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第1题:-Protecting the enviroment is important,don’t you think so? -_______.

A.No,I don’t B.Yes,I do C.No,I do D. Yes,course 【解析】 正确答案:[答案]: B

第2题:—Hello!I'm Mary. —

A.Hi,Mary!I'm Bob. B.Hi,Mary!What's your name? C.Hi,Mary!Fine,thank you. D.What's this?

【解析】 正确答案:[答案]: 答案:A当别人说Hello!I'm...时,要用Hello/Hi,... I'm...回答。

第3题:Come and work ________the clothes shop ________a sales assistant.

A. for, for B. for, as C. at, for D. to, on

【解析】 正确答案:[答案]: B work for…为……工作。as(a sales assistant)作为(售货员的)身份。

第4题:How many people are there in the story? A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven.

【解析】 正确答案:C。根据Vince’s uncle and aunt lived in another city. One day they came to stay with Vince’s parents, and they brought their small son, Toby, with them.可知故事中提到的人物有Vince, Vince的父母, Toby, Toby的父母,因此是六个人,故选C。

第5题:英语字母有印刷体和书写体,我们写作业时应该用___________。 A.印刷体 B.书写体 C.印刷体和书写体 【解析】 正确答案:[答案]: B

第6题:Mr.Brown didn't work there ______.

A.no more B.not more C.any more D.any much 【解析】 正确答案:[答案]: C

第7题:I know there is a candy in his left hand but I do not know what is in his hand.

A.another B.the other C.others D.other 【解析】 正确答案:[答案]: 提示:代词his后直接接other。答案:D

第8题:Which of the following places is NOT in Beijing? A. Tian'anmen Square B. West Lake

C. the Great Wall D. the Palace Museum

【解析】 正确答案:B。句意:哪个景点不在北京。A天安门广场;B西湖;C长城;D故宫,故选B。

第9题:---Ann, here is _____big tree . What can you see behind _____tree?---Oh, _____elephant is standing behind it. A.a, the, an B.a, a, the C.the, a, an D.the, the, an

【解析】 正确答案:[答案]: A解析:句意:安,这儿有一棵大树。在树后你能看到什么?——哦,一头大象正站在树的后面。a/an常用来泛指一类事物,a由于元音音素前,an用于辅音音素前;第二个空填the,第二次出现,特指上面提到的那棵树。故答案为A。 第10题:_____ the water was very cold, Wei Qinggang jumped into it to save the little boy. A.When

B. Because C.Although D.So that

【解析】 正确答案:[答案]: C解析:句意:虽然水很冷,但是魏青刚跳进了水里去救小男孩。A When当……时,指时间;B.Because因为,表示原因;C Although虽然,指条件;D So that以便,为了,表示目的。水很冷是一个条件,但是魏青刚还是跳进了水里救孩子。故选C。

第11题:A lot of things ________ by people to save the little girl now. A. are doing B. are being done C. has been done D. will be


【解析】 正确答案:[答案]: B

第12题:When did Jiang Yiyan come up with the idea of doing something for the children there? A. In1987 B. In1997 C. In2007 D. In2017

【解析】 正确答案:C。根据In 2007, when she took part in film shooting in that area. she was shocked by the poverty(贫穷)there. Children had to walk along mountain roads to attend classes at a neighbouring village school. So she came up with the idea of doing something for these children可知,她在2007年想出了这个主意,故选C。

第13题:Last year this nice girl____ my brother. A.married to B.married

C.marries with D.married with

【解析】 正确答案:[答案]: B解析:句意:去年这个漂亮的小女孩嫁给了我的弟弟。Marry sb,如果主语是男士就是娶某人,如果主语是复数就是嫁给某人。根据题意,故选B。

第14题:Thank you for ________me. A. help B. to help C. helping D. helps

【解析】 正确答案:C。thank sb. for……意为“因……而感谢某人”。for后加v-ing形式。故选C。

第15题:Women’s Day is ________the eighth day of March.

A.on B.in C.of D.at

【解析】 正确答案:[答案]: A 在英语中表示具体的哪一天用介词on。

第16题:—__________ does he watch China's Got Talent ( 《中国达人秀》 )?—Sometimes. A. How soon B. How often



