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Directions:In this part,there are 20 incomplete sentence. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A,B,C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. One point is given to each correct choice.

16. Shall we ask the team leader____our suggestion again? A. to consider B. considering C. consider D. considered

17. The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco,California measures_____that one. A. as twice as long B. twice long as C. as twice long as D. twice as long as

18. It’s no good_____. You just have to put up with all these. A. complained B. to be complaining C. complaining D. to complain

19. You____have seen Jane in her room last Monday. She’s been out of city for a week.

A. couldn’t B. didn’t C. mustn’t D. shouldn’t

20. The brochure_____to give customers the information about our new products. A. designed B. is designed C. designs D. has designed

21. You’d better not disturb me,I____letters all the morning and have written six so far.

A. write B. was writing C. have been writing D. am writing

22. The teacher didn’t seem to be satisfied with the examination results.____. A. So did the students B. So the students did C. Neither the students did D. Neither did the students 23. The number of members in the club_____to two hundred. A. were limited B. was limited C. limits D. limited

24. ____is important is your attitude and I can say it decides everything. A. That B. It C. What D. This

25. Smith is one of the brightest students who____from New York University A. have graduated B. graduated C. has graduated D. had graduated

26. It is not desirable that Mark____to the job,because he has no relative experience. A. is designed B. be designed C. will be designed D. has been assigned

27. ____in the ABC Company for four years,John has become quite experienced in business negotiations.

A. Have worked B. Have been worked C. Having worked D. Worked

28. ____in the regulation that you should not tell other people the password of your email account.

A. What is required B. It requires C. What requires D. It is required

29. He is a man of great experience,___much can be learned. A. that B. from whom C. who D. from which

30. He had all these materials____in open piles without proper permission. A. burning B. having burned C. being burning D. burned

31. I_____to visit Elizabeth,but Mary came to see me just when I was about to leave. A. planed B. had planed

C. would plan D. was planing

32. Alice looked calm but_____she felt extremely nervous. A. in fact of B. in favor C. in reality D. in trouble

33. The ability to use a language can be______only by the act of using the language A. acquired B. required C. inquired D. acquired

34. We all know that some things exist_____we cannot see them with our own eyes. A. as soon as B. as far as C. even though D. now that

35. _____her weekly wages,Sally got a lot of tips from her part-time job. A. In addition to B. Despite C. In addition D. In spite of

Part III Reading Comprehension (40 points) Task 1

Linkup ,the APP Research and Development Company,has announced it will give more than twenty-five million dollars in money and investments to help the poor. The company says the effort involves using the power of information and technology to help people improve their lives.

James Lee works for Linkup.org—— the part of the company that gives money to good causes. He said the company’s first project will help identify where infectious (传染性) diseases are developing. In Southeast Asia and Africa,for example,Google.org will work with partners to strengthen early-warning systems and take action against growing health threats.

Linkup.org’s second project will invest in ways to help small and medium-sized businesses grow. James Lee says microfinance (小额信贷) is generally small,short-term loans that create few jobs. Instead,he says Google.org wants to develop ways to bring investors and business owners together to create jobs and improve economic growth.

Linkup.org will also give money to help two climate-change programs announced earlier this year. One of these programs studies ways to make renewable (再生) energy less costly than coal-based energy. The other is examining the efforts being made to increase the use of electric cars.

The owners of Linkup have promised to give Linkup.org about one percent of company profits and one percent of its total stock value every year. James Lee says this amount may increase in the future.

36. The purpose of Linkup’s investments is to ________. A) develop new technology B) explore its own business C) help poor people D) to set up new markets

37. According to James Lee,the company’s first project is to ________. A) discover where infectious diseases develop

B) establish a new system to warn people of infectious diseases C) find out the cause of infectious diseases D) cure patients of infectious diseases

38. What kind of businesses will benefit from Linkup. org’s second project?_________

A) Foreign-funded corporations B) Small and medium-sized businesses C) Large enterprises D) State-owned

39. From the fourth paragraph,we learn that Linkup’s money is also invested to help _______.

A) conduct studies related to climate changes B) do some research programs C) produce more advanced electric cars

D) research and develop renewable and coal-based energy

40. From the last paragraph we learn that the investments by Linkup.org come from ________.

A) some international IT companies B) the company’s own interests C) local commercial bank D) Linkup’s profits and stock value Task 2

If you think 3D printing is only good for making delicate paperweights(压纸器),then you’re pretty much right. However,a group of Dutch architects have already

begun 3D printing an entire canal house in Amsterdam. Is the first 3D printed house a gimmick(喙头)?Definitely!Is it an experiment that pushes the possibilities for 3D printing technology and architecture?Maybe!

3D Print Canal House is the brainchild of DUS Architects. “KamerMaker,” Dutch for “room maker”,is their giant printer built inside a shipping container. Just a few weeks ago,KamerMaker began printing plastic furniture and walls at an empty canal-side lot in northern Amsterdam. Smaller versions of the unusual honeycomb walls have been tested on normal desktop printers,and everyone just needed to scale it up (按比例放大). Well,if only it were that easy.

