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Facebook COO 桑德伯格2012哈佛商学院毕业演讲 

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This is not a setup for honesty. Think about how people speak in a typical workforce. Rather than say, \yet, \why we're entering this new line of business, and I'm certain the management team has done a thorough ROI analysis, but I'm not sure we have fully considered the downstream effects of taking this step forward at this time.\we would say at Facebook, three letters: WTF.这是不鼓励真诚的设计。想象一下人们在典型的工作环境中是如何沟通的。人们不说“我不同意我们的扩张策略”或者,更好,“这看起来真傻。”人们会说,“我知道进入这个新领域有众多好处,而且我相信管理团队一定做过细致的投资回报分析,不过,我不确定我们是否完整地考虑了在这个时刻采取这个方案会产生的所有后果。对此就该用我们在Facebook或者互联网上常说的三个字:WTF。 Truth is better served by using simple language. Last year, Mark decided to learn Chinese and as part of studying, he would spend an hour or so each week with some of our employees who were native Chinese speakers. One day, one of them was trying to tell him something about her manager. She said this long sentence and he said, \\…and so on and so on. Finally, in sheer exasperation, she burst out, \super important for him to know.事实最好用简短的语言来表达。去年,马克·扎克伯格决定开始学中文。作为学习的一部分,他每周会花大约一个小时的时间和一些来自中国的员工交谈。有一天,有一个员工谈到了她的老板。她说了一通之后,马克说,“请说简单点。”她再说了一遍之后,他说,“不行,我还是没明白,请再简单点。”就这样来回了几次。终于,她愤怒地说道,“我老板坏!”简单明了,而且非常重要,需要让马克知道。



People rarely speak this clearly in the workforce or in life. And as you get more senior, not only will people speak less clearly to you but they will overreact to the small things you say. When I joined Facebook, one of the things I had to do was build the business side of the company and put some systems into place. But I wanted to do it without destroying the culture that made Facebook great. So one of the things I tried to do was encourage people not to do formal PowerPoint presentations for meetings with me. I would say things like, \do PowerPoint presentations for meetings with me. Why don't you come in with a list of what you want to discuss.\doing their presentations meeting after meeting, month after month. So about two years in, I said, \my meetings. And I mean it, no more.\在工作或者生活中,人们很少会把话说那么明了。尤其是当你的级别上升后,人们不仅不会和你把话说清楚,还会对你所说的小事反应过激。当我加入Facebook的时候,我的职责之一就是把公司商业那块给建立起来,将其系统化。但是我不想破坏Facebook原有的文化。我尝试的一件事就是鼓励人们和我开会时不要做正式的PPT。我会说,“和我开会不用做PPT。”把你想讨论的事列出来就行。但是所有人都无视我的要求,仍然在做PPT,就这样一个又一个会议,一个月又一个月,没有改变。大概两年后,我说,“OK,我不喜欢条条框框,但我要定个规矩,和我开会不用做PPT。我是认真的。别再做了。”

About a month later I was about to speak to our global sales team on a big stage and someone came up to me and said, \should know everyone's pretty upset about the no PowerPoint with clients thing.\rule: no PowerPoint.\So I got on the stage and said, \I meant no PowerPoint with me. But two, more importantly, next time you hear something that's really stupid, don't adhere to it. Fight it or ignore it, even if it's coming from me or Mark.\大约一个月之后,我在一个大型场合正要和全球销售团队讲话,一个同事上来对我说,“在你上台之前,你应该知道大家对你制定的‘和客户会面不做PPT’的规定很有意见。”我说,“什么‘ 和客户会面不做PPT’?”他们说:“你制定了一个规定:不做PPT。”之后我上了台就说,“首先,我说的是和我开会不用PPT。其次,更重要的是,下次你们听到一些你们认为很傻的话,不要去遵循它,而要去提意见或者无视它,哪怕你知道那话是我或者马克说的。”

A good leader recognizes that most people won't feel comfortable challenging authority, so it falls upon authority to encourage them to question. It's easy to say that you're going to encourage feedback but it's hard to do, because unfortunately it doesn't always come in a format we want to hear it.一个好的领导者知道大部分人不愿意去挑战权威,所以领导者有义务去鼓励大家来质疑。当然说鼓励反馈容易,做起来难。因为听到的反馈往往不是我们想要的那种。

