【期刊名称】《农业工程学报》 【年(卷),期】2012(028)017
【摘要】On the basis of the testing system of pneumatic seed-metering device for rapeseed, this paper was conducted to investigate the effect of three factors which are rotational speed of planter plate, rotational speed of fan, and outlet size of positive pressure on the seeding performance of pneumatic metering system of 2BFQ-6 precision seeder for rapeseed. Full factorial experiment which includes 320-times factors combination was used in the course of the study. The data obtained from the experiments were processed by means of multivariate nonlinear regression. The results showed that the factors could be ranged in the order of rotational speed of fan > rotational speed of planter plate > outlet size of positive pressure, the factors which mostly influence the seed rate of the system and its uniformity respectively were rotational speed of fan and its interaction with rotational speed of planter plate. With the increase of fan speed and the decrease of rotational speed of planter plate at a certain range, the performance of system was stable. When outlet size of positive pressure was 20mm and 30mm, the seeding uniformity of system was the best. The equations of seed rate and its uniformity were worked out, and all of the factors
combination which makes up 90% seed rate for the pneumatic seed-metering system was drawn in this article. The conclusion is valuable for choosing the optimal parameters matching and estimating the performance of the planter.%为了对2BFQ-6型油菜精量联合直播机气力式排种系统进行研究,该文在气力式油菜精量排种检测系统研制基础上,以排种盘转速、风机转速及正压泄气孔直径为试验因素,进行了320次全因子组合试验,并运用多元非线性回归等数学方法进行试验数据分析处理.结果表明:各因素对系统排种效果影响程度主次为风机转速>排种盘转速>正压泄气孔直径,而风机转速及其与排种盘转速的交互作用分别是影响各行排种量及其一致性的首要因子;在一定范围内,随着风机转速的提高和排种盘转速的降低,系统排种性能趋于稳定;而当正压泄气孔直径在20和30 mm时,系统具有较好的排种量一致性.所得出的气力式油菜精量排种系统的排种量方程、排种量一致性方程及90%排种率参数组合图,可为直播机参数匹配提供参考,也可对直播机的排种性能进行评估. 【总页数】6页(57-62)
【关键词】农业机械;试验;回归分析;气力式排种系统;油菜 【作者】杨松;廖宜涛;廖庆喜
【作者单位】华中农业大学工学院,武汉430070;华中农业大学工学院,武汉430070;华中农业大学工学院,武汉430070 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】S223.2+4 【文献来源】
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