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The Colonial Period

1. 关键词: America Puritanism

2. Calvinism特点: total depravity, Unconditional election, Limited atonement,

Irresistible grace, Perseverance of the saints

3. Anne Bradstreet( P17 ): a Puritan poet be known as “The Muse”

4. Thomas Paine: one of continual, unswerving fight for the rights of man.

works: “Common Sense” “American Crisis” “The Rights of Man” “The Age of Reason”理性时代

5. Phillip Freneau(P22): 美国文学史上的重要人物

dawning nationalism 代表人物

Poems: The Wild Honeysuckle野生的金银花 first modern American & the last medieval man 6. Jonathan Edwards( Calvinism )

a critical role in shaping the First Great Awakening

works: “The Freedom of the Will” 《自由意志论》 “The Great Doctrine of Original Sin Defended” 《伟哉原罪论辩》 “The Nature of True Virtue” “American Dream” “Self-made” 7. Benjamin Franklin(puritanism)

“Poor Richard’s Almance” “autobiography”新文学形式 “18th century enlightenment” Romanticism

1. Washington Irving(1783-1859)

①titles: “the father of American literature” “the American Goldsmith”

②works: The Sketch Book (marked the beginning of American Romanticism and the beginning of short stories as a genre in American literature)

Rip Van Winkle (P47—P48) The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

2. James Fenimore Cooper(1789-1851)

①One of the first writer to write American Westward movement ②“The Leatherstocking Tales” (novel) first is “The Pioneers” ---Plot:

---theme conflict between Natty Bumppo and Judge Temple- ---character:

Natty Bumppo---innocent, simple, honest and generous, for freedom, against civilization, wilderness is good

Judge Temple---just, reasonable, for civilization and law ③Writing style:

intriguing plot

majestic landscape descriptions rich imagination

wooden characterization


not authentic dialect

New England Transcendentalism---the culmination of American Romanticism Beginning of the Transcendentalism---1836, Nature, Emerson (1830s –the Civil War)

Features:a:emphasizing on spirit or the Over-soul;b:stressing the importance of the individual;c:offering a fresh perception of nature as symbolic of the Spirit or God.

1. Ralph Waldo Emerson:The founder of the Transcendentalist club and the

editor for a time of the journal the Dial Works:

Nature --- “the Manifesto of American Transcendentalism” “the Bible of New England”:

The Poet (from Nature)

The American Scholar --- “Intellectual Declaration of Independence” 2. Henry David Thoreau

Masterpiece: Walden (Failure first, success in the 20th century)

Content---a faithful record of his reflection in communicating with nature 3. Nathaniel Hawthorne

“The Scarlet Letter” Plot(P74) Theme:

---(general theme) evil and sin exist in human heart and will be punished one day

moral, emotional and psychological effect of the sin on the people in general ---(specific theme) a hymn on the moral growth of the woman Hester when sinned against

symbolism象征主义: “A”—Adultery—able—angel “pearl”—treasure 4. Herman Melville

works: Moby Dick (1851)---little response, famous until the 20th century Content:

---(general content) an encyclopedia of everything

---(specific content) a tragedy of man fighting against overwhelming power in an indifferent even hostile world

5. Edgar Allan Poe

Theme: The death of beauty

Sense of loss Works:

Poem--- “The Raven” “To Helen” “Annabel Lee” Writing style:


Repetition of words Paralleled structure

Melancholy atmosphere(tone)


Short story---The Fall of the House of Usher Plot: (P112)

Theme: the fall of the house---the annihilation (disintegration) and of person 6. Emily Dickinson

Subject and theme:

① (almost one third) Death and immortality “My life closed twice before its close” “Because I could not stop for death”

theme: Everyone can’t live forever. Only after death can we get immortality (immortality of soul) “ I heard a Fly Buzz- When I died”

theme: skeptical & ambivalent about death reluctance to death ② Love

“Wild Nights-Wild nights” (P99) ③ nature (both benevolent and cruel) “I’ll tell you how the sun rose”

④ emphasis of free will and human responsibility “To fight aloud” “A triumph may be”

⑤ soul ( conviction of her sovereignty) “I know that He exists”

“The Brain is wider than the sky” Theme:

influence of Transcendentalism

Human being’s mind (soul) is as divine as God ⑥ beauty, truth and goodness are ultimately one “ I died for beauty-but was scare” “Tell all the truth but tell it slant” (P102)

Writing style: emotional, original, against tradition

Choice of words, verbal construction (capitalized and dash), spelling, full of fresh images, brief, direct, plain words but not easy to read Influence: precursor to the Imagist movement

7. Walt Whitman

Works: “Leaves of Grass”草叶集(9 editions from 1855 to 1892, Famous until the 5th edition)

Poems in Leaves of Grass:

“Song of Myself” (most famous one)

“Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking” (1859)

“When Lilacs紫丁香 Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d” (1865) “O Captain My Captain!”

