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(一)指示代词:this , that , these , those. this , that 一般与可数名词的单数连用,而不与不可数名词连用(但 that 可单 独指代不可数名词)。 that apple ( √ ) that meat ( × ) 填空:The weather in Sichuan is not so hot as __ in Guangzhou. (二)人称代词、物主代词和反身代词

1)人称代词:主格、宾格(作主语为主格, 作宾语为宾格; 介+宾格) eg. 1) I thank you

2) You thank me.

2)物主代词:形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。 一变(my—mine);

二留(his—his its—its);

三加 s(your—yours ; our—ours ; her—hers ; their—theirs) 用法:有名不名,无名是名

eg. This is _____(我的)book. This book is ______(我的). 主格 宾格 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词

I we you you it he she they

me us you you it him her them my our your your its his her their mine ours yours yours its his hers theirs

3)反身代词:某某自己;亲自 反身代词的常见搭配:

1.enjoy oneself 玩得高兴;过得愉快

2.hurt oneself 伤着自己

3.teach oneself = learn… by oneself 自学 4.(all) by oneself (完全)独立地 5.help oneself to


6.look after oneself 自理;照顾自己 7.leave one by oneself 把…单独留下 8.lose oneself in 陶醉于…;沉浸于



yourself myself himself herself itself

yourselves ourselves



1)some 与 any 一般情况下,some 用于肯定句,any 用于否定句、疑问句(但表邀请、建议的问句中可用 some— 此类句型常以 could , would 开头) 2) many + 可数 = a lot of : 许多 lots of / a number of/ plenty of

much + 不可数

(但 a lot of 不能用于否定句) 3) few , a few ; little , a little

表否定 表肯定

可数 few(几乎没有) a few(几个;一些) 不可数 little(几乎没有) a little(一点儿少许) ①.The story is easy to read. There are ____new words in it. ②.Hurry up! There is time left. 4) everyone / anyone 不加 of

no one 不加 of none of ------

( )____ of us wants to read the book.

A. Everyone B. Every one 5)other ,another , others

C. Nobody D. No one



三者以上的另一个 one…..the other 一个…另一个


复数 定语





the others =the other+复名(另外的人或物)

①.We study _____ subjects besides Chinese. ②.May I have ___________ apple ?

③.These cups are clean. ________ are dirty.

④.I have two pens. One is red , ________ is blue. [ other ; another ; others ; the other] 另外注意:one another (三者以上的)相互= each other (两者的)相互 We should learn from each other(说明 we 指两个人) They help one another (说明 they 指三个人以上)

6) 二者与三者

复数 单数(否定) 单数(肯定)

二者 both(都) neither(都不) either(任何一个) 三者 all(都) none(都不) any(任何一个) 注意: both 否定 neither all 否定 none ②.both , all 不但作主语为复数,且被修饰的词也为复数;

neither , none 作主语为单数,但 none of + 复名,neither of + 复名 ( )1. of my parents is a teacher. A. None B. Neither C. Both D. All

( )2.There are many trees on ____ side(bank)of the river. A. both B. any C. either D. all

every one / any one of 7)

each: (二者以上的)每个——作主、宾、定) every: (三者以上的)每个——只作定语)

② .____ student in the class likes English. ②.___ of the students studied hard. [Every ; Each]


( )1.____office is much smaller than ____. A. Ours ; yours B. Our ; yours C. Theirs ; our ( )2. “Help___ to some meat,” my uncle said to me . A. themselves B. yourself C. yourselves

( )3. There are twenty teachers in our school. Eight of them are men teachers and ____ are women teachers.

A. others B. the others C. another

( )4. There isn’t ____ paper in the box. Will you go and get ____ for me ?

A. any ; some B. any ; any C. some ; any ( )5. There are many trees on sides of the street. A. both

B. all C. each

( )6. of them has a dictionary and ____ one of them can look up words in it.

A. Each; every B. Every; each C. Every; every ( )7. “When shall we meet, this afternoon or tonight?”

“I don’t mind. ____ time is OK.

A. Either

B. Every C. Neither

A. other

B. the other

C. another

( )8. Would you like _____ cup of tea?

( )9. The two friends were so pleased to see each other that they forgot _____.

A. other everything B. anything else C. everything else. )10.____ of his parents is a teacher. A. Both B. Neither )11. The river is very dirty. ____ people go to swim in it. A. Few )12. A friend of ____ came to see ____ yesterday. A. his ; his )13. You can’t leave your baby by _____ at home. A. herself

)14. My father is very busy with his work. He has ___ time to have a rest.

( ( ( ( (

C. None B. A few B. he ; him B. himself A. little B. the other B. a few

C. Little C. his ; him C. itself B. a little C. few C. the others

C. few C. us B. some B. little

( )15. I have three skirts. One is red, two are black. A. another ( )16. Jack has _____ friends here. So he often feels lonely. A. a little

( )17. Who teaches ______ French? ( )18. The boys were all tired, but

A. we B. our

of them stopped to have a rest. A. any

C. none C. few

( )19. Sorry, I can’t answer your question. I know _____ about the news. A. a little ( )20. —Hello, Bill! Help ____ to a cake . 中考衔接:

—Thanks . A. your B. yourself C. yourselves

( )1. —How was the evening party yesterday? —We enjoyed _____very much.(荆州)

A. us B. ourselves C. its D. itself

( )2. —You look sad, Kate. —Yeah, I have made ____ mistakes in my report. (武汉市)

A. a little B. little C. a few D.few ( )3. —Are you _____ from America? —No, none of us. (武汉市)

A. both B. all C. any D. either ( )4. I tried several jackets on, but ______ of them looked good. ( 河北)

A. both B. either C. none D. neither ( )5. I’m going skating. Would you like to go with ______? ( 北京)

A. me B. I C. my D. mine ( )6. I’m hungry. I want ______ to eat.( 北京) A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing ( )7. _ is too difficult if you put your effort into it. (无锡)

A. Anything B. Something C. Nothing D. Everything ( )8. His name is James but he calls ______ Jim. ( 南京) A. his B. himself C. him D. / ( )9. —The story is so amazing! It’s the most interesting story I’ve ever read.

—But I’m afraid it won’t be liked by ______. ( 南京) A. everybody B. somebody C. anybody D. nobody

( )10. Julie enjoys listening to music very much. She often says to me that ______ is more interesting than music. ( 成都)

A. nothing B. something C. everything D. Everything

( )11. —I saw Tony at the party. But he didn’t speak to me ______ evening. —Maybe he didn’t see you. ( 河南)

A. all B. every C. either D. another ( )12. —Who is singing in the next room? —______ must be Marie.( 安徽)

A. It B. She C. This D. There