“The printer did not always manage to spread the plastic evenly(均匀), making some of the ribs of the honeycomb structure of the block uneven,”reported ARN(Australian Radio Network) to the surprise of no one who has used a 3D printer. But the architects remain optimistic. The first few printed blocks are means to be test prices as they improve the process.

It takes about a week to print a 3-meter high block right now. The project’s leaders hope to eventually get that down to two hours and finish the first of 12 rooms in a year,and the entire house in less than 3 years.

Finally,3D Print Canal House is an architecture research project,one that is very much being conducted in the public eye. You can actually buy tickets to visit the construction site for 2.50 Euros.

The top floors will become more decorated,for example,as newer techniques are used. They’ll explore the possibilities of 3D printing,like honeycomb walls or an entire room recycled,redesigned,and built again. Nobody’s going to move into 3D

printed house soon,but,if anyone ever dose,something might be learned from this experiment by the email.

41. What have the Dutch architects begun to use 3D printer to do according to the passage?___

A. To make heavy paperweights. B. To print the unusual honeycomb. C. To print an entire canal house. D. To build a shipping container

42. Where did KamerMaker begin printing plastic furniture and walls several weeks ago?

A. It was inside a shipping container in Amsterdam. B. It was at an empty canal-side lot in northern Amsterdam. C. It was in a canal house in Amsterdam. D. It was in a room.

43. What is the weakness of the 3D printer mentioned in the passage? A. It cannot always spread the plastic evenly. B. It needs to be shortened.

C. It cannot make the ribs of the honeycomb structure. D. It can print anything smoothly.

44. How long will it take for the 3D printer to make the canal house in Amsterdam? A. A week B. Two hours C. More than 3 years D. Less than 3 years

45. Which of the following statements is WRONG according to the passage? A. This canal house is being built in the public eye. B. The top floors of the canal house will be more decorated. C. Someone is going to move into this canal house soon. D. One can visit the construction site for 2.50 Euros. Task 3

Let’s say you have a certain amount of money you’ve saved up for holiday gifts. If you want to get something for everyone on your list,you can’t spend much on any single purchase.

But have you ever heard the expression \it!We “spend” time just like we “spend” money,and in both cases,we have to spend it wisely if we want to get something good in return. Just like you might get an allowance of 10 dollars a week. Or 38 dollars for a trip to the mall,each day we are given 24 hours of time.

The earliest way to help you get everything done to budget that time!This is all about:

-Examining your Have-to’s and Want-to’s.

-Examining your how much time your Have-to’s and Want-to’s will take up. -Working out a plan that let’s you speed the amount of time on each one. Once you have this plan,a “time budget”,you’ll be better able to create a Daily Schedule and Weekly Planner. Of course,everyday isn’t exactly the same as the next,so it may help you to make a different time budget for different days. Let’s look at a sample time budget on Wednesday: Sleep 8 hours Shower,dressing,ready for school 1/2 hour Breakfast 1/2 hour Bus for school 1/2 hour School 7 hours Bus home 1/2 hour Soccer practice 2 hours Household chores 1/2 hour Homework 2 hours Dinner 1/2 hour TV time 1 hour Reading/personal time 1 hour

Total time spent 24 hours

Great!That day’s budget works out,because it all adds up 24 hours. If the total came out to be more than that,we would have choose something to cut down or drop from that day. When you make these types of decision,you choose priorities. Time Budget Tips Similarities between money and time:Both should be spent _____ to get a good return. Easiest ways to budget time:1. Decide ______ and want-to’ s. Task 4

[A]Interest in pursuing international careers has risen in recent years strengthened by permanent personnel shortages that are causing companies to search beyond their home borders for talent.

[B] Professionals seek career experience outside of their home countries for a variety of reasons. They may feel the need to recharge their batteries with a new challenge. They may want a position with more responsibility that encourages creativity. Or they may wish to expose their children to another culture,and the opportunity to learn a second language.

2. Examine how much time they will take up. [C]When applying for a job,one usually has to submit a resume or curriculum vitae (CV). The two terms generally mean the same thing:a one--or two--page document describing one's educational qualifications and professional experience. However,guidelines for preparing a resume are constantly changing. The best advice is to find out what is appropriate regarding the company culture,the country culture,and the culture of the person making the hiring decision. The challenge will be to include two or more cultures in one document. The following list is a good place to start. [D]“Educational requirements differ from country to country. In almost every case of 'cross--border' job hunting,just stating the title of your degree will not be an adequate description. Provide the reader with details about your studies and any related experience. \

[E]Pay attention to the resume format you use-chronological or reverse-chronological order. Chronological order means listing your 'oldest' work experience first. Reverse-chronological order means listing your current or most recent experience first. Most countries have preferences about which format is most acceptable. If you find no specific guidelines,the general preference is for the reverse-chronological format.\ [F]If you are submitting your resume in English,find out if the receiver uses British English or American English because there are changes between the two versions. For example,university education is often referred to as 'tertiary education' in the United Kingdom,but this term is almost never used in the United States. A reader who is unfamiliar with these changes may assume that your resume contains errors. 51. The author believes that an individual who applies to work overseas seeks either his own or his children's development.

