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实验四 蛋白质印迹分析







1.半干法: 凝胶和固相载体被夹在用缓冲溶液浸湿的滤纸之间,通电时间为10分钟~30分钟。







1. 实验器材

SDS/PAGE实验相关材料;电转移装置;供电设备;PVDF膜(Millipore Immobion-P #IPVH 000 10);Whatman 3MM 纸;其他工具:镊子、海绵垫、剪子、手套、小塑料或玻璃容器、浅盘。

2. 实验试剂

⑴ 10x转移缓冲溶液(1L):30.3g Trizma base(0.25M), 144 g甘氨酸(1.92M),加蒸馏水至1L, 此时pH约为8.3,不必调整。

⑵ 1x转移缓冲溶液(2L):在1.4L蒸馏水中加入400 ml甲醇及200 ml10x 转移缓冲溶液。

⑶ TBS 缓冲溶液:将1.22g Tris (10 mM)和8.78g NaCl(150 mM)加入到1L蒸馏水中,用HCl调节pH至7.5。

⑷ TTBS buffer:在1L TBS 缓冲溶液中加入0.5ml Tween 20(0.05%)。 ⑸ 一抗:兔抗待测蛋白抗体(多克隆抗体)。 (6) 二抗:辣根过氧化物酶标记羊抗兔。 ⑺ 3% 封阻缓冲溶液(0.5L):牛血清白蛋白15mg加入TBS缓冲溶液并定容至0.5L,过滤,在4°C 保存以防止细菌污染。

⑻ 0.5%封阻缓冲溶液(0.5L):牛血清白蛋白2.5mg加入TTBS缓冲溶液并定容至0.5L,过滤,在4°C 保存以防止细菌污染。

⑼ 显影试剂:1ml 氯萘溶液 (30mg/ml甲醇配置),加入10 ml甲醇,加入TBS缓冲溶液至50 ml,加入30 ul 30% H2O2。

⑽ 染色液:1g氨基黑18B (0.1%),250ml异丙醇(25%)及100ml乙酸(10%)用蒸馏水定容至1L。

⑾ 脱色液:将350ml异丙醇(35%)和20 ml乙酸(2%)用蒸馏水定容至1L。

电 泳 膜转移

加入一抗 E E 封闭和清洗

加入二抗 底 物 产 物 E 产 物 检 测 E 底 物 E E 蛋白质印迹法基本操作过程






⑴ 准备PVDF膜


黑色筛孔板 海绵垫 3MM PVDF 凝胶

3MM 纸 海绵垫 白色筛孔板


⑵ 制作胶膜夹心


⑶ 电转移

连接电源,在4°C条件下维持恒压100v,1小时。 ⒊.免疫检测 ⑴ 膜染色


⑵ 膜的封闭和清洗

对于没有进行染色的膜,首先倒出TBS缓冲溶液,加入3%封闭缓冲溶液,轻轻摇动至少1小时。倒掉3%封闭缓冲溶液,并用TBS缓冲溶液清洗3次, 每次5分钟。

⑶ 一抗

倒掉TBS缓冲溶液,加入10 ml 0.5%封闭缓冲溶液及适量的一抗,轻轻摇动1小时以上。从容器中倒出一抗及封闭缓冲溶液,用TTBS缓冲溶液清洗两次,每次10分钟。

⑷ 二抗

倒出TTBS 缓冲溶液,加入5 ml 0.5%封闭缓冲溶液及适量的二抗。轻轻摇动30分钟,倒出二抗及封闭缓冲溶液,用TTBS缓冲溶液清洗两次,每次10分钟。

⑸ 检测

倒掉TTBS 缓冲溶液,并加入显影剂,轻轻摇动PVDF膜,观察显影情况,当能够清晰的看到显色带时,用蒸馏水在30分钟内分三次清洗PVDF膜以终止显色反应的继续进行。




⒈ 蛋白质印迹法的特点是什么?

⒉ 请解释什么是BSA?并说明它在本实验中的作用。 ⒊ 请说明二抗在蛋白质印迹法中的生物学功能。 ⒋ 如何保存抗体?

Experiment 16 Western Blot Analysis


Comprehend the theory of Western blotting; understand its basic manipulation and application.


