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Many years ago in a village, Harlem, Holland, there lived a young boy. His name was Hans and he was eight years old. One 1 day, Hans went across the reservoir(水库) to visit an old blind man. He gave the man some biscuits and stayed there for a while, Then, Hans decided to 2 his home.

\Hans.\around and picked some flowers for his mother, 5 , the sky got dark and heavy rain began to fall. Hans felt afraid and started to 6 . Just then, he heard the sound of water running away. He looked around carefully, and then 7 a very small hole in the dam(水坝).

Hans felt scared 8 he knew what could happen. The 9 could get bigger and bigger. Then the dam could break and the whole Harlem would be covered by the water. Hans knew what to do. He put his finger into the hole, 10 no more water could come through it. \time, he began to feel very cold and tired, but he could not 12 the dam. All night long, Hans waited and waited...

The next morning, a farmer walked by and heard Han's cries. I am trying to stop the 13 ,\14 the hole. Then, they took Hans home. Everyone was very proud of that 15 boy. 1. A. spring 2. A. clean 3. A. dirtier 4. A. careful 5. A. Surely 6. A. jump 7. A. made 8. A. because 9. A. dam 10. A. unless 12. A. leave 13. A. rabbits 15. A. brave

B. summer C. autumn D. winter B. find out C. return to D. draw B. colder B. kind B. wait

C. quieter C. clever C. run

D. higher D. helpful D. Normally D. work D. felt D. so that D. but D. build D. river D. cute

B. Suddenly C. Finally B. noticed C. dug B. even if C. before B. finger B. when

C. hole C. so

11. A. regretted B. expected C. imagined D. shouted

B. believe C. see B. people C. water B. patient C. active

14. A. discovered B. repaired C. developed D. protected

【答案】 (1)C;(2)C;(3)D;(4)A;(5)B;(6)C;(7)B;(8)A;(9)C;(10)C;(11)D;(12)A;(13)C;(14)B;(15)A;




天;D.冬天。根据 The water in the reservoir usually gets 3

in autumn, 可知,汉斯在秋天的一天去看望这位老人。故答案是C。

(2)句意:于是,汉斯决定回家。A.打扫;B.发现;C.回到;D.画。根据短文叙述可知,他去看老人,并给了老人一些饼干,他的任务完成了,所以他决定回家,故答案是C。 (3)句意:秋天水库里的位将会更高。A.更干净;B.更冷;C.更安静;D.更高。根据后面的叙述可知,这里秋天雨水比较多,所以水库的库容比较大,水位会抬高。故答案是D。 (4)句意:汉斯,要小心。A.仔细的,认真的;B.善良的;C.聪明的;D.有帮助的。根据前文的叙述可知,劳恩说秋天水库里的水位会升高,所以告诉他要当心,故答案是A。 (5)句意:一路上汉斯唱着歌,看着兔子到处跑,给妈妈摘了一些花,突然,天气变暗了,开始下雨了。A.一定;B.突然;C.终于;D.平常地。设空处的前后表达的意思是不一致的,所以天气变暗与下雨是在突然之间发生的,故答案是B。


(7)句意:他仔细向四周看看,然后注意到到大坝上一个小洞。A.制作;B.注意到;C.挖;D.感觉。因为是仔细向四周看,所以再会注意到大坝上的小洞。故答案是B。 (8)句意:他感到很害怕,因为他知道会发生什么。A.因为;B.即使;C.在……之前;D.为了。设空处后面的句子是解释害怕的原因,解释原因一般使用because,故答案是A。 (9)句意:洞变得越来越大了。A.大坝;B.手指;C.洞;D。根据前文的叙述可知,他知道会发生什么,洞会变大,大坝会决口,所以这里指的是洞变得越来越大,故答案是C。 (10)句意:他把手指伸进洞中,因此水不在从洞中流出。A.除非;B.当……时候;C.因此;D.但是。让水不在从洞中流出是把手指伸进洞中的结果,应使用so连接,故答案是C。



(13)句意:我在尽力阻止水往外流。A.兔子;B.人们;C.水;D.河流。根据前文的陈述可知,他把手指伸进了洞里,不再有水流出来,所以他尽力阻止水向外流出,故答案是C。 (14)句意:这个农民喊来其他人,他们迅速洞修补好了。A.发现;B.修理;C.发展;D.保护。只有把洞修好才能是使水不外流,就不会发生灾害,因此使用动词repaired,故答案是B。




Long ago there was a boy who was hungry for success. For him winning was 1 .One day the boy was to run in a race in his village. Many people got together to 2 . Among the crowd was a wise old man.

