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(1) In _______ the British Common wealth was foun ded.


1913 B.1936 C.1939

(2) Most pregnant working womenreceive their statutory maternity pay directly from their employer for a maximum of ________ weeks. A. 10

B. 18


D. 22

(3) The Declarati on of In depe ndence was adopted by the Con ti nen tal Con gress on ______ . A. April 19,1775

B. Christmas Day of 1776

C. May 10,1775 D. July 4, 1776

(4) Abraham Lincoln, as can didate of _____ , was elected Preside nt in 1860.

A. the Democratic Party B. the Republica n Party C. the Labor Party D. the Conservative Party

(5) Which of the following is NOT true about the Independence Day

A. It is America ' s most important patriotic holiday, the birthday of the nation. B. Some people bring their childre n to visit the birthplace of the n ati on C. The army fires a 13-gun salute.

D. The Preside nt traditi on ally holds a large n ati onal banq uet.

(6) Spen ser is regarded as one of the greatest poets in the En glish Ren aissa nee.

His 材 masterpiece is ________ . A. Utopia

B. The So ng of Beowulf

— Bost on.

C. The Faerie Quee ne D. The Can terbury Tales

(7) The Romantic Age came to an end with the death of the last well-known romantic

writer __________ . A. Jane Auste n

B. Walter Scott C. Samuel Taylor Coleridge D. William Wordsworth

‘ the true father of our(Am.) national literature.


(8) _______ was considered A. Mark Twai n

B. Henry James C. Emily Dick inson D. Dreiser



(9) Moder n lin guistics focuses on the prese nt-day Ian guage, it will be possible

to describe Ian guage from a ____________ point of view. A. sociological

B. synchronic

C. diachr onic D. psychological

(10) The same word may have more tha n one meaning, which is called __

A. synonymy B. homonymy C. hyp onymy D. polysemy


(1) The prevailing_______ winds or Westerilies blow over the country all the


A. south-east

B. south C. south-west D. west

(2) Education is compulsory for all between the ages of ________ and ________

A. 5;16

B. 4;17 C. 3;18 D. 6;15

(3) The Con stitutio n was first ratified by _____ in December 1787.

A. Massachusetts

B. New York C. Washi ngton D. Bost on

(4) Each local school district has

which is usually elected by the voters. A. a board of admi nistrati

B. a gover ning board on

D. an educati onal C. delegates ' authority


(5) Which of the following is NOT associated with Halloween

A. “ Trick or treat ” B.


C. bonfire

pumpk in-la nterns

(6) The most important styles in _______ in England is poetry and drama.

A. the Middle En glish literature B. Ren aissa nee

C. The Victoria n Period

D. the Neoclassical Period

(7) The Pickwick Paper is among __________ early no vels. A. Jane Auste n ' s B. Thomas Hardy ' s C. Charles Dicke ns D. D. H.

Lawrenee ' s




(8)The novel is NOT written by Henry James.

A. The Ambassadors C. The Bost onians (9) The distinction between

B. The Wings of the Dove D. The Mysterious Stra nger compete nee and performa nee

is similar

to the

disti ncti on betwee n

A. prescriptive and descriptive C. speech and writing

B. syn chro nic and diachr onic D. la nguage and parole

(10) Semantics can be defined as the study of

A. naming

B. mea ning C. com muni cati on D. all of the



(1) In Britai n

A. 90%; 10% B. 80%; 20%

of the populati on is urba n and

C. 70%; D. 60%; 30% 40%

is rural.

(2) The Open University is based in

A. London

B. Edi nburgh C. the new tow n of Milt on Keynes D.

Cambridge (3) After

Preside nt Jeffers on

bought the Louisia na territory from


was a desire for territorial expansion among many frontier men. A. En gla nd B. Holla nd C. France D. Spa in


2000: An Education Strategy ” .

A. Cli nto n

B. Bush C. Reagan

C. Nix on

On April 18,1991,

issued the plan “American

(5) _____________ Since , many America n childre n have asked for pennies in stead of can dies

on Allhallow ' s Even for UNICEF to help children in other countries. A.1868 (6)




Romeo and Juliet, though a tragedy, is permeated with _______ spirit.



A. optimistic B. pessimistic

(7) _________

in guished feature of Charles Dicke ns

A. Humor

B. Lan guage

C. satirical D. realistic

is the most dist ' works.

C. Plot D. Character portrayal

(8) ________________________________________________________________________ Altogether, Miss Emily Dickinson wrote 1,775 poems, of which only ______________________had

appeared during her lifetime. A. eight

B. seve ntee n

C. nine

D. seve n

(9) The study of Ianguage meaning is called _______ .

A. syn tax

B. morphology

C. sema ntics

D. pragmatics

(10) Words that are opposite in meaning are _______ .

A. synonyms B. hyp onyms C. antonyms D. homopho nes


(1) The names Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday came from _______ .

A. Christianity C. Druidism

B. Anglo-Saxon ' s Teutonic religious D. Norman belief

(2) Of monthly magazines(in England), _________ has the highest circulation.

A. Econo mist

B. Readers' Digest C. Spectator

D. Scotsma n

(3) The Civil War was over whe n Gen eral Lee and his Con federate Army surre ndered

after the fall of their capital _______ . A. Jamestow n

B. Gettysburg

C. Richm ond

D. Charlest on

(4) According to the USConstitution,

A. the federal gover nment C. the county gover nment

the education is mainly a function of ______________ . B. the city gover nment D. the state gover nment

(5) Now in the Un ited States, people usually spe nd Vetera ns

A. keeping two minutes of silence at home at 11:00 AM

' Day by _________.



B. holding veteran ' s parade C. holding public ceremonies

D. visiting the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery (6) Of the follow ing plays by Shakespeare, which is NOT a comedy

A. Midsummer Night Dream C.

B. The merchant of Venice D. Romeo and Juliet

Twelfth Night

(7) The famous Bronte sisters in the En glish literature are the followi ng EXCEPT

A. Bran well B. Anne C. Charlotte D. Emily

(8) Adve ntures of Huckleberry Finn was a no vel by __________ .

A. Henry James

B. Mark Twai n

C. Dreiser

D. Dick inson

(9) ______ made the disti nction betwee n Ian guage and parole.

A. Chomsky

B. Sapir

C. Hall

D. Saussure

(10) Pragmatics differs from traditional semantics in that it studies meaning not

in isolati on, but i n ______ . A. relatio nship

B. depe ndence

C. sentence

D. con text


(1) In 1066 Harold

and his troops fought against William ' s army Senlac Field

n ear

A. London B. Norma ndy C. Sta ndford D. Hast ing

(2) _______ is the home of golf. A. En gla nd B. Scotla nd C. Wakes D. Irela nd (3) _______ desig ned and flew a successful pla ne in 1911.

A. Glee n E. Curiss C. He nry Ford

_______ is con sidered educati on. A. Similarity

B. The Wright brothers D. J. P. Morgan to be an outsta nding


of America n

B. Cen tralizati on C. Diversity D.


专业八级人文模拟题 - 图文