Western blotting is also called Immunoblotting. It is a kind of immunochemical techniques which is used to detect a protein immobilized on a matrix. The target protein can be in a crude extract or a more purified preparation and the monoclonal or polyclonal antibody against this protein is necessary to help us to recognize the antigen.

As in the Figure, soluble antigens (the target protein) may be separated by electrophoresis based on its molecular weight (SDS/PAGE), size and charge (nondenaturating gel electrophoresis or isoelectric point (isoelectric focusing). After the separation, the proteins are transferred from the gel to a PVDF membrane. Once on the membrane antibodies (first antibodies) can be used to probe for the presence of particular protein because of the specifically binding of antigen with against it. Non-specific binding site can be “blocked” using other non-specific protein such as bovine serum albumin before adding first antibody to avoid non-specific binding.

Protein transfer is most commonly accomplished by electrophoresis,This procedure is called electrophoretic blotting. The two common electrophoretic methods are:

⒈ Semi-dry blotting, in which the gel and immobilizing matrix are sandwiched between buffer-wetted filter papers through which a current is applied for 10-30 minutes.

⒉ Wet (tank) blotting, in which the gel-matrix sandwich is submerged in transfer buffer for electrophoresis, which may take as little as 45 minutes or may be allowed to continue overnight We only describe wet blotting here, since it permits greater flexibility without being significantly more expensive in time or materials.

The detection of target protein is using a second antibody, which can recognize the first antibody. Typically, the second antibody is purchased already conjugated to a labeling agent such as the enzyme horseradish peroxidase. This marker is then visualized by a colorimetric reaction catalyzed by the enzyme which yields a colored product that remains fixed to the membrane. Thus, it is possible to recognize first antibody through recognizing second antibody, and then identify the position of target protein. Other detection systems include alkaline phosphatase and 125I labels.


⒈ Apparatus:

Apparatus of SDS-PAGE, Electroblotting Apparatus, Power supply, PVDF membrane(Millipore Immobion-P #IPVH 000 10), Whatman 3MM paper, Additional Tools: Forceps, sponge pad, scissor, gloves, small plastic or glass container, Shallow tray. ⒉ Reagents:

⑴ 10x transfer buffer (1 L): 30.3 g Trizma base (0.25 M), 144 g Glycine (1.92 M), pH should be 8.3; without adjustment.

⑵ 1x transfer buffer (2 L): 400 ml Methanol, 200 ml 10x transfer buffer, 1400 ml water.

⑶ TBS buffer: Add 1.22g Tris (10 mM) and 8.78g NaCl(150 mM) to 1L distilled water and adjust pH to 7.5 with HCl.

⑷ TTBS buffer: 1L TBS buffer add 0.5ml Tween 20 (0.05%). ⑸ First antibody: antibody against the target protein.

⑹ Second antibody: goat anti-rabbit-HRP(horseradish peroxidase).

⑺ 3% Blocking buffer (0.5 L): Add 15mg Bovine serum albumin in TBS buffer to final volume 0.5 L, keep at 4°C to prevent bacterial contamination.

⑻ 0.5% Blocking buffer (0.5 L): Add 2.5mg Bovine serum albumin in TBS buffer to final volume0.5 L, keep at 4°C to prevent bacterial contamination.

⑼ Developing reagent: 1ml chlonoaphthol solution (30mg/ml in methanol), add 10 ml methanol, add TBS buffer to 50 ml and add 30 ul 30% H2O2.

⑽ Staining buffer: Add 1g amido black 18B (0.1%), 250ml isopropanol (25%) and 100 ml acetic acid (10%) to distilled water with final volume 1L.

⑾ Destaining buffer: Add 350ml isopropanol (35%) and 2 ml acetic acid(2%) to distilled water with final volume 1L.

Electrophoresis Membrane transfer Addition of Primary antibody E E Blocking and Washing

Product E Product Detection E Substrate Addition of Primary antibody Substrate E E The basic procedure of Western blotting


⒈. Separation of Protein

Run an electrophoretic separation of known antigenic proteins. The method of separation decided by the characters of target protein, but for sufficiently transferring, the most common method is SDS-PAGE.

After separation, remove upper side of sample wells with a razor blade. Notching bottom right-hand corner of gel for orientation and put gel in transfer buffer until ready to use. ⒉. Electrotransfer

⑴ Preparation of membrane

Cut a piece of PVDF membrane (Millipore Immobion-P #IPVH 000 10) according to the size of



