题 目: 线性表的设计和实现 学生姓名: 张三 学 号: 1153
院 系: 基础科学学院信息技术系 专业年级: 2012级信息与计算科学专业 指导教师: 李四
年 月 日
注:1.论文封面单独打印一张纸;中英文摘要正反打印一张纸;目录、正文、参考文献、致谢、附录均独立正反打印! 2.部分专业对格式有特殊要求的,教学院(系)可自行商定。 摘 要
With the development of modern logistics industry, how to optimize and configure the transport path of logistics has become a hot issue. Among them, the most representative problem is how to select the appropriate path between two points in a road network to minimize the distance. In order to solve this problem, this paper introduces two most common shortest path solutions — — Dijkstra algorithm and Floyd algorithm, and analyzes their application range and time complexity. Finally, a specific airline logistics distribution problem is solved, and the theoretical optimal path is obtained.
Keywords:Minimum path problem;Dijkstra algorithm;Logistics transportation