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一、选出画线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词。(5分) ( )1. A. he B.desk C.pen D.ten ( )2. A. cake B.class C.father D.banana ( )3. A. know B.kate C.desk D.kite ( )4. A. bus B.yes C.his D.six ( )5. A.thank B.three C.mother D.mouth 二、按要求写单词。(15分)

1. 请求; 要求 ___________ 2. 购物________________ 3. 写信 ________________ 4. 太……以致不能 _____________ 5. 帮助他学习数学________ 6. walk backward ________ 7. come on __________ 8. sit down _________________ 9. over there __________ 10. International Works’ Day _________ 三、选择填空。(20分) ( )1. Is it time____home?

A. to go B.to go to C.go D.go to ( )2. Here’s a card _____Zhang Bing.

A. of B.at C.for D.in ( )3. Who’s the boy_________the red dress?

A. with B.in C.wear D.on ( )4. Is Miss Fang hungry?No,she’s _________.


A. thin B.hungry C.thirsty D.fine ( )5. _______apple do you want,the big one or the small one?

A. What B.Which C.Whose D.When ( )6. Please do your homework by_______.

A. yourself B.you C.yours D.your ( )7. I’m so poor.There is_______money in my pocket.

A. Little B.a little C.much D.many ( )8. Where are you?I’m ________the classroom.

A.In B.on C.under D.to ( )9. August has_______.

A.thirty B.thirty-one C.thirty-first D.twenty-nine ( )10.Are you________now?

A.siting B.sit C.sitting D.to sit

四. 把下列英文单词所对应的中文意思代号填到括号里。(10分) ( )1.今天天气很好,咱们散散步吧。

A. It’s fine today. Let’s go for a walk. B. It’s a bad day today. Let’s go on foot. ( )2. 在假期里我们乘飞机去。

A. We're going to Luoyang by bus. B. We went by airplane on our holiday.

( )3. 在假期我们去了加拿大。


A. We went to Canada on our holiday. B. We're going to Canada tomorrow.

( )4. 请把那双拖鞋给我看一下。

A. Show me that pair of sneakers, please. B. Show me that pair of slippers, please.

( )5. 这是给你的罚款单。

A. Here it is. B. Here is your ticket.


Today is Thursday, December 26th.. ken is really busy. __1__ start at 8:00. The __2__class is math. He doesn’t like math. He thinks it is too__3__. Then at 9:00 he has English. English is his favorite subject __4__ it’s interesting. He likes his English teacher, Miss Wang. She is friendly. Then he does morning exercises__5__about ten minutes. At 10:15 he __6__ history. It’s boring, but at 11:00 he has P.E. He likes P.E., but he is usually very __7__ after class. He eats lunch at 12:15. At 2:30 he starts his ___8___classes. His last class __9__ at 4:30. After class, he often plays basketball __10__ his friends. He thinks it’s cool! ( ) 1. A. Lesson B. Classes C. School D. Class ( ) 2. A .first B. one C. last D. second ( ) 3.A. interesting B. easy C. difficult D. relaxing ( ) 4. A. so B. and C. but D. because ( ) 5. A. on B. for C. at D. in




