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上海交通大学研究生课程开设申请表【设计学院 交互设计】

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New Graduate Course Application Form, SJTU

课程基本信息Basic Information *课程名称 Course Name *学分 Credits *开课学期 Semester (中文Chinese)智能与交互设计 (英文English)Intelligent Interaction Research 2 夏季学期 Summer *学时 Teaching Hours *是否跨学期 否 No Cross-semester? *课程分类 Course Type 主要授课方式 Teaching Method 主要考核方式 Exam Method (1学分≥16课时) 跨Spanning over 个学期Semesters(含夏季学期)。 *课程性质 专业课 Specialized Course Course Category *授课语言 Instruction Language *成绩类型 Grade *开课院系 School 所属学科 Subject 负责教师 Person in charge 英文 English 等第制 Letter grading School of design Design 姓名Name 顾振宇 工号ID 50189 全日制课程 For full-time students 课堂教学 In class teaching 其它 Other 单位School Design 联系方式E-mail Zygu@sjtu.edu.cn 课程扩展信息Extended Information (分段概述课程定位、教学目标、主要内容、先修课程等;不少于200字。) 智能与交互设计是为了更好的用户体验,通过产品和服务的创新和优化。本课程专注于*课程简介 用户、对象及其使用环境之间的关系,识别人类的需要和需求,以及这些机会如何转化(中文) Course Description 为更加可用的、有用的、想用的和可持续的解决方案。除了一系列的讲座,本课程还将通过教程、练习、作业和项目来展示设计原则和优化过程,通过使用现有技术,设计互动界面的实践经验,学生将获得一些基础能力,为他们成为交互设计师做好准备。 (须与中文一致,翻译请力求信达雅。) Intelligent Interaction Research is much about framing user experiences in creating new products and services. Given the subject area, this course focuses on the relationships between users, objects and their contexts of use, how to identify human needs and wants, and how those opportunities *课程简介 lead to usable, useful, desirable and sustainable solutions. In addition to a (English) Course Description series of lectures, this course will present design principles and processes through tutorials, exercises, assignments and projects. By providing students insights with practical knowledge and hands-on experience designing interactive interfaces using available technologies, students will gain a foundation that will prepare them to be interaction designers. 4 / 4 2020.04

*教学大纲 (中文) Syllabus (建议列表形式,各列内容:章节、主要内容、课时数、教学方式) 第一周,第一章 智能与交互设计简介,教学大纲讨论,交互设计的未来。 第二周,第二章 人 阅读和论文作业:用户体验的性质。 第3?6周第3章 技术 用户体验框架(McCarthy&Wright,2004年) 实验室工作:Arduino +Processing 阅读:自然的用户界面是不自然的 项目I:互动装置。使用processing,对Arduino微控制器进行编程,以控制输入,输出,感测,声音,光和运动。 第七周,第四章 构想 需求发现和设计构想 定义受众,设备和需求/目标/结果*描述当前的解决方案和弱点*提出改进,扩展和/或变化的建议 项目II:与围绕我们的一切事物互动,在网上创建一个可交互的事物,创建一个可以工作的原型,该原型可以(a)解决问题,(b)进行创造性的探究,或者(c)完成验证性设计。 第8周。阶段性发表和想法评审 第9周,第5章 概念设计 讲故事,角色扮演,视频素描,体验素描 第10周。阶段性发表和概念评审 第十一周第6章 系统设计 用线框图和有限状态机为整个系统中的交互流程建模。 练习:->识别现有界面,并根据心智模型讨论其设计。哪里不足?它在哪里失败?它将如何改进? 第12周第7?8章 高保真原型制作技巧 第13?14周。完善项目演示 第15周:最终视频演示和演示时间 (须与中文一致,翻译请力求信达雅。) *教学大纲 (English) Syllabus Week 1. Chapter 1 Introductions to interaction design, Syllabus Discussion, The future of interaction design. Week 2. Chapter 2 The human Reading and Paper assignment: The nature of user experience. Week 3~6 Chapter 3 The technology The framework of user experience (McCarthy & Wright, 2004) Lab works: Arduino + Processing Reading: natural user interface is unnatural 4 / 4 2020.04

Project I: an interactive installation. Program the Arduino microcontroller using Processing to control inputs, outputs, sensing, sound, light, and motion. Week 7. Chapter 4 Ideation Needs and wants, a design specification, Defining the audience, device, and needs / goals / outcomes * Describing current solutions and weaknesses * Proposing improvements, extensions, and/or variations Project II: Design All Around Us—create an interactive thing on the net, Create a working prototype that (a) solves a problem, (b) follows a creative inquiry or (c ) fulfills a speculative design. Week 8. Team presentation and idea review Week 9. Chapter 5 Concept design Story telling, role playing, video sketching, experience sketching Week 10. Team presentation and concept review Week 11. Chapter 6 System design Wire framing and finite state machine modeling the flow of interactions and affects throughout the system. ''Exercises:'' ->Identify an existing interface and discuss its design in terms of the mental model. Where does it insufficient? Where does it fail? How might it be improved? Week 12 Chapter 7~8 High Fi prototyping skill Week 13~14. Demo polishing Week 15. Final video presentation and Demo time (课程考核方式、考核标准等;不少于50字) 可行性 30% 综合考虑市场价值、制造技术以及成本等因素,是否可在三年内实现量产; 创新性 40% 设计的原创性,发现问题和解决问题的角度和方法是否巧妙和独创,设计是否新颖,是否注重用户体验; 设计表现 30% 是否符合当今社会的审美趋势,是否符合人机工程学,设计方法掌握和表现技能和细节设计完成度,设计说明是否能明确清晰地阐述其设计思想。 (须与中文一致,翻译请力求信达雅。) Feasibility30% It should take full account of market value, technology and cost, and feasibility of mass production in three years; Innovation40% Design must be innovative, original,and should balance the needs of user's experience; Design Presentation30% 4 / 4 2020.04

*课程要求 (中文) Requirements *课程要求 (English) Requirements

上海交通大学研究生课程开设申请表【设计学院 交互设计】


