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中考中考英语总复习 语法填空易错大盘点

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13. A. interests B. points 14. A. as if

C. sizes D. styles D. since that D. any

B. even if C. so that

15. A. either B. another C. some

【答案】 (1)B;(2)C;(3)A;(4)D;(5)C;(6)C;(7)B;(8)D;(9)A;(10)B;(11)A;(12)D;(13)B;(14)C;(15)D; 【解析】【分析】大意:短文主要介绍了拥有一个好的学习期所需要的东西。

(1)句意:告诉你自己的停一下是很容易的。A奇怪的,B容易的,C不同的,D私人的。根据上文 In the middle of a study period, you must be a little tired. 在学习期的中间,你肯定有点累,可知当累的时候,告诉自己停下来修饰很容易的。故选B。

(2)句意:你可能去厨房,因为你太饿或者太渴。A花园,B院子,C厨房,D池。根据下文 you're so hungry or thirsty. 你太饿或者太渴,可知去的应该是厨房。故选C。 (3)句意:通过放一瓶水和健康的小吃在桌上来解决这个问题。A通过,表方法、方式;B在里面;C在上面;D在,一般接小地点。根据上文 How can you save time? 你如何节省时间,可知此处强调的是方法方式。故选A。

(4)句意:这些东西会提前给你长时间学习所需要的。A麻烦,B形状,C价格,D东西。根据上文 keeping a bottle of water and healthy snacks at your desk. 放一瓶水和健康的小吃在桌上,可知此处指的是上文提到的这些东西。故选D。

(5)句意:你可能会用课堂笔记来学习。A表扬,B扔,C学习,D承诺。根据 If you are not clear about what you have learnt 如果你对你学习过的东西不清楚,可知这里应是用笔记来学习。故选C。

(6)句意:如果还是有一个题目你完全不理解,会发生什么事?A正常地,B逐渐地,C完全地,D礼貌地。根据下文 You'd better have a website .你最好有一个网站,可知应是指看了笔记还是完全不懂,因此需要用到网络。故选C。


(8)句意:这些在确保你理解材料上可以上是很有帮助的。A和平的,B美丽的,C感恩的,D有帮助的。根据前文提到的笔记和搜索资料的网站,可知是有帮助的。故选D。 (9)句意:在你读课文和笔记的时候。A读,B表演,C争吵,D对待。根据宾语 textbook and notes,课文和笔记,可知是读,故选A。

(10)句意:用亮光笔和粘贴笔记来提醒你自己你需要记住的关键信息。A反映,B提醒,C收到,D重复。根据 highlighters and sticky notes,亮光笔和粘贴笔记,可知是用来提醒自己哪些是重点笔记的。故选B。

(11)句意:因为即使是最严格的的老师,也不会让你为了考试记住整本书。A因为,B在……之前,C在……之后,D尽管。根据上文作者提倡用亮光笔和粘贴笔记来提醒你自己你需要记住的关键信息,可知是因为老师也会要求你记住关键知识就好。故选A。 (12)句意:因为即使是最严格的的老师,也不会让你为了考试记住整本书。A取消,B出席,C庆祝,D记住。根据 your whole textbook,你的一整本课本,可知应是为了考试去记住。故选D。


些材料。A兴趣,B分数,C尺寸,D类型。根据动词lose,可知是不失去分数。故选B。 (14)句意:最后,我们建议在你的学习中使用一些笔记卡,以便你为了接下来的考试可以做闪卡。A仿佛,B即使,C为了/以便,D从那以后。根据下文 you can make flashcards for coming tests .你为了接下来的考试可以做闪卡,可知是为了/以便。故选C。

(15)句意:这些是给任何一个需要识记的科目的有用的一个工具。A(两者中的)任何一个,接可数名词单数;B另一个,接可数名词单数;C一些,接可数名词复数;D任何,可接可数名词和不可数名词。根据定语从句 that requires memorization. 需要识记的,可知指的是任何一个需要识记的科目。故选D。


13.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 I have invented robots which improve the work of cars. My love of making things began 1 I was a kid. I really became excited about inventing after I learned about Thomas Edison. One day in fourth grade, our 2 gave us a project in class. We had to write to a company and learn about the products. I thought and thought. 3 I chose the Thomas A. Edison Company. Soon after, the company sent me a book about the life of Thomas Edison. How I enjoyed reading and re-reading about his 4 ! I like the recorded sound and the electric light most. The inventions were clearly printed on my brain.

