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东北师范大学 东北师大奥鹏远程教育 英语阅读(一)20秋在线作业2

参考答案 试读一页


1. You've made some progress. Keep it (). 【选项】: A on B up C off D down

【答案】:B up |

2. We buy our () at a large clothing store. 【选项】: A clothing B clothes C dresses D suits

【答案】:B clothes |

3. During Renaissance, Europe produced a lot of great(), such as Michelangelo. 【选项】: A architecture B architectural C architects D constructions

【答案】:C architects |

4. If someone is competent for his job, we say he is (). 【选项】: A worth his salt B worthy of his salt C worthwhile his salt D worth salt


5. Nowadays college students prefer() wear. 【选项】: A formal B casual C loose D baggy

【答案】:B casual |

6. The drawl is quite () of Tom’s voice. 【选项】: A like B similar C characteristical D kind

【答案】:C characteristical |

7. Jack seems to have no() of time, for he is always late. 【选项】: A idea B conception C opinion D concept

【答案】:D concept |

8. Due to the huge economic and work pressure, many newly wedded couples prefer a()marriage. 【选项】: A rich B wealthy C prosperous D childless

【答案】:D childless |

9. The splendor of the()cathedral has remained one of the wonders in the local city. 【选项】: A magnificent B grand C monstrous D sparkling

【答案】:A magnificent |

10. A() system is greatly welcomed by people in dictatorial societies. 【选项】: A republic