The race began. All the runners ran very fast, but the boy 3 at the last minute. The crowd cheered and waved at the boy. The wise man said nothing. The little boy felt 4 and important.

\(交给) the little boy with two new runners, an old woman and a blind man. \the little boy shouted.

\ \

\little, and then took the hands of the blind man and the old woman. The race began and the little boy walked 8 to the finishing line. The crowed 9 . The wise man smiled. \the boy's shoulders, replied softly, \race you have ever run before, and for this race the crowd cheer not for any winner!\ 1. A. something B. nothing C. anything 2. A. join 3. A. failed 4. A. angry 6. A. What 7. A. well 8. A. easily

B. run B. beat B. sad B. How

C. watch C. won C. proud C. When

D. everything D. hear D. lost D. surprised D. although D. Why D. off D. hardly D. cared

5. A. therefore B. however C. rather

B. together C. away B. quickly C. slowly

9. A. shouted B. cheered C. talked 10. A. even less B. much B;(10)C;

C. much more D. Little

【答案】 (1)D;(2)C;(3)C;(4)C;(5)B;(6)D;(7)B;(8)C;(9)【解析】【分析】短文大意: 这篇短文主要介绍了一个男孩非常渴望成功。每次赢得比赛之后,他都很享受别人的喝彩和欢呼。在一次与一位老妇人和一位盲人的比赛获胜之后,却没有人为他喝彩欢呼。他向一位智者寻求原因。智者让他们再比赛一次,并且要求他们三人要一起完成比赛。男孩思考片刻,拉住老妇人和盲人的手,慢慢的走到终点,终于赢得观众的智者的一致喝彩。从这次比赛中男孩受益匪浅。

(1) 考查不定代词及语境的理解。句意:对他来说赢了就是一切。something某事;nothing没事;anything任何事;everything一切事情,根据上文 Long ago there was a boy who was hungry for success. 他渴望成功,可知获胜对于他就是一切,故选D。

(2) 考查动词及语境的理解。句意:很多人聚在一起观看。join加入;run跑;watch观看;hear听见,根据 Among the crowd was a wise old man. 在人群中有一个智者。可知人们在观看,故选C。

(3) 考查动词及语境的理解。句意:比赛开始了。所有人跑得很快,但是这个男孩在最后一分钟获胜了。fail失败;beat打败;won获胜;lost失去,根据后文The crowd cheered and waved at the boy.人群欢呼雀跃,向男孩挥手可知男孩赢了,故选C。 (4) 考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:这个小男孩感到骄傲并且很重要。angry生气的;sad伤心的;proud骄傲的;surprised吃惊的,根据上文 The crowd cheered and waved at the boy. 可知男孩为自己感到骄傲,故选C。

(5) 考查连词及语境的理解。句意:therefore因此;however然而;rather宁愿;although虽然,根据上下文The boy won again. 和 was silent this time 这次人群沉默了,和上次的情况不同,可知这两句之间是转折关系,故选B。

(6) 考查特殊疑问词及语境的理解。句意:人们为什么不为我的成功欢呼呢?他为这个智慧的老人。what什么;how如何;when何时;why为什么,根据上文The boy won again. The crowd, however, was silent this time. 可知男孩想知道为什么这次人们不为他的成功而欢呼,故选D。

(7) 考查副词及语境的理解。句意:再比赛一次。这个智者回答到,但是这个要一起完成。well好地;together在一起;away离开;off离开,根据下文 The little boy thought a little, and then took the hands of the blind man and the old woman. 可知明智的人要求男孩在比赛一次,但是这次要一起跑到终点,故选B。

