A New Anisotropic κ—εModel and Its Applications
【期刊名称】《非线性科学与数值模拟通讯:英文版》 【年(卷),期】1997(002)001
【摘要】A new anisotropic κ-ε model is developed in this paper,some features of the model lie in considering the anisotropic diffusive processes of turbulent kinetic energy and its dissipation rate and in incorporating an anisotyropic expression for the Reynolds stress and two damping functions for compensating the effects of near-wall anisotropy.Then the model was applied to turbulent channel and Couette flows.The results obtained show that the turbulence quantities of above flows are in excellent agreement with experimental data.The anisotropy of turbulent intensities,especially in the near-wall region,in which this anisotropy can not be predicted correctly by other similar κ-ε models,is also well predicted. 【总页数】5页(50-54)
【关键词】各向异性湍流;κ-ε湍流模型;应用 【作者】GuangshengZHU;ChuijieWU;等 【
NanjingUniversityofScienceandTechnology,210094,NanJing,China;AirForceInstituiteofMeteorology,211101,Nanjing,China 【正文语种】英文
A New Anisotropic κ—εModel and Its Applications