【课题】How to Search the Web
高等教育出版社,2005版中职教材《汽车专业英语》. 黄立新主编.
了解信息检索的相关知识以及网络信息的检索,掌握有关词汇词组。 掌握网络信息检索相关术语的英语表达方法。 能借助字典翻译相关资料。
教学难点: 英语构词法
A. 语言功能意念训练 B. 围绕课文展开的讨论
C. 各抒己见:就课文引出的话题交流意见,表述个人观点。
D. 使用教材第8章第2课,播放收集的多媒体演示素材(以下素材样例是可播放的动画,可帮助学生对教学内容的理解,提高学习效率)。
【教学过程】 一、 导入(5分钟)
再通过浏览名片来查找用户。 精确搜索:
search tool is enhanced by
boolean and proximity operators phrase wildcard
搜索工具 提高,更好
“布尔”和“模糊”操作 短语 通配符
Using the various search tools on the web is enhanced by knowing how they were actually designed.
评析:“search engine
搜索引擎”和“search tool 搜索工具”是一样的。
enhance v. 提高,加强,增加,在此处不能死译“被设计提高”,应该是“更好”。 AltaVista AltaVista is the premier search engine on the web. It has the largest, most inclusive indices. It provides both simple and advanced searches, and also allow the use of boolean and proximity operators, grouping of terms by parentheses, and results ranking by keyword.
AltaVista AltaVista 是网络上首屈一指的搜索引擎。它拥有大量且绝大多数的索引。它提供简单搜索和高级搜索模式,也允许使用“布尔”和“模糊”操作,用括号进行条件分组,按关键字将结果进行排列。
Simple Searches
For an effective search, it is best to enter as many search terms or phrases which exactly qualify the subject. 简单搜索
为了得到有效的搜索,最好是输入较多的搜索能正确限定主题的条件或短语。 评析:enter是“输入,回车”。
Phrases: To group search terms into phrases. \the name Abraham Lincoln, capitalized in just that way. Another way to link words into phrases is to insert punctuation between them: Abraham;Lincoln; Gettysburg; Address.
评析:capitalize: [ k?'pit?laiz ] v. 以大写字母写,使...资本化,计算...的现价。 在此处不能死译“找被以大写字母写的那名字亚伯拉罕林肯的发生在正直的那样。”,应该是“利用的正是那种方法”。
Wildcards: With simple queries you are allowed to enter a wildcard character at the end of phrases which will substitute for any combination of letters. The asterisk (*) is AltaVista's wildcard character. For example, butt* will get all occurrences of butt, butts, butter, button, etc. The asterisk cannot be used at the beginning or in the middle of words.
通配符:如有简单的疑问,你可以在短语的末尾输入一个通配字符以替代各种文字组合。星号(*)是AltaVista的通配符。例如,“butt*”可以找到所有关于“butt”的内容:butts, butter, button等等。星号不能在单词的开头或中间部分使用。 评析:通配符是一类键盘字符,包括星号“*”和问号“?”。当查找文件或文件夹时,您可以使用它来代替一个或多个真正字符。当您不知道真正字符或者不想键入完整名字时,常常使用通配符代替一个或多个字符。我们可以使用星号代替零个或多个字符。比如您想查找所有JPG图片,您可以在“查找”对话框键入“*.jpg”。“?”与“*”的区别在于:“?”不能代替多个字符,只能代替单个字
Advanced Searches
The same rules for phrases, wildcards, apply to advanced queries, and in addition the use of boolean searching, proximity operators, and logical groupings with parentheses are allowed. 高级搜索
评析:query n. 疑问,疑问号,质问;v. 问。在此处应该是“搜索”。
Boolean and Proximity Searching: AltaVista supports the use of the binary operators AND, OR, NEAR and the unary operator NOT. You may use the following symbols in place of the words: & (AND), | (OR), ~ (NEAR), ! (NOT). It is a very good idea to use the words rather than the symbols, since the words are easier to remember and common to other search engines. You may enter the operators in lower or upper case letters, but it is probably best to use uppercase to make them stand out from ordinary search terms and make the logic of the search more apparent. It is best to group your terms within parentheses to avoid confusion, but this is not required. 布尔和模糊搜索:
AltaVista 支持二元指令AND, OR, NEAR和一元指令NOT的使用。你可以使用以下符号来替代单词:& (AND), | (OR), ~ (NEAR), ! (NOT)。使用单词胜于使用符号,因为单词更易于记住,且通用于其它搜索引擎。你可以用大写或小写字母来输入指令,但或许使用大写会更好,那样会使它们与普通的搜索条件区分开来,并且使搜索逻辑更为明显。最好用圆括号将条件进行分组以避免混淆,但这并非必需的。
评析:rather than: conj. 宁可...也不愿(与其...倒不如,而不是) Examples:
horses AND carriages
\ AND \ (\AND NOT (\
(Note: Do NOT use x NOT y, it must be x AND NOT y. \NEAR internet
Webcrawler Webcrawler, now sponsored by America On-Line, is an outstanding search engine very much.