(8) 考查副词及语境的理解。句意:比赛开始了这个小男孩慢慢的跑得终点。easily轻易地;quickly很快地;slowly慢慢地;hardly几乎不,根据The little boy thought a little, and then took the hands of the blind man and the old woman. 男孩和老太太和盲人一起的,所以只能慢慢地跑到终点,故选C。

(9) 考查动词及语境的理解。句意:人群欢呼起来。shout大喊;cheer欢呼;talk交谈;care照顾,根据下文 \ 可知,人群又欢呼起来,故选B。

(10) 考查名词及语境的理解。句意:孩子,因为你在这次比赛中比以往你跑得任何一次比赛赢得都多。even less更少;much多;much more更多;little极少根据下文 and for this race the crowd cheer not for any winner!因为这次比赛不是为任何获胜者欢呼,可知是因为你在这次比赛中的合作,帮助他人,所以比任何比赛赢得的东西都多,故选C。 【点评】此题考查完形填空。 必须在掌握全文的主旨大意的前提下,通过对故事的线索、短文各段的逻辑关系、短文内容之间的逻辑关系及人物情感的发展等的分析和理解, 根据语法知识、固定搭配和逻辑推理等方面的知识点,选出正确答案。


I ran into a stranger as he walked by me. \smile, \

We apologized(道歉) and went our own way. But at home a 2 story was told. Later that day, as I was cooking, my daughter was standing too close to me. When I 3 , I nearly knocked(撞到) her over. \feel like apologizing to her.

As I was in bed that evening, my husband said to me. \polite, but with a daughter you love, you were 5 . Your daughter brought you some flowers that she 6 herself this afternoon. You will find them in the kitchen by the door. Have you seen the tears in her eyes?\

I quietly went and knelt down(跪下) by her 7 . \those flowers for 8 ?\She smiled, \found them by the tree. I picked them 9 they're pretty like you.\shouldn't have shouted at you.\

If we can be polite to strangers, why can't we do the same for the ones we love? 1. A. answer 3. A. called 5. A. patient 6. A. bought 7. A. chair 8. A. me 9. A. though

B. speech B. turned B. unkind B. picked B. desk B. us

C. advice C. different C. returned C. disappointed C. made C. bed C. her C. considered

2. A. interesting B. useful

4. A. dealing with B. listening to C. looking at

B. whether C. because

10. A. explained B. acted C;(10)B;

【答案】 (1)A;(2)C;(3)B;(4)A;(5)B;(6)B;(7)C;(8)A;(9)【解析】【分析】本文介绍了作者对一个陌生人很有礼貌,但是对于自己女儿,却大喊大叫。经过丈夫和她的交流,作者才意识到了自己的错误。然后给女儿道歉。短文最后提到了如果我们能对陌生人客气,为什么我们不能对我们所爱的人也这样做呢?

(1)“哦,对不起,”是我的回答。A. answer回答;B. speech演讲;C. advice建议。根据I ran into a stranger as he walked by me. 他从我身边走过时,我碰到一个陌生人。可知,“哦,对不起,”是我的回答。是作者先道歉的。故选A。

(2)句意:但在家里却有不同的故事。A. interesting有趣的;B. useful有用的;C. different不同的。根据下文的叙述Later that day, as I was cooking, my daughter was standing too close to me. When I___3___, I nearly knocked(撞到) her over. “Move out of the way!” I shouted. She walked away sadly. But I didn't feel like apologizing to her.可知,那天晚些时候,我做饭的时候,我女儿离我太近了。当我撞到她时,我差点把她撞倒。“让开!我大声喊道。她伤心地走开了。但我不想向她道歉。可知,我对陌生人和对女儿的态度是不同的。故选C。

(3)句意:我转过身来,差点把她撞倒。A. called称呼;B. turned转身;C. returned返回。根据Later that day, as I was cooking, my daughter was standing too close to me. 那天晚些

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