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牛津译林版八年级英语下册8B Unit6 Sunshine for all单元提优卷(含答案)

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8B Unit6 Sunshine for all单元提优卷

(满分:100分 考试时间:90分钟)

一 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)

1. Mr Wang, as elderly man, took part in the Special Games, and

finished second in the race.

A. a; the B. an; / C. an; a D. /; the

2. There were many people in the street the fire and the firemen couldn't

get to the building very soon, so they were worried and angry. A. watching; close B. watch; close C. watched; closely D. watching; closely

3. The doctor told him to sugar and as they are bad for fat people.

A. give in; drink B. give up; drinking C. give up; drink D. give out; drinking

4. to get there within ten minutes. Ten minutes too short for us. A. It is impossible of us; are B. It's impossible for us; is C. We are impossible; are D. We aren't possible; is

5. It's dishonest the boy the truth to his parents. A. for; not telling B. of; not to tell C. for; not to tell D. of; to tell

6. The two kinds of leaves look , but in fact they are not the . A. same; same B. similar; same C. similar; similar D. same; similar

7. It is important us students to make a plan our studies before a

new term starts.

A. for; for B. of; for C. to; of D. with; on

8. I think WeChat makes easier and cheaper for people to keep in touch. A. it B. one C. that D. this

9. People are planting more trees in China to prevent sandstorms from hitting


A. South-east B. North-east C. North-west D. South-west 10. 一Do you think our football team will win the final?

一Yes, we have better players, so I them to win. A. hope B. warn C. expect D. ask

11. Some of the problems of living in the sea are similar to of living in outer space. A. this B. that C. these D. those

12. 一The television isn't working . 一We should have it repaired as soon as possible.

A. easily B. loudly C. closely D. properly 13. Do you feel like to a film or would you like at home? A. to go; stay B. going; staying C. going; stay D. going; to stay

14. It is wise a map when you go out. Please take your raincoat if . A. to take; it necessary B. taking; it necessary C. taking; necessary D. to take; necessary 15. 一I plan to take a boat trip to Hong Kong next month. 一That's great! . A. I'm sorry to hear that B. Congratulations C. Enjoy yourself D. I'd like to 二. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)

Imagine a life without arms or legs! You can't hold anyone and you can't walk anywhere. How would you last a day like that? Would you 16 at yourself in the mirror like Nick Vujicic, the 30-year-old Australian?

Nick was born without limbs(四肢), so life was not 17 for him. At school many students played jokes on him 18 he looked different from everyone else. Other students didn't want to make friends with him, so he always felt 19 . However, he faced that bravely. He 20 to type and write with two toes at the age of six, and he could 21 surf and play golf. In college, he made great success and was among the excellent students in the studies. And he decided on 22 to do later in his life─to encourage others to work hard for their dreams. Now Nick is one of the most popular 23 in the world. He travels to many countries and gives speeches about his story. \ 24 not what you don't have, \

\ 25 and to always love themselves, \said. \16. A. laugh B. cry C. smile D. shout 17. A. old B. easy C. modern D. difficult 18. A. because B. if C. until D. when 19. A. happy B. relaxed C. lonely D. surprised 20. A. failed B. forgot C. helped D. learnt 21. A. just B. ever C. never D. even 22. A. how B. who C. what D. where 23. A. doctors B. speakers C. scientists D. managers 24. A. make B. have C. lose D. want

25. A. fall B. play C. listen D. exercise 三. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共24分)


You may find a lot of energy drinks in a shop. People say these drinks can make people feel more energetic(精力充沛的)and think more clearly. These drinks have names like Red Bull, Monster, Ripped Force, Speed Force, Speed Stack and 5-Hour Energy. Young people like them very much.

Scientists found three main things about the energy drinks. First, there are hundreds of brands(品牌)of energy drinks in most large countries. Second, the drinks are not clearly written with enough information. And third, the caffeine(咖啡因)in the energy drinks is different greatly. Some have as little as fifty milligrams, others as much as five hundred. Too much caffeine is bad for our body.

Some people put wine into energy drinks while drinking. They think they can drink more wine in that way and it is not bad for their body. But studies find that the wine still works. So the makers should write down clear information, such as how much caffeine it has and so on. For example, some makers of energy drinks give us advice. A popular energy drink asks women who are having a baby, nursing a baby or children under the age of 12 not to drink.

The study about energy drinks is still going on. They are now looking for the young people who have had a bad feeling after drinking them.

26. The three things about the energy drinks are the following EXCEPT . A. hundreds of brands B. without enough information C. different caffeine D. something bad for the body

27. Some people like drinking wine with energy drinks because they think . A. that is cool

B. it is the most popular way C. that will have less caffeine D. they can drink more

28. From the passage we know that if we drink energy drinks we should . A. drink only some famous brands B. read the information about them carefully C. drink much caffeine it has D. find the date it makes 29. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Women who are having a baby can drink all kinds of energy drinks. B. Energy drinks are bad only for old people.

C. Children under the age of 12 should drink a lot of energy drinks. D. Young people like energy drinks very much.

牛津译林版八年级英语下册8B Unit6 Sunshine for all单元提优卷(含答案)


