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九年级上学期 Unit 8 单元测试卷

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华师初中2020-2021学年英语九年级上Unit 8 单元测试


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One day, there was a girl selling roses in the street. It was getting dark but she had one rose which hadn’t been sold and she really ____1____ to go home. So she decided to give it to someone else. She found there ____2____ a beggar nearby. She gave it to ____3____ beggar in order to go home. The beggar was ____4____ surprised and touched that he stopped begging and went back home.

As soon as he got home, he found a bottle in order to put the rose in it. However, the bottle was too dirty ____5____ his beautiful rose. He cleaned the bottle and began to enjoy the sight of the rose. Suddenly, he found the table was too ____6____ for the rose, too. So he started to clean the table. At last, his house ____7____, too. When he finished cleaning the house, he found ____8____ was too dirty for the rose, ____9____. Therefore, he rushed to the bathroom ____10____ took a shower. What’s more, he also managed ____11____ some old but clean clothes for himself. After ____12____ himself, he found himself young and handsome in the mirror. He suddenly realized that his life ____13____ he used to complain about was not so bad. “I ____14____ stop begging and find a job and start to work ____15____,” he said to himself. Finally, he succeeded in owning a company through his hard work. ( )1. A. wanted ( )2. A. is ( )3. A. a ( )4. A. very ( )5. A. of ( )6. A. dirty ( )7. A. cleaned ( )8. A. him ( )9. A. also

B. want B. was B. an B. much B. for B. the dirtiest B. cleans B. he B. too


C. wants C. had C. the C. so C. to C. dirtier C. was cleaned C. his C. either

D. was wanting D. has D. / D. such D. among D. dirtiest D. was cleaning D. himself D. neither

( )10. A. and ( )11. A. find ( )12. A. dress ( )13. A. who ( )14. A. may ( )15. A. hard

B. or B. found B. dressing B. when B. could B. harder

C. but C. finding C. dresses C. what C. should C. hardly

D. so D. to find D. to dress D. which D. need D. hardest


Every year on my birthday, from the time I turned 12, a white gardenia(栀子花)was sent to my house. No card came with is. Calls to the ____16____ shops were not helpful at all. After a while I stopped trying to ____17____ the sender and was just very ____18____ with the beautiful white flower in soft pink paper.

But I ____19____ stopped imagining who the giver might be, and some of my happiest moments were spent imagining about the ____20____. My mother encouraged this imagining. She’d ask me if there was someone whom I had done a special kindness. Perhaps it was the old man who I ____21____ when he was ill. However, as a girl, I had more fun imagining that it might be a ____22____.

One month before my graduation, my father died. I felt very ____23____ and didn’t want to go to the coming graduation dance. And I didn’t ____24____ whether I had a new dress or not. But my mother, in her own sadness, would not let me ____25____ any of those things. She wanted her children to feel loved and lovable.

My mother died ten days after I was married. That was the year the gardenia stopped coming. ( )16. A. flower ( )17. A. call ( )18. A. popular ( )19. A. always ( )20. A. sender ( )21. A. looked at

B. book B. remember B. bored B. never B. player B. looked after

C. clothing C. write C. pleased C. already C. visitor C. looked for

D. food D. find D. familiar D. often D. writer D. looked up


( )22. A. girl ( )23. A. nervous ( )24. A. care ( )25. A. watch

B. boy B. angry B. decide B. hold

C. friend C. strange C. understand C. miss

D. classmate D. sad D. believe D. forget



David and Lily have two children, Lucy and Jack. Lucy is six years old and she is twice as old as Jack. One day, David and Lily had to go to Canada on business. So they had to find a babysitter to look after their children for a week.

Seven days later, when they got to their hometown in their car, they found much smoke. So they went to see what was happening. A house was on fire ! Lily said, “It’s very dangerous and the house isn’t ours. It’s none of our business. Let’s go home quickly. I miss my children so much.” But David disagreed and he kept driving there, “The house belongs to Tom. I should help him”

When they got close to the house, they saw a woman crying in the street. She was Tom’s wife, Mary. Her children were in the house and her husband was at work. David asked her to show him where her children were. She told them her children were in the bathroom. Although Lily didn’t agree, David hurried to the bathroom which was full of smoke and heat. He soon found two children. As he left, he could hear some other sound like crying. He quickly saved two children out of house. However, he was told that two more children were still inside the house. Lily was afraid and shouted, “Don’t go back ! It is dangerous ! The house will fall down at any second !”

David went back inside the house by feeling his way down into the room. It seemed a million years had passed before he found both the children in the bedroom and the way out of the house. As he was holding the children, he felt strangely familiar with the little bodies. At last, when they managed to get out of the house, he found that he had just saved his own children ! The babysitter had left them at this house while she was doing some shopping. ( )26. How old is Jack ?

A. 5 years old.

B. 4 years old

C. 3 years old

D. 2 years old

( )27. The underlined word “babysitter” in Paragraph 1 means in Chinese ?


九年级上学期 Unit 8 单元测试卷


