好文档 - 专业文书写作范文服务资料分享网站


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30.? He? doesn‘t? seem? to? be? able? to?___________any? interest? in? his?


A.? make? up? B.? work? up??

C.? turn? up? D.? use? up??

31.Man? has? used? metals? for? centuries? in? gradually? increasing? quantities? but? it? was?________the? Industrial?? Revolution? that? they? came? to? be? employed? in? really? vast? quantities.

A.? till? B.? until

C.? not? until? D.? not? till

32.? His? brother? had? become? a? financier,?_____________he? wanted? to? be. A.? who? B.? what??

C.? which? D.? that

33.? These? goods? are? sold? at? reduced? prices,?___________________ . A.? the? defects? are? pointed? out? to? the? customers B.? the? defects? pointed? out? to? the? customers

C.? the? defects? have? been? pointed? out? to? the? customers D.? the? defects? being? pointed? out? to? the? customers

34.? Basic? research? provides? the? capital? fund? of? scientific? knowledge,?___________which? the? applied? researchers?? drew? to? give? society? a? rich? rate? of? interest.

A.? on? B.? up??

C.? out? D.? to??

35.? I’ve? kept? up? a? friendship? with? a? girl? who? I? was? at? school________ twenty? years? ago.

A.? about? B.? since??

C.? with? D.? till

36.? _____________is? generally? accepted,? economical? growth? is? determined? by? the? smooth? development? of?? production.

A.? What? B.? That??

C.? it? D.? As

37.? The? Social? Security? Retirement? Program? is? made? up? of? two? trust? funds,?

_____________could? go? penniless?? by? next? year.

A.? the? larger? one? B.? the? larger? of? which

C.? the? largest? one? D.? the? largest? of? which

38.? For? my? own? part,? in? seems? that? the? main? requirement? of? an? international? language? is? that? it?__________________.

A.? would? be? easily? learned? B.? is? easily? learned C.? will? be? easily? learned? D.? be? easily? learned

39.? There? ought? to? be? less? anxiety? over? the? perceived? risk? of? getting?

cancer?than_____________in? the? public??mind? today.

A.? exist? B.? exists??

C.? existing? D.? existed

40.? The? government? is? believed? to? be? considering?____________a? law? making?

it? a? crime to? import? any? kind? of???weapon.

A.? to? pass? B.? to? have? passed

C.? passing? D.? having? passed



Section II Vocabulary (10 points)

Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. 21. In the past, most foresters have been men, but today, the number of

women__________this field is climbing.

A. registering B. pursuing C. devoting D. engaging

22. The banknotes which had fooled many bank tellers were discovered to


A. artificial B. genuine C. counterfeit D. faulty

23. Without a whole hearted___________ to a keen forward-looking vision and a deep insight, you cannot be a leader.

A. determination B. resolution C. commitment D. obligation

24. All transactions are strictly____________, and we never sell, rent or trade

any customer’s name.

A. considerable B. confident

C. considerate D. confidential ..joxue.

25. Big businesses enjoy certain _______________that smaller ones do not have. A. transactions B. privileges C. subsidies D. substitutes

26. Your kindness in giving________________ to the consideration of the above

problem vill be highly appreciated.



