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发,探究怎样具体贯彻落实对数字电影的现实主义态度。本文认为, 数字电影是人类的一项科技成就和文化成就,数字电影对受众影响的 二重性特征是技术社会应用二重性的具体表现形式,反应了技术与社 会紧密的互动关系。对于数字电影,在确立合理的数字电影态度基础

上,通过多方的积极努力,从而实现数字电影与人的全面和谐发展,实 现数字电影时代人类更好地生存与发展。

【英文摘要】The digital movie, a new artistic form, is the outcome of the marriage of the digital technology and cinematics. There are different attitudes towards the digital movie, some people belaud it strongly, and the others criticize it seriously. How should we understand the impact of digital cinema, and how should we know the digital movies? This paper aim at the impact of digital movie on the audience, and try to reveal the relationship between the “man and movie” which is

the result of the digital technology is applied to the new movie media. The goal of this paper can enrich and deepen the study of the impact of technology on society, and also help people live better life to “keep ego and self perfection.” in the

times of digital film.From the technological perspective, this paper probes the history of movies, describes the course of the movie development. The project adopted the method of the combination of logic and history while incorporating other

specific research methods such as documents analysis and comparative analysis.Based on the theory of duality of technology application, the paper analyses the impact of digital movies on audience. The main contents are:First of all, it sorts out the historical evolution of movies from a technological perspective, defines the digital movie, illustrates the basic principles of Digital Image Technique and

describes the whole processes of movie production, i.e. making, issuing and showing, revealed the characteristics of digital movie. Secondly, it analyzes the impacts of digital movie on the audience from the angle of audience. The impacts concerns the establishment of a new relationship between the movie and audience, the impact on the aspects of people’s hearing and

visual, construction of the discourse power of movie subject. Thirdly, based on the analysis of the impacts on the audience, further, the paper assesses the impacts, reveals the positive and negative effects of digital movie on the audience, and from the standpoint of humanism reflection, explores the three causes of negative effects, i.e. the technological factor, social factor and human factor. Finally, it should be far away from two attitudes of optimism and pessimism, and accept the attitude of realism towards the digital movie, and explore the

method and tactics to implement the attitude of realism. The paper provides that there are three aspects to gain the goals, i.e. social force, the audience and media itself.This paper considers that digital movie is a technological achievement and a cultural achievement. The duality of the impact of digital movie on the audience exemplifies the duality of the social application of technology, shows the close relationship between the technology and society closely. In order to realize the harmony between the digital movie and human being, to make human being to live happy life, it has to adopt a reasonable attitude to

digital movie, and make an active effort to keep away the negative effects of digital movie.

【关键词】数字技术 数字电影 受众 二重性影响

【英文关键词】Digital technology Digital movie Audience Duality of impact

【备注】索购全文在线加我: 同时提供论文一对一写作指导和论文发表委托服务 【目录】数字电影对受众的影响分析 摘要 5-6 Abstract 6-7 第1章 绪论 10-18 1.1 问题 的提出 10 1.2 论文选题的意义 10-11 1.2.1 理论意义 10-11 1.2.2 现实意义 11 1.3 文献综述

11-16 1.3.1 关于电影本质的相关研究 11-12 1.3.2

关于技术对电影影响的相关研究 12-13 1.3.3 关于数字电影乐观态度的相关研究 13-14 1.3.4 关于数字电影悲观态度的相关研究 14-15 1.3.5 文献评析 15-16 1.4 研究方法与研究思路 16-17 1.4.1 研究方法 16 1.4.2 研究思路

16-17 1.5 论文的创新点 17-18 第2章 技术视角的电影历史 18-22 2.1 电影的本质理解 18-20 2.1.1 对电影的不同定义 18-19 2.1.2 电影的技术派与艺术派

19-20 2.2 电影史上的技术革命 20-22 2.2.1 无声电影到有声电影 20-21 2.2.2 黑白电影到彩色电影

21 2.2.3 数字电影的出现 21-22 第3章 数字电影的概念界定与特征 22-27 3.1 数字电影的概念界定

22 3.2 数字电影的技术本质 22-23 3.2.1 数字影像技术的基本原理 22-23 3.2.2 数字电影的工艺流程

23 3.3 数字电影的特征 23-27 3.3.1 虚拟性

23-24 3.3.2 超时空性 24-25 3.3.3 在场性与非在场性 25 3.3.4 多媒体性 25-27 第4章 数字电影对受众的影响及根源探析 27-40 4.1 数字电影对受众的影响

27-32 4.1.1 重构电影与受众之间的关系 27 4.1.2 延展观众的听觉张力 27-28 4.1.3 开阔受众的奇观视野

28-29 4.1.4 建构电影主体的话语权 29-30 4.1.5 重塑阅读方式与审美心境 30-31 4.1.6 丰富受众的观影经验

31-32 4.1.7 造就视像时代的个人化存在方式 32 4.2 数字电影对观众影响的价值分析 32-35 4.2.1 数字电影对观众的积极影响 33 4.2.2 数字电影对观众的消极影响

33-35 4.3 数字电影对观众影响的根源探析

35-40 4.3.1 数字技术奠定基础与可能 35-37 4.3.2 市场化的驱动 37-38 4.3.3 受众的心理欲求 38-40 第5章 数字电影时代的生存 40-46 5.1 数字电影极端态度之超越

40-42 5.1.1 对数字电影的两种态度批判 40-41 5.1.2 数字电影的现实主义态度解析 41-42 5.2 数字电影时代的生存策略 42-46 5.2.1 电影媒介伦理责任的诉求

42-43 5.2.2 受众电影素养的培养 43-44 5.2.3 社会力量对电影媒介的规制 44-46 第6章 结论 46-48 参考文献 48-52 致谢 52-54 作者简介 54-56 攻读学位期间发表的论著及获奖情况 56