Writing style: free verse( no regular rhyme, but musical) 过渡时期

Harriet Beecher Stowe


work: Uncle Tom’s Cabin ---The greatest manifesto of American anti-slavery (最有名的反奴隶制作品)

Content: a faithful record of American black people's miserable life. Realism 镀金时代Gilded Age

1. William Dean Howells豪厄尔斯

①title: “champion of literary realism in US” “first president of American Academy of Arts and Letters” ②works:

essay--- Criticism and Fiction novel---The Rise of Silas Lapham Plot: P120-121

Character: Silas Lapham---common Bostonian of the late 19th century, average America happy with his family and proud of his success in the world Theme:

house---symbol of Lapham’s success (in material) and aspiration for the polite society

the burning of the house---financial fall and moral rise 2. Henry James

①themes: exchanges between Americans and Europeans美国和欧洲文化的冲突

②写作手法:a. eliminates the author and gives the reader the illusion of being present at the scene of action让读者置身于情境中

b. without comments or explanations: Dramatize, only dramatize, is his lesson作者只设定情境 ③Three distinctive periods: a. 1865-1882 novels

The American (1877) 美国人 The Europeans (1878) 欧洲人

The Portrait of a Lady (1881) 淑女本色 贵妇的肖像 Daisy Miller(1878) 短篇小说 b.1882-1895 plays c.1895-1990 novels

The Turn of the Screw(1898)短篇小说 碧庐冤孽(螺丝在旋紧) The Wings of the Dove (1902) 鸽之翼 The Ambassadors (1903) 大使(奉使记) The Golden Bowl (1904) 金碗 3. Mark Twain(Local Colorism)

①Works: The Adventure of Tom Sawyer

The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn 汤姆索亚历险记的续集,海明威称赞“all modern American literature comes” ②theme: racism& slavery

intellectual& moral education The hypocrisy of civilized” society ③real name: Samuel Langhorne Clemens


④背景: Mississippi River


Time: at the end of the 19th century

Subject of naturalist: detailed description of lives of the low and the abnormal, frank description of human passion and sexuality, and portrayal of men overwhelmed by nature

Theme of naturalists: pessimistic, deterministic

自然主义的起源:Emile Zola “surrounding and heredity遗传 can decide one’s destiny”

写作手法:ironic讽刺, less sympathy, more serious than realism, deterministic决定论 1. Stephen Crane

①Works: (novels) Maggie: A Girl of the Streets (1893) and The Red Badge of Courage (1895) (short stories) “The Open Boat”

②Writing style: psychological description, visual beauty with symbols 2. Frank Norris

①works: (Novel) McTeague麦克提格(1899)首部全面展示自然主义的作品

the Octopus章鱼 (best work) (1901) railway Writing style:

rich material fresh imagery

poetic mode of fiction precise and exact word

(Essay of literary criticism) The Responsibilities of the Novelists (1903) 3. O. Henry(a prolific American short-story writer)多产短篇小说家

① Real name: William Porter ② The Gift of the Magi

③ Writing style: short, interesting and clever plot, good-natured humor, surprising end, keen observation of details, slang and colloquial expressions

4. Theodore Dreiser西奥多·德莱塞

works: Sister Carrie(1990)《嘉丽妹妹》

Jennie Gerhardt (1911)《珍妮姑娘》(姐妹篇)

The Financier (1912) 《金融家》

“Trilogy of Desire” (欲望三部曲) The Titan (1914)《巨头》 The Stoic(1947)《斯多葛》 The \《天才》--autobiographical novel

An American Tragedy--greatest and most successful Political commentary set 5. Jack London


---Reflection of his Involvement in the socialist movement: The Iron Heel, The People of the Abyss ---Reflection of his belief in Darwinism:



