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小学 英语 学科教学设计

五年级 班 教师姓名: 课、章、节 Unit 1 课题 Lesson 1 课时 1 授课 日期 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 课 型 教学方法 教 学 过 程 1.Knowledge aims: The new words: front friend come from begin Britain The new sentences: Go back to your seats. I come from Britain.Let’s begin our class. 2.Ability aims : Try to act out the dialogue. 3.Emotion aims: To train the pupils’ interest of studying English. friend front come from begin Britain I come from Britain. Go back to your seats. Let’s begin our class. 新授课 教学媒体 Cards、recorder 讲解、小组合作 Step 1 Revision 1)Greetings . Ask and answer. 2)Let’s sing a song. Where are you from? Step 2 Knowledge 1) Teach the new words: friend front come from begin Britain 2) Teacher says: Please make up a sentence. friends We have two new friends in our class. Come from I come from Britain. Begin Let’s begin our class. Step 3 Comprehensionw 1)Look at the slide picture and listen—Listen and point—listen and follow— practise speaking in two steps—pair work 2)Act out this dialogue in pairs. Ask and answer according to the picture cards . Step 4 Applications 1)Ask the pupils to make up dialogues in pairs by using the sentence patterns. 2)Divide the class into boy team and girl team , get one pupil from each of the team at once, and act out the dialogue. 3)Group work. Invite as many groups to act out the dialogue. Step 5 Homework 1)Listen to the tape at home. 2)Make up the new dialogue. 教 学 过 程 板 书 设 计 UNIT 1 We have new friends. Lesson 1 front friend come from begin Britain Go back to your seats. 教 学 反 思 小学 英语 学科教学设计

五年级 班 教师姓名: 课、章、节 授课 日期 1.Knowledge aims:The new words: Britain Australia New Zealand (three skills) Friend I am I’m=I am (four skills) The new sentences: I’m Bob. I’m eleven. 2.Ability aims : To train the pupils’ ability to practise saying and writing. 3.Emotion aims:To make the pupils’ to be interested in English. friend I am I’m=I am I’m Bob. I’m eleven. 新授课 教学媒体 Cards、recorder 讲解、小组合作 Step 1 Revision 1)Revise the sentence pattern “Where do you come from?” 2)Revise some old words : friend front come from begin Britain. 3)Let’s sing a song. Step 2 Knowledge 1) Teach the new words: friend I am I’m=I am I’m Bob. I’m eleven. 2)Teach the words: Australia New Zealand Let the pupils look at the pictures in your text books . Get them to make sentences. 3) Teach the new sentences: I’m …… I come from ….. Step 3 Comprehension 1)Let the pupils look at every National flag. 2) Play the tape and get the class to listen with their books closed. 3)Act out this dialogue in pairs. Ask and answer according to the picture cards . Step 4 Applications 1)Ask the pupils to make up dialogues in pairs by using the sentence patterns. 2)Get the class to practise the questions and answers in pairs. Unit 1 课题 Lesson 2 课时 1 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 课 型 教学方法 教 学 过 程



