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《Unit 4 Natural Disasters Reading for writing》教案(附导学案)

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Unit 4 Natural Disasters

Period 1 Reading for writing


1. Get students to have a good understanding of how to write a summary about a news report.

2. Enable students to use some writing skills flexibly. 3. Develop students’ writing and cooperating abilities. 4. Strengthen students’ great interest in writing discourses. 【教学重难点】

1. How to enable students to have a good understanding of the skills of writing a suggestion letter.

2. How to enable students to write a good recommendation letter using some writing skills properly. 【教学过程】 Step 1: Lead in

Begin the class with the lead-in questions: What is a tsunami? What causes it?

Will it cause great damage to humans? Watch the video and express your ideas.

It is strongly recommended that the teacher should ask students to discuss the topic freely with their partners and brainstorm some ideas concerning the topic. In this way, students can come up with more ideas and avoid being nervous at the beginning of the class.

Step 2: Read to discover details concerning how to write a summary about a news report

The teacher is expected to ask students to read a news report about a tsunami silently and then request students to discuss the questions below.

In this step, what should be highlighted is that the teacher ought to give students enough time to read individually and think independently.

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In this period, the teacher uses when, what, why three questions to guide students to focus on details of a news report. 1. When did the tsunami happen? 2. What caused the tsunami?

3. Why would it be difficult to deliver food and supplies? Step 3: Read to sum up

After finishing the tasks above, the teacher leads students to figure out the summary of the news report. Check the main points it includes.

On 26 December 2004, a tsunami killed more than 6,500 tourists,fishermen and many other locals in Southeast Asia. Thousands of people are missing and the number of deaths is expected to grow. The damage caused by the tsunami is making it difficult for rescue workers to help the survivors.

date time place event cause effect following events Learning tip: A summary is a short statement of main points. A summary paragraph tells the main ideas and the most important information of a longer passage. 1. Follow the steps below to write a summary for the first text called “the night the earth didn’t sleep.”

Read the text and write a list of the main details.

2. Organize the ideas and draft your summary. Pay attention to the following: ●A summary should be around one third the length of the original text. ●Write down the key supporting points for the topic. ●Do not include unimportant details or examples. 3. Exchange drafts. Use the checklist to give feedback on your partner's draft. √Does the summary give you a clear idea of what the text is about? √Does the summary include only the most important information of the text? √Is the summary the proper length? √Are there any spelling or punctuation errors? √Does the writer use the correct tenses? 4. Get your drat back and revise it. Put up your summary in the classroom or

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read it to the class

Step 4: Practice

1. Use what you have learnt to write a news report




2. Discuss with your partners and figure out the features of a news report: 新间报道是记叙文的一种,其特点是以事实为依据,对人的经历或事实给予明确的、实事求是的报道。


英语新闻报道通常包括四部分: ①标题——标题应当简洁明了。



④结束语——通常是对全文内容进行概括性的总结。 3. 新闻报道增分句子 (1)陈述事实常用的句型:

①A terrible storm hit/struck ... , killing ..

②It was a cool autumn night when the earthquake happened. A large number of buildings fell down and roads were destroyed, leaving a great many people homeless.


③With the help of the rescue team, people who were the trapped in the flood were saved.


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