the only possible way to escape from poverty is to move to other countries. 10. Born in Milan, he dropped out of university to devote himself to music.

新视野大学英语(第2版)第2册Unit 8答案 Section A Vocabulary III.

1. render 2. contribution 3. popular 4. institutions 5. enrolled 6. diverse 7. accumulated 8. distinguish 9. puzzling 10. confine IV.

1. His past record is certainly something he is proud of. 2. The members of the committee, after a two-hour discussion, finally arrived at a solution. 3. If we want to arrive there in time, we have to travel by day as well as by night.

4. I was shocked when I read of his death in a newspaper.

5. According to the police, the young man was arrested at the scene of the robbery.

6. There is nothing more frustrating than spending hours searching for information, only to discover the information useless.

7. It is unnecessary to worry a lot. In fact, things will get better in the long run.

8. My smile was meant to show interest in this trip, but Carla was far too intelligent to believe it showed anything of the sort.

9. The number of students who want to be enrolled in engineering courses is way up. 10. The little girl is so fond of her dog that she gives it a piece of chocolate every day. V.

1. A 2. D 3. M 4. N 5. E 6. J 7. C 8. L 9. G 10. H Word Building VI.

1. weekly 2. attractive 3. worldly 4. costly 5. secondary 6. leisurely 7. earthly 8. customary 9. protective 10. progressive 11. sickly 12. momentary 13. manly 14. orderly VII.

1. backward(s) 2. strangely 3. outward(s) 4. unfortunately 5. homeward(s) 6. originally 7. sadly 8. inward(s)

Sentence structure


1. On no account will they give up the plan. 2. Little does he know much his parents love him.

3. Not until he read the report did he realize what a serious mistake he had made. 4. Hardly could the poor old man fall asleep with a pain in his leg. 5. Under no conditions will we give in to their demands. IX.

1. While I agree it is a tough problem, I don’t think it cannot be solved. 2. While Sara cannot come to help us, she will give us some suggestions.

3. While people admit pollution is very serious, few are willing to take measures. 4. While it’s raining hard now, it will clear up anytime. 5. While it is true we need money badly, we cannot steal it. Translation X.

1. Little did she know that this picture would one day be worth more than a million dollars. 2. While I understand what you say, I don’t agree with you on the issue. 3. I think the police are meant to protect people.

4. I went to see him yesterday, only to find that he had gone abroad several days before. 5. At the weekly meeting, everyone must confine their remarks to the subject.

6. If only I hadn’t said those silly words! I was too young then to distinguish right from wrong. XI.

1. 五年前我几乎不会想到今天我会与这么多来自世界各地的学生坐在一起学习英语。 2. 虽然这些职位给你带来荣耀和权力,但是它也赋予你巨大的责任。 3. 从长远来看,粮食生产和人口增长之间的竞争难以轻易解决。

4. 有时我们发现,自己爬上了成功的阶梯,却发现阶梯靠在错误的墙壁上。(即:我们爬上去了,却发现不是自己真正追求的东西。)

5. 新计划的目的是让年轻人快速走上管理岗位。

6. 这个年轻人志向高远,非常希望能有所成就,让父母为他骄傲。 Cloze XII.

1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. DC 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. A 10. A

11. C 12. C 13. A 14. D 15. D 16.B 17. A 18. D 19. C 20.A Section B

Comprehension of the Text II.

1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. F 8. F Vocabulary III.

1. eliminate 2. displayed 3. implicit 4. promotion 5. motivated 6. prospect 7. constructed 8. civil 9. preference 10. absence IV.

1. Correct from: in particular; synonym: especially/particularly 2. Correct from: in short; synonym: in brief

3. Correct from: are committed to; definition: promise to do (sth.) 4. Correct from: based … on; definition: use… as a basis 5. Correct from: By/In comparison; synonym: compared to 6. Correct from: at large; synonym: as a whole; in general 7. Correct from: happy with; synonym: satisfied with 8. Correct from: associated with; synonym: connected with 9. Correct from: ground to a halt; definition: gradually stop 10. Correct from: protect… from; synonym: defend… from

新视野大学英语(第2版)第2册Unit 9答案

Section A

Comprehension of the Text I.

1. His mother. Because she influenced his thoughts and attitudes toward life. 2. He learned from his mother that one should never quit.

3. The family was homeless, jobless and penniless with three babies waiting to be fed.

4. She quit school to find a job as a grocer and moved the family to live with her brother, Allen. 5. She discovered in him a talent for words.

6. Though very poor, she signed him up for a set of books for

7. He worked as a reporter with the Baltimore Sun and later with The New York Times. He won the Pulitzer Prize.

8. No, she didn’t have the chance to know of it because her health collapsed, but she always believed in it.

Vocabulary III.

1.ambitious 2.sympathize 3.tender 4.considering 5.corruption 6.scattered 7.intermediate 8.corresponding 9.equivalent 10.deceived IV.

1.to 2.around 3.to/with 4.up 5.out 6.to 7.out 8.of 9.From 10.in V.

1.J 2.M 3.F 4.L 5,A 6.O 7.G 8.D 9.I 10.C Word Building VI.

1. After working extra hours for several months, I have repaid the money to the bank. 2. I didn’t enjoy the story at first, but I came to like it when I reread it. 3. He replaced the book on the shelf when he finished it. 4. She is slowly regaining he strength after the accident. 5. The old city center was redesigned after the war.

6. She was asked to reconsider her decision to leave the job.

7. After the disaster the government spent millions of dollars helping the local people to reconstruct their homes.

8. The museum has such a fine set of old paintings that it is worth revisiting. VII.

1. dishonest 2. discouraged 3. displeased 4. discontinued 5. disappearing 6. discharged 7. disclosed 8. dislike Sentence Structure VIII.

1. I’ve made up my mind to marry him even if my mother objects.

2. She has problems finding a job even if she gets a Bachelor’s degree.

3. Even if you normally have good skin, some pats of the face may become dry during the winter. 4. The young man felt great sadness even if he did not find the words to express it. 5. Even if you don’t watch music programs, you’ve probably heard his songs. IX.

1. The clearer a goal is , the easier it is to decide whether the goal is achievable. 2. The angrier I got, the less he said.

3. The larger the city is, the greater the increase in population is.

4. The longer they stick to their goal, the greater the chances of success are. 5. The more expensive the restaurant is, the better the food it serves. Translation X.

1. I am sure that I will make something of myself, even though I have not achieved any major success so far.

2. I have been working hard for so many years; I feel I am entitled to a good future.

3. When her husband deserted her, leaving her with nothing but scattered pieces of life to pick up, she went insane.

4. From my standpoint, Mother was too hard on me then, without taking my feelings into account. 5. When I reached the summit of my professional career, mother's words \life\

6. You should know better than to play football in the street. XI.

1. 詹姆士是个诚实的人,尽管我反对他这个人,我还是要这样说。 2. 组织越庞大,越难做出决定。 3. 是真英雄方能临危不惧。 4. 持有该票者能免费入场。

5. 在英国,他是第一个有意识的从事散文写作并且有所建树的人。

新视野大学英语第二版读写教程第二册答案 - 2 