When I first started at Google, I had a team of four people and it was really important to me that I interview everyone who was on my team. It felt like being



part of my team meant I had to know you. When the team had grown to about 100 people, I realized it was taking longer to schedule my interviews. So one day at my meeting of just my direct reports, I said \I should stop interviewing\a critical part of the process.\explaining that I was the bottleneck of all time. I was embarrassed. Then I was angry and I spent a few hours just quietly fuming. Why didn't they tell me I was a bottleneck? Why did they let me go on slowing them down? Then I realized that if they hadn't told me, it was my fault. I hadn't convinced them that I wanted that feedback and I would have to change that going forward.当我刚开始在Google工作时,我的团队里面有四个人。所以对我而言,由我自己来面试团队的每个成员就尤其重要。要成为我的团队的一份子,我必须了解你。当团队增长到大约有100人的时候,我意识到在面试上花的时间越来越多。所以有一天在我的报告会上,我说也许我应该停止面试。那时我完全预计他们会打断我说,“不行,你的面试是流程中很重要的一步。”然而他们都对此非常赞赏。然后他们转过来解释说我一直都是流程中的瓶颈。我先是觉得羞愧,然后恼怒。我花了几个小时的时间生闷气。他们为什么不告诉我我是瓶颈?为什么他们不阻止我拖大家的后腿?后来我明白了:如果没人告诉我,那这就是我的错。我还不够开怀并主动告诉大家我希望得到反馈。我决定从此改变这点。

When you're the leader, it is really hard to get good and honest feedback, no many how many times you ask for it. One trick I've discovered is that I try to speak really openly about the things I'm bad at, because that gives people permission to agree with me, which is a lot easier than pointing it out in the first place. To take one of many possible examples, when things are unresolved I can get a tad anxious. Really, when anything's unresolved, I get a lot anxious. I'm quite certain no one has accused me of being too calm. So I speak about it openly and that gives people permission to tell me when it's happening. But if I never said anything, would anyone who works at Facebook walk up to me and say, \当你是领导,得到有用的真实的反馈是很难的,哪怕你反复要求。我发现的一个小技巧是尝试主动地谈论你的某些缺点。因为这样会让人愿意来认同我,这比直接指出我的缺点要容易许多。从众多可能中举个例子来说,当事情没有搞定时,我会有点焦躁。真的,只要有事情没有搞定,我会变得非常焦躁。我敢肯定没人会说我过于冷静。后来我就主动地谈论这个缺点,让大家来认同我,因而可以在我焦躁时告诫我但是如果我对此一句不提,会有Facebook的员工,走上来对我说,“嘿,谢丽尔,冷静点。你快把我们搞疯了!”我可不这样认为。 As you graduate today, ask yourself, how will you lead. Will you use simple and clear language? Will you seek out honest feedback? When you get honesty feedback, will you react with anger or with gratitude?在你们毕业的今天,问自己你将如何去领导,你会用简单明了的语言?你会追寻真实的反馈?当你得到真实的反馈,你会愤怒还是感激?

As we strive to be more authentic in our communication, we should also strive



to be more [w]authentic[/w] in a broader sense. I talk a lot about bringing your whole self to work—something I believe in very deeply.当我们努力更真诚地沟通时,我们也应该在更多的意义上做到真实。我经常会说带着“完整的自己”去上班,这是我深深相信的一点。

Motivation comes from working on things we care about. But it also comes from working with people we care about. And in order to care about someone, you have to know them. You have to know what they love and hate, what they feel, not just what they think. If you want to win hearts and minds, you have to lead with your heart as well as your mind. I don't believe we have a professional self from Mondays through Fridays and a real self for the rest of the time. That kind of division probably never worked, but in today's world, with real and authentic voice, it makes even less sense.工作的动力来自于做我们在乎的事情,但也来自于和我们在乎的人一起工作。要做到在乎某人,你必须了解他们,你必须知道他们喜欢什么讨厌什么,他们会有什么样的感受,而不只是他们会想什么。如果你想得到人心,你必须用心去领导。我不相信周一到周五我们是职业的自己,其它时间才是真正的自己。类似这样的分离从来就不太可行,在越来越提倡真实的当今世界里,这就更没有意义了。