52. When it comes to resume writing,it is best to take cultural factors into consideration.

53. According to the author's last piece of advice,the applicants should be aware of the differences between the changes of English.

54. Companies are hiring more foreign employees because they have difficulty finding qualified personnel at home.

55. When writing about qualifications,applicants are advised to provide a detailed description of their study and work experiences. Part IV Translation (25 points)

Directions:In this part you are required to translate Chinese into English or English into Chinese. Each of ten sentences (No.56 to No.65) is followed by four choices of suggested translation marked A,B,C and D. Make the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Write your translation of the paragraph (No. 66) in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet. One point is given to each correct choice from No. 56 to No. 65. Fifteen points for No.66. 56. 她话不但打破了沉默,并且引起了每个人兴趣。

A. His remark not only broke the ice,but aroused everyone’s interest. B. His speech only broke the ice,but not aroused everyone’s interest. C. His remark didn’t break the ice,but not aroused everyone’s interest. D. His remark not only broke the ice,and aroused nobody’s interest.

57. 国际贸易增长需要具备跨文化交际技能管理者。

A. The international business increase ice cross-cultural communication skills managers

B. The increased international business requires managers discuss about culture. C. The international business is developing the communication skills of managers.

D. The increase in international business has created a need for managers with skills in cross-culture communication. 58. 她在截止日期前一天才开始写作文。 A. She begins to write her essay only one day.

B. She started to write her essay only one day before the deadline. C. She is starting her essay before the deadline.

D. She writes her essay not only one day before the deadline. 59. 这种汽车畅销表白精良设计对于打开销路重要性。

A. The car successfully proves the importance of design to sell products.

B. The best-selling of this car shows the importance of excellent design in helping to sell the product.

C. The success of this car expresses a variety of design in helping to sell the product.

D. The success of this car shows the importance of better design in selling the product.

60. 如今年轻人购买能力普通都比她们父母强,并且更乐意消费。

A. In general speaking young people are more likely to buy things than their parents.

B. Nowadays young people generally have more money to buy things than their parents.

C. Nowadays young people generally have more purchasing power than their parents,and they are more willing to consume.

D. Nowadays young people generally have less power to purchase than old generations.

61. 对年轻人来说,放学后打工被视为其人生重要经历。

A. If young people can do a part-time job after school it is better in their life. B. An after-school job is considered as a bitter experience for young people. C. For young people full-time job experience must be treasured.

D. It is considered as an important experience in their life for young people to do after-school jobs.

62. 支付宝致力于为其成员提供“简朴、安全、快捷”在线支付方式。

A. Alipay is dedicated to providing its members with a “simple,secure and

speedy” online payment solution.

B. Alipay is dedicated to provide its staff salary with a “simple,secure,speedy” online solution.

C. Alipay has confirmed to provide its members with a “secure and speedy” online solution.

D. Alipay decided to provide its staff with a “simple,secure and speedy” payment solution.

63. 为了残疾人利益, 她们刊登了一系列公益广告。

A. They published the advertising for the sake of the whole society.

B. They put up different service advertising for the sake of the all communities.

C. They’ve put up a series of public service advertising for the sake of the disable.

D. They recommended a series of public service advertising for the sake of the disable.

64. 微信已逐渐成为人们最喜欢交流方式。

A. WeChat is emerging the form of communication skill among the people. B. WeChat is changing the form of communication among people. C. WeChat is a less popular way of communication between people. D. WeChat has become the most favorite front of human communication.


A. We could guarantee you that the quantity of our products is far more than the international standard.

B. We can guarantee you that the quality of our products is up to the international standards.

C. We can guarantee you that the quality of our products is far beyond the International standards.

D. We guarantee that the quality of our products meets the international standards. 66.

E-commerce has brought us a lot of convenience. For example,it enables us to book a flight ticket to London at home. Paying bills,shopping,selling can be done online. With online payment you do not need to stand in a long queue as payment is made just the click of mouse. Then,you can list the websites used in a number of e-commerce websites that index business. Access to news,real-time stock data,the latest fashion,etc. is available to anyone with an Internet connection. Never before has a person had so many options at such a speed.

Part V Applied Writing(15points)

Directions:In this part you are required to write a certificate of employment according to the information given below. You should write it (no less than 100 words)

on the Answer Sheet. Fifteen points for the applied writing.

67. 阐明:重庆大学电气工程学院赵阳教师准备暑期间出国旅游。因办理出国签证需要提供英文在职证明。请按如下信息为赵阳教师拟写一份英文在职证明。 (1)个人信息:姓名:赵阳,出生年月日:1980 年 9 月 23 日,护照号码: E02110336,婚姻状况:已婚;

(2)工作单位,年限及职务:从 年 9 月至今在重庆大学电气工程学院担 任教学工作;

(3)收入:月薪 6000 元(人民币,税后净收入); (4)旅行期间费用:由本人承担;

(5)如需进一步理解有关信息, 请致电:; (6)保证赵阳会按期回国。 Words for reference

在职证明 certificate of employment 电气工程学院 School of Electrical Engineering 保证 guarantee



