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高中英语 Four strategies on English study(英语学习的四个策略)

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Four strategies on English study

(英语学习的四个策略) 贵州纳雍雍安育才高级中学:张槐忠 2.1 Reading Strategies (阅读的策略) ? Look at the task/questions before reading.

? Look at the title, headings and any photos or illustrations before reading. Read the first paragraph and the last paragraph. Can you predict what the text might be about before reading the full text? (N.B.: The first sentence of a paragraph will usually give you a general idea of the whole paragraph.)

? On your first reading, try to understand as much as possible without using a dictionary.

? Skim to find the general idea of the whole text. Fast repeated reading is more effective than slow careful reading.

? Scan to find keywords. Read around the keywords to find the answer to the comprehension questions or to guess the meaning of unknown words. For any unknown words consider the following: o What part of speech is it?

o Is it a positive or negative word?

o What is the context of the paragraph or sentence? Immerse Yourself in English: Reading (沉寖在英语之中:阅读) ? Do reading comprehension activities on EF’s iLAB ? Read English newspaper ? Read the EF Magazine

? Read ‘Graded Readers” (short books written with language graded to the student’s language level ability)

? Surf the Internet to learn more about topics you are interested in ? Join a local library

? Subscribe to online English-language newsletters, which are mailed to your inbox

2.2 Speaking Strategies,(口语策略)

? Learn delaying words/sounds used by English speakers to give themselves time to think, such as, “…er…”, “…umm…”, “…well…”

? Ask follow-up questions. Keep the other person talking by asking “Why?”, “How did you feel about that?”, “And then what happened?”, etc.

? Comment on what the other person has said with expressions like, “Really!”, “Exactly!”, “I totally agree”, etc. This also shows the other person that you are listening carefully and are interested in what the other person has to say.

? Ask for repetition or explanation if you need it. “I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that”, “I’m sorry, what you do mean exactly?”

? Give reasons for your statements. Try to finish sentences with ‘because. . .’ For example, “I like my teacher because she’s really friendly”.

? For more cohesive speech, use linking devices to glue sentences together. For example, “On the other hand…”, “Despite…”, “On a similar note…”

Immerse Yourself in English: Speaking,(沉寖在英语之中:口语) ? Attend Life Club regularly

? Use the Pronunciation Lab found in the iLAB Study Tools

? Try to use English at all times in class, even when speaking to your classmates

? Make some English-speaking friends ? Help foreign visitors to your city

? Visit places where there are likely to be English speakers

? Download Skype and use your headphones to meet new people who speak English ? Daydream: think how you would express yourself in English in a variety of situations. Create fantasy dialogues and imaginary encounters in English

2.3 Listening Strategies ,(听力策略) ? Predict:

o What do you know about the topic before listening?

o What do you know about the speakers? What are they likely to say? o What can you guess about the listening from visual support, the context, any gestures or facial expressions? ? Plan:

o Read any tasks or comprehension questions before you listen o Think about possible answers ? As you listen:

o First listen for overall meaning, then listen for specific information o Don’t translate

o Listen for clues in background noises, character/speakers, tone of voice.

Immerse Yourself in English: Listening,(沉寝在英语之中:听力) ? Listen to songs in English (use the lyrics for extra support)

高中英语 Four strategies on English study(英语学习的四个策略)