My dad noticed my interest in inventing and 5 me. He showed me how to turn my ideas into plans and then into new things. Once, I surprised my dad 6 a model plane I made. Later, we found a 7 model plane in a store. I learned that different inventors often invent similar things. It is not unusual for this to happen. I also learned that not all great ideas 8 . Failure is a common part of the inventing.

As my father and I worked together, I began to realize that my dad was quite an inventor himself. He was always 9 a better way to do a simple job. His guiding hands, together with my 10 in inventing, led me to become an engineer and an inventor. Of course, I also thank Thomas Edison. He is my hero. 1. A. before 2. A. parent 3. A. Easily 4. A. lights 6. A. with 8. A. work 10. A. habit

B. after B. teacher B. Finally

C. when C. inventor C. Safely C. chose C. into C. large C. come C. interest

D. until D. engineer D. Quickly D. encouraged D. from D. small D. end D. plan

B. projects C. suggestions D. inventions B. about B. fail B. story

5. A. mistook B. refused 7. A. different B. similar

9. A. looking at B. looking for C. looking after D. looking through

【答案】 (1)C;(2)B;(3)B;(4)D;(5)D;(6)A;(7)B;(8)A;(9)


【解析】【分析】文章大意: 本文讲述了我从小如何对发明感兴趣,并且在爸爸的带领下从发明东西中悟出的一些道理。

(1)句意:当我是孩子时,我对于制造东西的爱开始了A:before在……之前; B:after在……之后; C:when当……时; D:until直到……故选C。

(2)句意:四年级的一天,老师在课堂上给了我们一个项目。A:parent 父(母)亲;B:teacher教师; C:inventor发明家; D:engineer工程师。由关键词in fourth grade和in class,可知推出老师给的项目,故选B。

(3)句意:最后我选择了托马斯A爱迪生公司。A:Easily容易地; B:Finally最后; C:Safely安全地; D:Quickly迅速地。根据上文 I thought and thought.可知最后的选择托马斯A爱迪生公司,故选B。

(4)句意:我多么喜欢阅读和重读他的发明。A:lights 灯;B:projects 项目;C:suggestions建议; D:inventions发明。 根据下文 like the recorded sound and the electric light most.”可推知是发明物。故选D。

(5)句意:我爸爸注意到我对发明感兴趣,并鼓励我。A:mistook误会; B:refused拒绝; C:chose选择; D:encouraged鼓励。根据下文He showed me how to turn my ideas into plans and then into new things.爸爸向我展示如何把我的想法变成计划然后变成新东西,所以是鼓励我,故选D。

(6)句意:我用这个模型飞机使我爸爸惊讶。A:with 带有;B:about关于; C:into进入……里; D:from自从。surprise动词,使惊讶;with在这里是“使用”的意思。故选A。 (7)句意:后来,我们在一家商店里发现了一架类似的模型飞机。A:different不同的; B:similar相似的; C:large大的; D:small小的。根据下文I learned that different inventors often invent similar things. It is not unusual for this to happen. 不同的发明家经常发明相似的东西,可知要用similar,故选B。

(8)句意:我也知道不是所有伟大的想法都有效。A:work 工作,起作用;B:fail失败; C:come来; D:end结束。根据下文Failure is a common part of the inventing. 可知失败是发明中常见的一部分,可推出不是所有的想法都会起作用,故选A。

(9)句意:他总是苦苦寻找更好的方法来做一件简单的工作。A:looking at看; B:looking for找; C:looking after照看; D:looking through浏览。根据上文 I began to realize that my dad was quite an inventor himself. 可知才会总是寻找更好的办法做简单的工作,故选B。

(10)句意:他的指导,加上我对发明的兴趣,使我成为一名工程师和发明家。A:habit习惯; B:story故事; C:interest兴趣; D:plan计划。根据最后一段总结全文呼应开头 。由首段作者对发明的喜爱和介词in,可知是我对发明的兴趣。故选C。



Miss Chan, our class teacher, is my favorite teacher. We are going to 1 this school and I will miss her very much.

