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第三辑Test 1


Trying to attract new staff

? Competitive wages ? Company reputation

【思路点拨】 主题 要点 Competitive wages 竞争力的价格 Company reputation 公司声誉 Career opportunity 职业发展前景 Working environment 工作环境 原因 Determination 决定因素 Belief 信念 Self-development 个人发展 Stimulus 诱因 已给Trying to attract 要点 new staff 补充要点


招聘 recruitment 合作精神,团队精神 team spirit 根据…….调整 tailor to 灵活福利 flexible benefits 受聘后的福利待遇 employment packages 求职者 job seeker 目标群 target group 职位空缺 job vacancies 准雇员 potential employee 【句型点击】 ? 表示提出建议 Let’s…..

Why not……?

I suggest that we…… My advice would be……. ? 对观点不予评价 I don’t know what to say.

I can’t say I have any views on……

It’s not something I have considered a lot, I’m afraid. ? 要求重复 Pardon?

What did you say just now? Do you mind say it again? 【参考范例】

When it comes to attacking new staff for your organization, effective recruitment strategies and techniques contribute to successful appointment. Employment packages should be tailored to draw attention of the potential employees. Offering an attractive competitive wages with flexible benefits would be a determining factor in hunting new talents.

A company’s reputation is among its most important and valuable assets, which is essential to attracting and retaining employees. It is often the cause that a good image of a company gains people’s trust and affinity and greatly influences their decisions in considering job vacancies.

What’s more, better opportunity for promotion is another consideration for those that are some way along their career path. Any career opportunities to grow within the organization will be a highlight to be preferred in the target groups.

In addition, nothing will impress the applicant more than knowing he or she will be an integral part of a successful team. Creation of a positive and stimulating working environment prompts the team spirit and buoyant response from the job seekers.


Preparing to go away on a business trip

? Informing colleagues and clients ? Delegating essential tasks

【思路点拨】 主题 已给要点 补充要点 要点 Informing colleagues and clients 通知同事和客户 Delegating essential tasks 分派必要的任务 Setting goals 设定工作目标 Creating checklist for packing 列出行李清单 原因 Involvement 参与 Efficiency 效率 Productivity 生产力 Equipment 设备 Preparing to go away on a business trip 【词汇&短语】

同事 colleague 完成 accomplish 旅程、行程 itinerary 目的地 destination 预约 booking 时间管理 time management 预订 reservation 清单 check list 投影仪 projector 麦克风 microphone 【句型点击】 ? 要求解释

What does … mean?

Could you explain it please?

When you say…. What do you mean?

Would you mind telling me the meaning of…. Do you mean ….. by saying…? 【参考范例】

Preparing to go away on a business trip involves a lot of things to be planned well in advance, first of all, inform colleagues traveling with you and clients you will visit of the business itinerary. Doing this gives you an opportunity to share responsibility and make sure that your business trip runs as smoothly as possible.

If possible, pass on the travel arrangements to people involved when you don’t have enough time and energy to manage. Everything from flight bookings to hotel reservation, even to technical support such as projectors and microphones can be delegated as essential tasks.

Furthermore, it is important for you to set your goals before leaving for your business trip, what you would like to accomplish when you arrive at your destination. Time management may help your trip to be as productive as possible within such a short time to meet your goals.

And it is a good idea to create a checklist in your schedule to list the item that need to be packed for your business trip, packing your luggage with essential items makes the trip much easier.


Planning corporate hospitality

? Guest list ? Type of event

【思路点拨】 主题 要点 已给要点 Guest list 客人清单 Type of event 活动的种类 Planning corporate hospitality 补充要点 Location 地点 Significance 好处 【词汇&短语】

商务社交 corporate hospitality 交往 socialize 有益的 beneficial 出席者 attendee

演示、展示 demonstration 士气 morale

容易到达的 accessible 职场 workplace

原因 Attendance 出席 Diversity 多样性 Accessibility 可行性 Benefits 益处 受控环境 controlled environment 专注的 dedicated 研讨会 seminar 联系,关系网 networking 发布 launch 人际的 interpersonal 【句型点击】 ? 询问他人意见 Any comment on…….? How do you think of……? What do you say about….? What’s your attitude to…..? Do you have any idea about…..? 【参考范例】

Several components come into play concerning corporate hospitality that allows opportunities for colleague and clients to socialize, relax, and work toward valuable professional and business connections in a positive and beneficial way. When planning corporate hospitality events of all sorts, create a guest list first to ensure the attendees and accommodation.

Corporate hospitality provides a controlled environment for seminars, meetings, conventions conferences, and even product launches or demonstrations. Types of event are rendered in the forms of a sporting event, concert, outdoor gathering or other team building event, which add fun and enhance morale.

Location is another important consideration in terms of corporate hospitality, which can be a warm and memorable venue to ensure maximum success and exceed all expectations. And you’d better select a location easily accessible by your event attendees.

The significance of socializing with colleagues and clients outside of the workplace is dedicated to driving sales, building your company’s image, keeping ahead of your competitors in client hospitality and achieving specific marketing objectives, as well as motivating networking and promoting interpersonal skill development.

