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1.(2017·全国卷Ⅰ)Even ________ (bad),the amount of fast food that people eat goes up. 【解析】even常用来修饰形容词的比较级,故答案为worse。类似句式还有:what's worse(更糟糕的是),worse still(更糟糕的是)。 【答案】worse

2.(2017·全国卷Ⅱ)The Central London Railway was one of the most ________ (success) of these new lines, and was opened in 1900.

【解析】此处表示这些新开线路中最为成功的线路之一。设空位置在be动词was之后,且空前为the most,故用形容词successful。 【答案】successful

3.(2017·全国卷Ⅱ)Steam engines were used to pull the carriages and it must have been ________(fair) unpleasant for the passengers, with all the smoke and noise.


4.(2017·全国卷Ⅱ)They often get up earlier and water the vegetables together. ______________ 【解析】在做短文改错时,看到比较级要注意语境是否表示比较意义,本题由语境可知没有比较意义,故用副词原级。考生要注意early既可作形容词又可作副词。 【答案】earlier→early

5.(2017·全国卷Ⅰ)It was a relief and I came to a suddenly stop just in the middle on the road. ______________

【解析】修饰名词stop应用形容词。注意与固定搭配come to a stop“停下”。类似的还有come to an end“结束”;come to a conclusion“得出结论,结束”。 【答案】suddenly→sudden

6.(2017·全国卷Ⅰ)I was so much nervous that I could hardly tell which direction was left. ______________


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a开头的作表语的形容词(alike,afraid,awake等),much一般用于修饰形容词的比较级。 【答案】去掉much

7.(2016·新课标Ⅰ,63)The title will be ________(official)given to me at a ceremony in London. 【解析】officially 句意:这个头衔会在伦敦的典礼上正式地被授予我。修饰动词应用副词形式。 8.(2016·新课标Ⅱ,41)If you feel stressed by responsibilities at work,you should take a step back and identify(识别)those of ________(great)and less importance.

【解析】greater 句意:如果你因为工作责任而感到有压力的话,那么你应该暂缓一下,识别哪些事情更重要,哪些不太重要。由and连接两个并列成分可知,great应与less并列,故用比较级greater。 9.(2016·新课标Ⅱ,47)Recent studies show that we are far more productive at work if we take short breaks ________(regular).

10.(2016·新课标Ⅲ,66)Food in small pieces could be eaten easily with twigs which ________(gradual)turned into chopsticks.

【解析】gradually 句意:小块的食物用树枝更容易吃到,这样树枝就逐渐演变成了筷子。所填词修饰动词,所以用副词形式。

11.(2016·四川,62)Chinese scientists ________(recent)had a chance to study a wild female panda with a newborn baby.

【解析】recently 句意:最近,中国的科学家有机会研究一只带着新出生的熊猫宝宝的野生雌性大熊猫。在句中作状语应用副词形式。

12.(2016·四川,63)She was a very ________(care)mother.

【解析】caring/careful 句意:她是一位非常体贴的/细心的妈妈。修饰名词应用形容词形式。caring“体贴的,关心他人的”和careful“细心的”均符合语境。

13.(2016·浙江,6)That young man is honest,cooperative,always there when you need his help. In short,he's ________(rely).

【解析】reliable 句意:那个年轻人很诚实,有合作精神,当你需要他的帮助的时候,他总会在那里。简而言之,他可以信赖。be 动词后面要接形容词作表语。

14.(2016·浙江,18)I have always enjoyed all the events you organized and I hope to attend ________(many)in the coming years.

【解析】more 句意:我一直很喜欢你组织的所有的活动,并且希望未来的几年里参加更多的活动。此处

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small round old brown French oak writing table.

易错起源2、形容词、副词的比较级结构;形容词、副词前面使用冠词的情况以及倍数的表达方法 例2. David has won the first prize in singing; he is still very excited now and feels __ desire to go to bed.

A. the most B. more C. worse D. the least 【错误解答】 A或C

【错解分析】 解答本题首先要理解语境。David刚刚获奖,还很兴奋,那么睡觉的欲望当然是很少了。the least表示“最少的”的意思。

【正确解答】 D 【名师点睛】

1.形容词和副词比较级和最高级前的冠词用法:形容词最高级前须加the,副词最高级前都可以。做表语的形容词前如果没有比较范围和比较对象也可省去the,比较级在特指意义时须加the,泛指时可数单数须加a/an. Most + 原级形容词的结构中,前面用不定冠词a,an或无冠词时,并非是最高级意思,most意思为“very(非常)”。

2.形容词比较级的倍数表达方式:比较级修饰词+ as + adj./adv.十as和比较级修饰词+ as + many/much+ n.+ as.在“as...as”结构中,第一个as是副词,修饰形容词或副词,强调程度。当某些副词如so, as, too, how等用来修饰名词前的形容词时;不定冠词放在该形容词之后,名词之前。后一个as引导比较状语从句。表示倍数的三个句 型是:

(1)… times as + 形容词原级 + as…例如: This table is three times as big as that one. (2)… times +性质名词 + of … 例如:

This table is three times bigger than that one.

3.比较级前可以用 even, still, a bit /little, much, a lot, far, by far, no, any等修饰,表示程度。最高级前可以有序数词,by far, nearly, almost, by no means, not really ,not quite, nothing like等来修饰。例如:

—Is your father any better? 你父亲好些了吗? —Yes, much better.是的,好多了。

I’d like to buy the second most expensive laptop.

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比较级 + than +any other + 单数名词;比较级 + than + anyone else;比较级 + than +any of the other +复数名词。


China is larger than any other country in Asia /all the other countries in Asia. The weather here is colder than that of Huanggang.

The computers made in our factory are better than those in your factory,

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