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全国 2018 年 4 月自学考试 英语国家概况试题 课程代码:



I. Read the following each unfinished

statement or question ,four suggested answers marked A,B,C and D are given. Choose

the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.(50 points , 1 point for each) 1. __________ of 1066 is perhaps the best -known event in English history, in which William , the Conqueror confiscated almost all the land and gave it to his followers. A. The Roman Conquest B. The Anglo -Saxon Conquest D. The Celt Conquest C. The Norman Conquest

2. ____________________________________ As a result of the Black Death , . A. all land was left untended B. no labor was required any longer C. 1and owners tended to change from arable to sheep -farming D. surviving peasants were not able to bargain about their wages

3. Which of the following statements about Elizabeth I(1 55 8 -1 603)is true? A. Elizabeth was 35 when she came to the throne. B. Elizabeth remained single.

C. Elizabeth was not able to work with Parliament. D. Her reign was a time of diminishing English nationalism. 4. ________ was not in the “ Allies ” in the First World War. A. Britain B. France D. Turkey C. Russia

5. ______________________________________ The English Civil War is also called . A. the Revolutionary War B. the Puritan Revolution D. the Renaissance C. the Reformation

6. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. The head of State is a king or a queen .In


statements or questions

carefully. For


practice , ________ . A. Parliament rules the country

B. the Sovereign reigns but does not rule C. the Sovereign rules but does not reign D. the Prime Minister rules and reigns

7.In January,1973 , Britain finally became a full member of the _________ , which was established by the Treaty of Rome in 1957.

A. Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development B. Organization of European Development C. European Economic Community D. European Union

8. ____________ The refers to the mechanization of industry and the consequent changes in social


centuries. and early 19economic organization in Britain in the late 18A. Urbanization B.

Economic Boom D. Industrial Revolution C. Glorious Revolution

9. ___________________________________________ The major Christian festivals in Britain are A. Christmas, Easter and Mother ' s Day B. Christmas, Easter and Whit Sunday

C. Christmas , Guy Fawkes Day and St. Patrick ' s Day D. Christmas , Whit Sunday and St. George ' s Day

10. _______________________________________ The Commonwealth of Nations is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain. At present there are countries within the Commonwealth (1991). A. 30 B. 40 D. 60 C. 50

11. ________________________ Among the three tribes of the Celts coming to Britain, the most industrious and vigorous of the Celtic tribes was the . A. Gaels B. Brythons D. Vikings C. Belgae

12. ________________________________________________ Political change in England came mainly through ____________________________________________ .



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A. gradual reform B. revolution D. working class movement

s uprisings C. people ' 13.The two parties that have held power in Britain since 1945 are A. the Democratic Party and the Republican Party B. the Conservative Party and the Labor Party

C. the Labor Party and the Social Democratic Party D. the Labor Party and the Democratic Party

14. __________ ' s reign was a time of confident English nationalism and of great achievements in literature and other arts. in exploration and in battle. A. Mary B. Henry VIII D. Charles II C. E1izabeth I

15. _____________________________________________________________________ After the Restoration , Parliament passed a series of severe laws called ____________________ against the Puritans, now known as Nonconformists.

A. Agreement of the People B. the Petition of the Right D. the Act of Supremacy C. the Clarendon Code

16. Which statement about the “Wars of Roses ” is NOT true? A. The king ' s power now became supreme. B. Ordinary people were seriously affected. C. The wars were waged intermittently for 30 years. D. From these wars feudalism received its death blow.

1 7.The finest exponents of Elizabethan drama in the English Renaissance were _________ . A. Ben Johnson , Christopher Marlowe and Charles Dickens B. Edmund Spenser, Charles Dickens and William Shakespeare C. William Shakespeare, Ben Johnson and Charles Dickens D. William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe and Ben Johnson

18. ________________________________________________ The Chartist movement was the first nationwide _________________________________________ movement. A. working class B. lower middle class D. upper class C. upper middle class

19. ____________ led the U.K. to final victory in the Second World War. A. Winston Churchill

B. Neville Chamberlain

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C. Tony Blair D. William Gladstone

20. Which statement about the religion in Britain is true?

A. Every person in Britain may change his religion ,but with difficulty.

B. Every person may not manifest his faith in teaching , worship and observance.

C. Every person has the right to religious freedom without interference from the community or the State. D. Churches and religious societies of any kind cannot own property and propagate their beliefs in speeches and writing.


century, Christopher Columbus , 21.In the late 15a(n) _________ navigator, led his men to sail

across the vast ocean and reached some small islands in the now West Indies. A. French B. Spanish D. English