第三辑Test 2


Writing a newspaper advertisement for a job vacancy

? Description of the work

? Experience needed by applicants

【思路点拨】 主题 已给要点 补充要点 要点 Description of the work 工作性质描述 Experience needed by applicants 应试者的工作经验 Salary range and benefits 工资幅度及福利待遇 Response and contact details 回复与联系方式 原因 Attention 关注 Relevance 参照条件 Attraction 有吸引力 Instruction 介绍 Writing a newspaper advertisement for a job vacancy 【词汇&短语】

求职者 job seeker 联系方式 contact details 确切地阐述 formulate 细节 specific 申请求职者 candidate 需要 entail 【句型点击】

? 句子语义关系,表示转折

But / Yet / While / Whereas, .... 然而…… However / Nevertheless, ...然而…… ... Rahter than ... 而不是…… ... Instead of ... 而不是……

... On the other hand, ... 另一方面,……

空位 vacant position 工资幅度 salary range 福利,津贴 benefit 职业前景 Career path 包含 incorporate

目标对象 target audience


A good and effective job newspaper advertisement should be clear and informative enough to produce efficient reading for job seekers. In formulating the advert content, several specifics are expected of the candidate. The first on the list is a detailed description of the work, mainly including an overview of the responsibilities, tasks and general scope of work entailed in the vacant position, which calls for attention from potential applicants.

Next, indicate the qualifications you require such as work experience, education, computer skills, organization skill and communications skills needed by applicants, which serves as attraction of relevant interest.

As a rule, most employers or corporations do not advertise pay information. However, if you list a salary range, you will get a greater response. If any benefits, training and career path are available, do incorporate in the advertisement; for they can create desire to pursue what looks like a great opportunity among the target audience.

Lastly, be sure to include a clear instruction for the response and application with the contact details such as address, email, fax or phone on the bottom of your ads.


Delegating work to others

? Clear instructions

? Choice of person for the task

【思路点拨】 主题 已给要点 Delegating work to others 补充要点 要点 Clear instructions 清楚的任务指示 Choice of person for the task 承担任务人的选择 Hands-on assistance 身体力行 Monitor and feedback 监控与反馈 原因 Direction 方向 Quality 质量 Motivation 动机 Assessment 可行性


企业职阶 corporate ladder 亲身动手的 hands-on 合同工 contract worker 激发 motivate 详述的、明确的 explicit 分派 allocate 保证 guarantee 反馈 feedback 最大值 maximum 暗示、含义 implication 【句型点击】

? 句子语义关系:表示原因 Because of ….. Due/owing to…. Since…

The reason for…. Is…

Given the fact that …., we….. 【参考范例】

Anyone on the corporate ladder probably has some opportunities to delegate work to the team staff or to contract workers, which is one way to manage work time more effectively. Clear and explicit instructions should be give in the first place to decide and explain the targets, responsibilities and limits of the work that you delegate, for sufficient information guarantees the work to be done with a maximum of direction.

Then choose the people who have the necessary ability or potential to work on the task and can be relied on to perform the task satisfactorily and responsibly. Choice of person for the task also depends on the development needs of the people involved.

Additionally, advice, support and training such as providing information , possible solutions and giving hands-on assistance in a way motivates progress and inspires encouragement, commitment, enthusiasm and creative thinking in the people concerned.

And allocating and monitoring the progress and quality of work are in delegate’s area of responsibility. Delegated work should be checked regularly whether agreed targets are met with the feedback to identify the implication of necessary revisions

to targets. Achievements of targets are assessed to ensure whether someone is performing well, and credit and praise for the successful completion of the task should be given.


Designing a company website

? Type of information to include ? Different language versions

【思路点拨】 主题 已给要点 Designing a company website 补充要点 要点 Type of information to include包罗的信息类型 Different language versions 不同的语言版本 Ready-made website template 现成的网站设计模版 Effective navigation 有效的导航系统 原因 Knowledge 知识 Interaction 交流 Economy 经济 Accessibility 可行性 【词汇&短语】

定制、定做 customize 流量 traffic 搜索引擎 search engine 常惠顾客 existing customers 潜在顾客 potential/prospective customer 布局,设计layout 营业范围 line of business 现成的 ready-made 强有力的potent 电子商务e-commerce 信息源 information source 模板 template 使用多语言的 multi-lingual 导航 navigation 目标用户 target user 菜单 menu 【句型点击】

? 句子语义关系, 表示结果 As a result,

Accordingly/consequently… In a consequence.. Therefore/ thus… …, hence…. 因此 【参考范例】

Type of information to conclude in website designing is customized for your needs to attract search engines, increase traffic and provide useful information to existing and potential customers. Well-written content in your website informs your prospective customers what is the line of business you are in, what you stand for, how you operate, the services and products you offer and the benefits in relation to competition.

As a potent information sources, your website serves as a global “online marketplace”, which is enhanced with multi-lingual website content. Different language versions are designed to help people from home and abroad to read online and facilitate the interactions between the target users and the site.

Another important thing is the layout of the website. Your online presence is very crucial, which should be strategically designed to communicate the unique character of your business or organization. Ready-made e-commerce website templates are recommended, for the templates cut down design and production time and have a full package of functions.

Effective web navigation makes sure that your customers and clients can easily and quickly find what they are looking for under different categorizes. To make clear and consistent navigation, it’s better to use navigation menus to organize your links according to the order of importance.

第三辑Test 3


Meeting foreign clients for the first time

? Foreign language skills

? Knowledge of cultural differences