Miss Chan is very patient. Whenever we 2 questions in class. She explains to us very carefully. She is also 3 because she cares much about us. She often says to us. \immediately if you feel unhappy. Share your 4 with me and do not just try to solve it by yourself. \

Miss Clran is very generous(慷慨的). One day, she gave each of us a book, Three Days to See, and told 5 We should read more. She once chose our monitor as the most helpful student, and gave him a set of stationery(文具)as a 6 . When she is free, she 7 helps us with our studies and we've made great progress.

Not only do all of us like Miss Chan, but Miss Chan also likes my class because she thinks all of us are 8 . She always says she thinks herself very 9 to be the teacher of my class. In fact, Miss Chan is the most thoughtful(体贴的) teacher I have ever met. She always thinks about our feelings. I hope I will go to a high school with 10 as good as Miss Chan. 1. A. leave 2. A. spell

B. Know B. Train

C. meet C. ask

D. choose D. remember D. kind D. him D. joke D. hardly D. excellent D. worried

3. A. surprised B. humorous C. strange 5. A. them 6. A. gift

B. you B. mark

C. us C. smile C. never C. angry

4. A. chance B. problem C. advantage D. skill

7. A. seldom B. often 9. A. lucky 10. A. stars

B. silly

8. A. difficult B. careless C. unable

B. tourists C. teachers D. scientists

【答案】 (1)A;(2)C;(3)D;(4)B;(5)C;(6)A;(7)B;(8)D;(9)A;(10)C;


(1)句意: 我们要离开这所学校,我会非常想念她。A离开,B知道,C遇见,D选择,根据 I will miss her very much可知思念一个人是因为她要离开了 ,故选A。

(2)句意: 每当我们在课堂上提问时。A拼读,B训练,C问,D记得,根据 explains to

us very carefully可知解释的前提是有人提问 , 故选C。

(3)句意: 她很好,因为她非常关心我们。A惊讶的,B幽默的,C奇怪的,D友善的,根据 because she cares much about us可知关心我们证明她很友善 , 故选D。 (4)句意: 与我分享你的问题,不要试图独自解决。A机会,B问题,C优势,D技术,根据 do not just try to solve it by yourself可知解决的是问题 , 故选B。

(5)句意: 一天,她给了我们每人一本书,《假如给我三天时光》,并告诉我们应该多读一些。A他们,B你们,C我们,D他,根据 she gave each of us a book可知给我们的同时告诉我们 , 故选C。

(6)句意: 她曾经选择我们的班长作为最有帮助的学生,并给他一套文具作为礼物。A礼物,B分数,C微笑,D玩笑,根据generous可知慷慨的人是送礼物 , 故选A。 (7)句意: 当她有空时,她经常帮助我们学习,我们取得了很大进步。A很少,B经常,C从不,D几乎不,根据 we've made great progress可知排除AC和D的否定用法 , 故选B。

(8)句意: 因为她认为我们都很优秀。A困难的,B粗心的,C不能的,D优秀的,根据 She always thinks about our feelings她总是想着我们的感受可知让别人有自信是估计别人的感受,故是认为对方优秀 ,故选D。

(9)句意: 她总是说她认为自己很幸运成为我们班的老师。A幸运的,B愚蠢的,C生气的,D担心的,根据上文的她认为我们都很优秀,可知有这样的老师很幸运 , 故选A。 (10)句意: 我希望高中老师能和陈小姐一样好。A明星,B游客,C老师,D科学家,根据 Miss Chan是个老师故此处是老师间的比较 , 故选C。



What do you do in your free time? Surf the Internet? Watch TV? For 15-year-old Wang Yan, her free time is not 1 at all. Wang Yan has a special family. Her mother can't 2 and has to stay in bed all day, and her father can't see. So the family roles are 3 . Instead of parents taking care of their child, Wang Yan has to take care of her parents. From the age of 6, Wang Yan began to cook and wash clothes for the whole family.

Now Wang Yan is a 9th grade student in a school. The school is far from her home, 4 she has to live at school. At school she studies very hard and every 5 she comes back home and helps her parents. Being a care-giver, she cooks, washes clothes and gives her parents massages(被摩), As the only laborer(劳力)in the family, she does a lot of 6 work-weeding(除草), watering the field, growing vegetables. She 7 has a busy weekend. Though the girl lives a hard life, she never feels 8 . As for the future, Wang Yan hopes to go to college and then become a 9 , “If I can go to college, I will take my parents with me, \(残疾人)like my 10 .\

中考中考英语总复习 语法填空易错大盘点


