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Part One Overview of the Financial Industry in China Teaching Objectives

● To become familiar with the present conditions of the segregation of Chinese financial business

● To become familiar with the past and present of Chinese banking sector, securities sector and insurance industry.

● To learn something about the basic imformation on Chinese financial reform. Focus on

● To be familiar with the evolution and role of the banking sector in China ● The reform and functions of the Central Bank

● The development of the Commercial Banking Sector Difficulties

● Mathematic Basis of Insurance Teaching Methods

● Teacher’s explanations ● Questioning ● Discussing ● Exercise

Teaching Procedures Warming-Up Exercise:

How to Open an Account (如何开户)

储蓄是银行资金的主要来源,而开立账户则是储蓄的第一步。为了吸引更多的储户,许多银行对某些种类的储蓄采用了0金额开户或1元开户的举措,取得了较好的效果。更为重要的是,金融机构都普遍加强了对员工素质的培养,其中包括对外语能力的培养。 了解银行储蓄的英语表达、增强与储户用英语沟通的能力,是时代对银行工作者提出的要求。

Common Expressions 常用词语 基本词汇与短语

Deposit 存款,储蓄 Depositor 存款人 Accountant 会计员 Teller 出纳员 Passbook 存折 Checkbook 支票簿 Savings account 储蓄账户 Checking account 支票账户

Jiont account 联合存款账户 Term-deposit account 定期存款账户 Demand deposit 活期存款 Minimum balance 最低余额 Open an account 开户

Interest 利息

Sign 签字 Interest rate 利率

Some term-deposits offer very high interest rates. 有些定期存款的利率很高。

I’d like to open an account with your bank. 我想在贵行开个户。

What kind of account do you have in mind? 您打算开哪种账户?

I want to open a personal checking account. 我想开个人支票账户。

What’s the interest rate for that account? 那种账户的利率是多少?

The checking account is much more convenient although it offers no interest. 支票账户虽然没有利率,但要方便得多。

If it’s a demand account, you can make withdrawals from the account at any time. 如果是活期账户,您随时都可以取款。

In this country, time or savings accounts require an advance notice to the bank, usually seven days before the depositor has the right to make a withdrawl.


What’s the procedure of opening a savings account? 开立储蓄账户的程序是什么?

We don’t charge any fee for opening the account. 我们对账户的开立不收取任何费用。

There is a service charge for each check you write. 对于您所开出的每张支票,我们是要收费的。

What kind of account do you want, the current account or term account? 您想开哪种账户?活期还是定期?

The interest on a current account is 1.01% per annum. 活期存款的年利率为1.01%。

I suggest you open a checking account. 我建议您开支票账户。

How much money should my initial deposit be at least? 我的首次存款至少应为多少?

The minimum amount for a checking account is $100. 支票账户的最低起存额是100美元。

For this account, we don’t have the requirement of premium amount. 对于这种账户,我们没有最低起存额的要求。

You can get the checkbook right now. 您马上就可以拿到支票簿。

Special accounts are more economical if you write fewer than 15 checks each month. 如果每月开出的支票数不超过15张,使用特殊账户要经济些。 Conversation 1



C:是的,我公司想开个户,您能给我提供些信息吗? B:我很乐意。您想开哪种账户?


B:哦,本行提供的利率在全国是最具有竞争力的。至于活 期账户,年利率是1.3%。 顾客 银行职员

Conversation 2


B:女士,上午好。我能为您提供些帮助吗? C:上午好。我想开个户。 B: 您想开哪种账户?

C: 还没有确定。我是来参加奥运会的,要在这儿呆一个月左右。 B: 那样的话,我想您需要一个支票账户,以便能用支票付账。 C: 这是个好主意。支票账户的最低起存额是多少? B: 100美元。您想存多少钱? C: 嗯,我想存10,000 美元。 顾客 银行职员

B:好的,女士。请填一下这张表并在这儿签字。 C:好的,给您。这样行吗?

B:行,这样行。请把您的护照给我看看,可以吗? C:当然可以。给您。我现在就能开支票了吗? B:可以。这是支票簿。

C:随便问一下,银行什么时候关门? B:下午6:00。 C: 谢谢您的帮助。 B:不要谢。祝您好运! C:谢谢。再见。 B:再见。 Vocabulary

Ⅰ. Banking Sector 银行业

profit-seeking business 营利企业

safety 安全性 to mobilize savings 动用储蓄,调动储蓄

to dissave 动用储蓄

to allocate capital funds 分配资本金,配置资本金 stability 稳定性 principal repository 本金仓库,本金贮藏 Commercial bank 商业银行

Fiancial market 金融市场 Macroeconomic management 宏观经济管理

Highly centralized planned economic system 高度集中的计划


Policy bank 政策性银行 Inflationary pressure 通胀压力 Stock market 股市 Exchange rate 汇率 Foreign exchange 外汇

Monetary policy 货币政策 Productive investment 生产性投资

Liquid fund 流动资金 Fiancial system 金融体制,金融体系 a mono-bank 独家银行 National pament mechanism 国家支付体系

Banking operation 银行业经营 the State Council 国务院 State-owned bank (SOE) 国有银行 FI (financial institution) 金融机构 Fiancial instrument 金融工具 IMF ( International Monetary Fund ) 国际货币基金组织

Specialized bank 专业银行 Current account 经常项目 Capital account 资本项目 International payment 国际支付

Money market 货币市场

Inter-bank 银行间,同业 Monetary policy instrument 货币政策工具

Securities firms 证券公司 Joint-equity 股份制 Trust Co. 信托公司 Investment Co. 投资公司 Finance Co. 财务公司 Insurance firms 保险公司 Rural credit cooperative 农村信用社 Urban credit cooperative 城市信用社

Retail price index 零售物价指数 Asian fiancial crisis 亚洲金融危机 Official foreign exchange reserves 官方外汇储备

to conduct monetary policy 执行货币政策 Act as fiscal agent 经理国库 Financial industry 金融业

Fiscal dificit 财政赤字 a sound financial order 良好的金融秩序 Required reserve ratio 法定准备金比率 Bank cards Share Financial consulting Foreign currency

Local currency National treatment Regulatory standard Universal bank Credit risk Five-category loan classification Non-performing loan (NPL) Special treasury bond CAR (capital adequacy ratio) Securities sector Loan approval Loan release 贷

Insolvent Liquidation Senior executive fit-and-proper tests Resource allocation Corporate governance Internal control mechanism Sound monetary policy Bank claims Rediscount Discount Accounting period Market supply & demand Enterprise bonds Board of directors 银行卡 股份 金融咨询,理财咨询 外币 本币 国民待遇 管理标准


信用风险 五级贷款分类 不良贷款

特别国库券 资本充足率

证券部门,证券业 贷款审批

贷款发放,放 无清偿能力的 清算 高级管理人员 适者上岗测试 资源配置 公司治理

内部控制机制,内控机制 稳健的货币政策

银行债权 再贴现 贴现 会计期间 市场供求

企业债券 董事会



