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I am fond of the TV program Animals’ World and watch it sometimes in my spare time. Why ?Firstly, I like different

kinds of animals. Secondly, the host has an ability to make the program lively and interesting. Thirdly, I went to a

zoo last week and visited many animals in person. From that I have got a lot of knowledge about that the world

has nature and animals as well. I realize the relationships between people and nature. Now, I know it is important

to protect the nature and the animal is a part of nature. Also I know their roles are different from human beings’

but vital. Forest and the wild is animals’ home. So, we can’t have them in our cages. If we want to live better, we

must care about them. Besides, We should make our young children know it and stop doing something bad to

them. Only in this can we succeed in balancing the nature and human beings.


I like the TV program Animals’ World and watch it sometimes in my spare time. Why ?Firstly, I like different

kinds of animals. Secondly, the host has an ability to make the program lively and interesting. Thirdly, I went to a

zoo last week and visited many animals in person. From that I have got a lot of knowledge about that the world

has nature and animals as well. I realize the relationships between people and nature. Now, I know it is important

to protect the nature and the animal is a part of nature. Also I know their roles are different from human beings’

but vital. Forest and the wild is animals’ home. So, we can’t have them in our cages. If we want to live better, we

must care about them. Besides, We should make our young children know it and stop doing something bad to

them. Only in this can we succeed in balancing the nature and human beings.

I like the TV program Animals’ World and watch it sometimes in my spare time. Why ?Firstly, I like different am fond of on occasions/occasionally a diversity kinds of animals. Secondly, the host has an ability to make the program lively and interesting. Thirdly, I went to a of has a gift for making made my

zoo last week and visited many animals in person. From that I have got a lot of knowledge about that the world way

has nature and animals as well. I know the relationships between people and nature. Now, I know it is important the world consists of nature and animals. become conscious of realize it is of importance

to protect the nature and the animal is a part of nature. Also I know their roles are different from human beings’ become aware of that differ from

but vital. Forest and the wild is animals’ home. So, we can’t have them in our cages. If we want to live better, we is home to animals take possession of/possess long to/are eager to/are anxious to

must care about them. Besides, We should make our young children know it and stop doing something bad to warn our young children of it not to harm them. Only in this way can we succeed in balancing the nature and human beings. make our way

I like the TV program Animals’ World and watch it sometimes in my spare time. Why ?Firstly, I like different am fond of on occasions/occasionally a diversity kinds of animals. Secondly, the host has an ability to make the program lively and interesting. Thirdly, I went to a of has a gift for making made my

zoo last week and visited many animals in person. From that I have got a lot of knowledge about that the world way

has nature and animals as well. I know the relationships between people and nature. Now, I know it is important the world consists of nature and animals. become conscious of realize it is of importance

to protect the nature and the animal is a part of nature. Also I know their roles are different from human beings’ become aware of that differ from

but vital. Forest and the wild is animals’ home. So, we can’t have them in our cages. If we want to live better, we is home to animals take possession of/possess long to/are eager to/are anxious to

must care about them. Besides, We should make our young children know it and stop doing something bad to warn our young children of it not to harm them. Only in this can we succeed in balancing the nature and human beings. make our way

模仿教材p39‘the Lake of Heaven’翻译浙江一旅游景点,可以适当改编整合。

鹿山位于富阳的富春江畔, 这座美丽的山大部分是茂密的树林, 它是富阳的自然保护区, 保持着它的原始状态。这座山的高度从海拔80米到200米不等, 是多种多样动植物的生长地。而东吴公园是鹿山最具吸引力的地方, 它与其它的游乐公园明显不同。

东吴(Kingdom of Wu)文化公园始建于2003年,于2005年元旦首次开放。入口景区有三部分组成广场(square)、古城门、景观水景(waterscape)如喷泉、莲花池(lotus pond)等。每年东吴文化公园免费向公众开放。游客在这里可以锻炼,下棋、喝茶、聊天、欣赏美丽的大自然。老人和小孩都很喜欢这里。白天不同年龄的人都在尽情地放松,年轻的打羽毛球(badminton),野炊;年长的钓鱼,散步。晚上,也有不少人在爬山,跳舞。。。