I've cried at work. I've told people I've cried at work. And it's been reported in the press that 'Sheryl Sandberg cried on Mark Zuckerberg's shoulder', which is not exactly what happened. I talk about my hopes and fears and ask people about theirs. I try to be myself – honest about my strengths and weaknesses – and I encourage others to do the same. It is all professional and it is all personal, all at the very same time.我在工作时流过泪。我告诉过别人我在工作时流过泪。后来这被媒体报道成“谢丽尔·桑德伯格在马克·扎克伯格的肩膀上哭泣”,事实当然不是如此。我会谈论我的希望和恐惧,也会询问别人的希望和恐惧。我努力做真实的自己,直面我的优点和缺点。我会鼓励别人也这么做。一切都与职业相关,也都与个人相关,两者无时无刻不交融在一起。

As part of bringing my whole self to work, I recently started speaking up about the challenges women face in the workforce, something I only had the courage to do in the last few years. Before this, I did my career like everyone else does it. I never told anyone I was a girl. Don't tell. I left the lights on when I went home to do something for my kids. I locked my office door and pumped milk for my babies while I was on conference calls. People would ask, \that sound?\really right outside my office.\作为带着“完整的自己”去上班的一部分努力,最近我开始公开谈论女性在工作环境中面临的挑战。这也是我最近几年才有勇气做的事情。在此之前,我和大家一样小心翼翼地在职场上打拼。我从没和别人强调“我是女儿身”。“不说”原则。当我暂时回家照顾下孩子时,我会把(办公室的)灯留着。当我锁上门在办公室边参加电话会议,边为我的宝宝们挤奶时,有人会问,“那是什么声音?”我会说,“什么声音?”“我听到哔的一声”“噢,我窗外正好有一辆消防车。”

But the lack of progress we've made in the past decade has convinced me we



need to start talking about this. I graduated from HBS in 1995 and I thought it was completely clear that by the time someone from my year was invited to speak at this podium, we would have achieved equality in the workforce. But women at the top — C-level jobs — are stuck at 15-16 percent and have not moved in a decade. Not even close to 50% and worse no longer growing. We need to acknowledge openly that gender remains an issue at the highest levels of leadership. The promise of equality is not equality. We need to start talking about this.然而,由于我们在上个10年取得的进展很小,我决定要开始公开讨论这点。我是1995年从HBS毕业的,当时我想等到我们这届有人被邀请到这个讲台演讲的时候,我们一定已经实现了工作上的男女平等。但是在C-级别的工作上,女性的比例始终停留在15到16%。10年来一点都没有变化。离50%还差很远,而且更糟的是,已经停止增长。我们需要公开承认在执行级别的领导层,性别仍然是个大问题。对平等的承诺不等于真正的平等。我们需要就此进行谈论。

We need to start talking about how women underestimate their abilities compared to men and for women, but not men, success and likeability are negatively correlated. That means that as a woman is more successful in your workplaces, she will be less liked. This means that women need a different form of management and mentorship, a different form of sponsorship and encouragement and some protection, in some ways, more than men.我们要讨论女性相比男性为什么会低估自己的能力。而且和男性不同,对于女性,成功和受欢迎程度是反向相关的。这意味着一个女性在事业上越成功,她就会越不受人喜爱。这意味着女性需要另一种形式的管理和辅导,另一种形式的支持和鼓励,甚至一些保护,在某些方面,要比男性有更多的保护。

And there aren't enough senior women out there to do it, so it falls upon the men who are graduating today just as much or more as the women, not just to talk about gender but to help these women succeed. When they hear a woman is really great at her job but not liked, take a deep breath and ask why.而且现在有资历做这些的女性还太少,所以在座的男性毕业生们要和女性毕业生们一起肩负起这个责任,甚至更多。不仅仅讨论性别,而且要帮助女性取得成功。当听到一个工作上很优秀的女性不为人爱戴,深呼吸一下,问问自己这是为什么。

We need to start talking openly about the flexibility all of us need to have both a job and a life. A couple of weeks ago in an interview I said that I leave the office at 5:30 p.m. to have dinner with my children. And I was shocked at the press coverage. One of my friends said she wasn't sure I couldn't get more headlines if I had murdered someone with an ax. I told her I wasn't really interested in trying that. This showed me this is an unresolved issue for all of us, men and women. Otherwise, why would everyone write so much about it.我们需要公开地探讨我们都需要的灵活机制来平衡工作和生活。几周前我接受了一个采访,我说我会5点半离开公司去和我的小孩吃晚饭。我被由此而来的媒体报道震惊了。我的一个朋友说她不确定就算我用斧子砍人,是否能上一样多的头条。我告诉她我对砍人没兴趣。不过这


Facebook COO 桑德伯格2012哈佛商学院毕业演讲 


