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2011年职称英语等级考试必背词汇(最新版) abandon give up 放弃quit

abide by stick to adhered to 坚持,遵循,服从,遵守 abnormal unusual 不平常的 abrupt sudden 突然的 abundant plentiful 大量的 accelerate step up 加快

take into account consideration 把…考虑进去 accumulate collect 积累,积聚

accuse …of charge …with 指控某人犯 achieve attain 努力取得

adverse unfavorable 不利的逆的 aim goal 目标,目的 alleviate lessen 减轻,缓解

allocate distribute assign 委派,分配,拨给 alternative choice 选择

annoying irritating 使人厌烦的 anyhow anyway 不管

appalling dreadful 使人吃惊 arise get up 起床

arouse excite 唤起,唤醒 assert state firmly 宣称 assemble gather 聚集 拽

astonish surprise 使惊讶,吃惊 at stake in danger 在危险之中 attend to wait on 伺候 attend go to 参加

authentically genuinely 真实/真正的 authority government 当局,政府 ban forbid 禁止 barren bare 贫瘠

be bordering on be close to 接近于,几乎 bearing influence 关系, 影响 behavior conduct 行为,举止 branch division 分支机构 brave courageous 勇敢的 break beat 打破

cancel call off 停止,取消 capabilities abilities 能力 capability ability 能力 cater for meet 满足,迎合 census count 人口普查 cheerful pleasant 愉快的

collaborate cooperate 合作,勾结 collide with run into 碰撞 compel force 强迫,迫使

complain feel unhappy 抱怨,不高兴 complete finish 完成

comprehend understand 理解 concise short and clear 简明的 confidential secret 机密的秘密的 conscientious careful 认真的谨慎的 consolidate strengthen 增强,巩固 consume use 消费,使用 contaminate pollute 污染,弄脏 conviction belief 相信,信念 convert change 兑换

conversation talk 对话,谈话 contend argue 争辩,主张 courteous respectful 有礼貌的 coverage reportage 新闻报道 credible convincing 可信的

criticize find faults with 批评 damaging harmful 有损害的 decent honest 诚实,正派 deadly fatal lethal 致命的 deduce derive 推出,演绎

demolish pull down 拆毁, 毁掉 desirable satisfactory 理想的满意的 debate discuss 讨论,辩论

deliberately intentionally 故意地 depict describe 描述 deter inhibit 阻止 draw attract 吸引

do away with get rid of 拆除,除掉 discuss talk over 讨论 duplicate copy 复制

diligent hardworking 勤奋的 diverse vary 多种多样

decide make up his mind 下定决心 densely compactly 密集地 dimly faintly 昏暗地

disorder confusion 无序,混乱 draft formulate 起草,设计 effect result 影响,后果

eligible qualified 有资格做…符合做…的条件 eligible entitled 有资格的

endeavor to try to 设法,努力 eternal everlasting 永恒的

exhaustive extremely thorough 详尽的透彻的 exhibit show 表现,显示

explain account for 解释,说明 explore investigate 调查,勘探 extinction dying out 灭绝 extract take out 拔出,取出

eventually finally at last 最后,最终 fascinate intrigue 使…着迷

framework skeleton 框架,基本结构 faulty wrong 有错误的

for love or money at any price 无论付出多少代价 final last 最后的 fire dismiss 解雇 foster cultivate 培养 gain profit 获利 gain put on 增加

gather come together 集合 grateful thankful 感激的 guarantee ensure 确保,保证 grasp take hold of 抓住,控制住 gangster violent criminal 匪徒,歹徒 gorgeous magnificent 宏伟壮观的 hail acclaim 向…欢呼 harness utilize 利用 hazard danger 危险 identify name

immature childish. 幼稚,不成熟 immediately right away at once马上 improved better 改进的更好的 inevitable certain 不可避免的 ingenious clever 灵巧的巧妙的 initial beginning 最初,开始的 insist on demand 坚持,要求 insane crazy 精神错乱的,疯狂的 interrupt cut in打断,插话

invaluable extremely useful 贵重的有价的 investigate look into 调查 in conjunction together 共同 in distress in danger 危难,危险 isolated solitary 孤立的 last past 最近的过去的 lately recently 最近,近来

lawful legal 合法的

logical tand to reason seem 合理的 look for try to find 寻找 limited small 小的或少的 lure attraction 吸引,诱惑

mostly for the most part 多半,大多数 mighty very strong 强大的

magnificent splendid 宏伟壮观的 moving stirring 感动人的 massive extensive 大规模的 mock laugh at 取笑,嘲笑 motive reason 动机,理由

manual physical 体力的身体的 minute slight 细小的细微的 mildly gently 温和地和蔼地 nearest closest to 离---- 最近 numerous many 许多

obvious clear 显而易见的

occasionally now and then 有时,偶尔 occasionally sometimes 有时 occurred happened 发生的 odd strange 奇怪的

omit to fail to 疏忽,遗漏,省略

orthodox conventional 正统的,传统的 outcome result 结果

outrageous unacceptable 暴行的,令人无法接受的

particularly especially notably特别地,值得注意地, participate in took part in 参加 perceive notice 感知,注意 permit allow 允许 persist continue 坚持 phase stage 阶段,时期

physician doctor (内科`)大夫 plane aircraft 飞机

poorly inadequately 贫乏地拙劣地 porcelain china 瓷器 possess own 拥有, 占有 postulate assume 假定 practically almost 几乎 preserve keep 保存 pressing urgent 紧迫的 previously before 以前

previously before 以前,先前 principal organizer planner 组织者

principal main 主要的首要的 prior to before 在…之前 probe explore 探测,研究

produce turn out 生产,制造 propose suggest 建议,提议 provoke elicit 引起,诱发 quarter fourth 四分之一 regret sorry 对…感到懊悔 rely on depend on 依靠 remove take off 脱掉,去 regulate control 调整,控制 realize know 知道,了解

recommend suggest 建议,要求

remainder the rest 剩余物剩下的人 regardless of whatever 不论,不顾 realize fulfill 实现

resident occupant 居民,住户

rarely seldom 很少hardly scarcely readily willingly 乐意地

remedy cure 治疗,补救 treat rescue restrict confine 局限,限制 risk danger 危险,风险 decrease reduce decline safe secure 安全的

satisfactorily acceptably 令人满意地 scared frightened 恐惧的 scatter separate 分散 scene location 地点 settle solve 解决 severe hard 艰苦的 shabby unfair 不公正的 shine polish 发光,擦亮 shock surprise 震惊,使惊讶

shrink contract 收缩 let rent 出租 sketch outline 讲述,描述 sole only 唯一的 spare extra 多余的

spectrum range 范围,领域 speed velocity 速度

spur encourage 促进, 激励

standpoint point of view 立场,观点 steadily continuously 持续地 stop pull up 停下 subject topic 主题



