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His answer was so confusing that it didn’t make any sense. 他的回答太混乱了,让人无法理解。 2 be a sensible thing to do 明智;合乎情理

It makes sense to buy a large packet because it works out cheaper in the end. 还是买大包装明智,因为最后算下来还是大包装便宜一些。

at least

1 used when you are correcting or changing sth. that you have just said 至少;起码

With separation from other people, you try to avoid the effects of culture shock, or at least that’s what you think. 你试图通过不和他人接触来避免文化冲击的影响,至少你是这么想的。 2 even if sth. better is not true or is not done 至少(指尽管没有更好的情况) She’s poor, but at least she is honest. 她虽然穷,但至少她诚实。

lay sth. out

spread sth. out 铺开;展开

While she was cooking, her 8-year-old daughter helped lay out the knives and forks at the dining table. 她烧菜的时候,她八岁的女儿帮着把刀叉摆放在餐桌上

hang up

1 hang clothes on a hook, etc. 挂起(衣服)

Don’t throw your clothes about on the chair; hang them up. 不要把衣服随便扔在椅子上,把它们挂起来。

2 finish a telephone conversation 挂断电话

She didn’t feel like talking about the matter on the phone, so she hung up. 她不想在电话里 谈论那件事,所以她挂断了电话。

be supposed to do sth.

used to say what sb. should do, esp. because of rules or what sb. in authority has said 应该做某事 Students are supposed to work actively and creatively rather than just acquire knowledge passively. 学生应该在学习上主动、创新,而不只是被动地接受知识。

not that … but (that) …

used to mean you are not suggesting sth., but rather sth. else 不是…而是…

It is not that Kate doesn’t want to help you, but that it is beyond her power. 不是凯特不想帮你,而是这超出了她的能力范围。

Not that I don’t like the car, but (that) I think it is too expensive. 不是我不喜欢这辆车,而是它太贵了。

once in a while

sometimes, although not often 偶尔;有时;间或

I do get a little anxious once in a while. 我的确偶尔会有点担心。

the small of one’s back

the lower part of one’s back where it curves 后腰

He told the doctor that the pain ran from the small of his back right down his left leg. 他告诉医生, 疼痛从他的后腰一直蔓延到左腿。

not care for sb./sth.

(fml.) not like sb. or sth. 不喜欢某人/某物

He likes pop music; he doesn’t care for classical music. 他喜欢流行音乐,不喜欢古典音乐。

Proper names

Virginia 弗吉尼亚州(美国州名)


Chicago 芝加哥(美国伊利诺伊州最大城市) the Sargasso Sea (北大西洋的)马尾藻海the Mediterranean 地中海

Mount Fuji 富士山(位于日本本州中南部) the Potomac 波托马克河(美国东部河流) Swiss Army Knife 瑞士军刀




