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Unit 6 How Many



A. Let’s talk. Find and count. 课时分析

本单元的情景图都是教材中的主要人物在公园游玩的情景。在Let’s talk部分,张鹏和Amy正在观察讨论天空中的风筝。Amy误把一只鸟看成了风筝,从而引出本课时的重点问答句:How many ... do you see? I see... 学生在对话中感受到重点问句的意义及语用情境。同时,学习到数字词汇eleven, twelve,以及两会词汇:beautiful, kite。这样的问答句特别容易设置真实的语境,让学生在语境中进行真实的交流,达到理解对话大意,正确交流看到物品数量的目的。

接下来的Find and count活动中,展示了一幅图片,图片中有树木、鸟、猫等内容。John和吴一凡在询问对方所看到物品的数量。这为学生提供了一个操练重点问答句的机会和场景。在教学中可以借助这幅图,让学生两两交流,达到操练、掌握重点问答句的目的。

本课时与数字相关,在学习中,除了让学生能够顺序数数字到12之外,还需要训练学生单个认知数字的能力。说出物品的数量这一话题,可以利用教室中常见的生活及学习用品进行操练,既贴近学生的生活,又方便可行,学生还特别容易理解接受。 课时目标

1. 能够听懂、会说单词:kite, beautiful, eleven, twelve 2. 能够听懂、会说句型:How many ... do you see? I see... 并能在图片和教师的帮助下,在真实或虚拟的语境中使用句型来交流看到物品的数目

3. 能够理解对话大意,并用正确的语音语调朗读对话 课时重难点 1.重点

能够听懂、会说单词:kite, beautiful, eleven, twelve 能够听懂、会说句型:How many ... do you see? I see... 能够理解对话大意,并用正确的语调朗读对话 2. 难点

能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用重点句型How many ... do you see? I see...来交流看到的物品的数目

能够理解并掌握在how many后边正确使用名词的复数形式 教学准备

1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带。 2. 文具如铅笔、钢笔、彩笔等实物 教学过程

?Step 1 Warm up

1. 播放歌曲:Ten little Indian boys.

Teacher:Boys and girls, let’s listen to a song. Teacher: Listen to the song again and sing with it. Teacher: Can you sing the song together? 歌曲内容:One little, two little, three little Indians, four little, five little, six little Indians, seven little, eight little, nine little Indians, Ten little Indian boys.


?Step 2 Lead in

1. 展示主情景图,讨论图片内容,引出重点问答句。

Teacher: Look at this picture. There are many boys in the park. How many boys can you see? I can see four boys. How many girls can you see? How many birds can you see?... 利用主情景图中的鸟、气球等资源进行问答,让学生充分理解问句的意思,并熟悉如何回答。


?Step 3 Presentation

1. 接着呈现张鹏和Amy看风筝的图片,先进行讨论交流。

Teacher:Zhang Peng and Amy are in the park, too. What are they looking at? Yes, they are looking at kites. (呈现一张风筝的图片)Look, this is a kite. Read after me, kite. Is the kite beautiful? It looks nice. It’s beautiful. Can you say it together? The kite is beautiful.



Teacher:Zhang Peng and Amy are looking at the beautiful kites. There are so many beautiful kites in the sky. How many kites does Amy see? Let’s listen to the dialogue and find the answer.

Teacher: Now, who can answer my question? How many kites can Amy see?

设计意图:学生带着任务听录音,以培养他们认真倾听及抓住重点词句倾听的能力。 ?Step 4 Practice


Teacher: Boys and girls, let’s read the dialogue after the tape. Please listen carefully, read carefully.

2. 自由读课文,针对对话内容进行交流。

Teacher:How many kites can you see? Amy can see twelve kites, why? So, how many kites can Amy see?


3. 分角色朗读课文。 Teacher: Let’s read the dialogue in roles. Who wants to be Zhang Peng? Who wants to be Amy? Let’s find the best pair.

设计意图:通过分角色朗读课文,使学生能够达到正确朗读对话,理解对话内容的目标。 4. 展示图片,请学生观察,进行重点问句问答练习。

Teacher:Amy can see eleven kites in the sky. Look at this picture, how many kites can you see? How many boys can you see? How many girls can you see?

Teacher: This is a classroom. How many boys can you see? How many girls can you

see?How many desks can you see? How many blackboards can you see? How many bags can you see?


5.游戏:请学生抽取数字卡片和物品,根据所抽取的内容编制对话,进行问答。 Teacher:I have some cards. Please choose one thing and one number. Ask and answer. I choose this one. Oh, it’s ten. And this card is pen. So I ask: How many pens can you see? You should answer: I can see ten pens. Do you understand? Let’s play the game.

设计意图:这个游戏实际是一个替换性练习。让学生替换问答句中的关键词,既可以起到操练重点问答句的作用,也可以使学生在这种替换中充分理解重点问答句的结构。在此可以提示学生在how many 后边的名词应该改为复数形式。这为其熟练且正确地掌握、认读句子奠定了基础。

6. 两人小组活动。出示教材Find and count图片,请学生两人一组,根据图片内容进行讨论、问答。

Teacher:Look at this picture. What can you see in this picture? How many can you see? Please do a pair work, ask and answer.

Teacher: Now, which pair wants to show your dialogue? Let’s find the best pair. 设计意图:利用教材中的图片,请学生根据图片内容两人结组进行自由问答,保证他们能够自由地使用重点问句进行对话交流。

?Step 5 Summary

学习韵句:How many can you see?

Teacher: Boys and girls, you did a very good job. It’s time for a chant. Listen to the chant first.

Birds, birds, how many birds can you see? Six, six, I can see six.

Kites, kites, how many kites can you see? Three, three, I can see three. Teacher: Listen to the music. Say the chant with it, please. Teacher: Can you make a chant and show? You can do it in groups. Teacher: Now, show your chant, please.

设计意图:老师先呈现以重点问句为主要内容的韵句,让学生熟悉韵句的编制。再通过配乐唱读,让学生熟练掌握韵句。再请学生自己编制韵句并表演,让学生在演唱自己的韵句的过程中,再一次复习总结本课时的重要内容。 课堂作业

一、判断句子与图片中内容是(√)否(×)一致。 ( ) 1. I see three girls. ( ) 2. I see three boys. ( ) 3. I see a teacher. ( ) 4. I see six desks. ( ) 5. I see a bag. 二、看图回答问题。

1. How many apples do you see? 2. How many books do you see? ______________________________ ______________________________

3. How many balls do you see? 4. How many cars do you see? ______________________________ ___________________________ 三、连词成句。

1. kites how many do see you (?)

_________________________________________________________________ 2. one the is black bird a (.)

_________________________________________________________________ 3. the look kites at (!)

_________________________________________________________________ 答案:

一、1.√ 2.× 3.√ 4. √ 5. √ 二、1. I see seven. 2. I see five. 3. I see twelve. 4. I see six. 三、1. How many kites do you see? 2. The black one is a bird. 3. Look at the kites. 板书设计

Unit Six How many? A. Let’s talk

How many kites do you see? I see ...

kite It’s beautiful!



