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高级宏观经济学 教学大纲

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学院 经济学院 系(所) 专业 课程名称(中文) 课 程 编 码 开 课 对 象 先修 课程 与 预备 知识 课程 目标 教材 与 主要 参考 书目 高级宏观经济学I 学院硕士研究生 课程名称(英文) 周学时 总学时 任课教师及 职 称 Advanced Macroeconomics I 4 14 学分 3 《中级宏观经济学》、《中级微观经济学》、《数理经济学》 旨在使学生掌握现代宏观经济学的分析工具、宏观经济理论的最新发展以及应用宏观经济理论分析现实问题的能力。 Advanced Macroeconomics, 3rd edition, by David Romer + Economic Grwoth, 2nd edition, by Robert J. Barro and Xavier Sala-i-Martin (请按章节填写) Advanced Macroeconomics, 3rd edition, by David Romer Chapter 1 History of Macroeconomics 主要 内容 提要 1.1Development of Macroeconomic Thought and Models 1.2Transformation of Macroeconomics 1.3New Development of Macroeconomics Chapter 2 The Solow Growth Model Romer, Chapter 1; Barro and Sala-i-Martin, Chapter 1 Chapter 3 The Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans Model 3.1 Dynamic Optimization in Continuous Time 3.2The Ramsey Model 3.2.1 The Social Planner’s Problem 3.2.2 Competitive Equilibrium 3.3 Extensions of the Ramsey Growth Model Romer, Chapter 2, Part A; Barro and Sala-i-Martin, Chapter 2,3; A.3 Chapter 4 The Diamond Model Romer, Chapter 2, Part B Chapter 5 New Growth Theory 5.1 One-Sector Models of Endogenous Growth 5.1.1 The AK Model 5.1.2 Models with Learning by Doing and Knowledge Spillovers 5.2 Research and Development Models Romer, Chapter 3, Part A and B; Barro and Sala-i-Martin, Chapter 4; Chapter 6 Real-Business-Cycle Theory Romer, Chapter 4, Chapter 7 Traditional Keynesian Theories of Fluctuations Romer, Chapter 5 Chapter 8 Microeconomic Foundations of incomplete Nominal Adjustment Romer, Chapter 6, Part A, B, and C. 教 学 进 度 安 排 时间 第1周 第2周 第3/4/5/6周 第7周 第8周 第9/10周 第11/12周 教学内容 Chapter 1 History of Macroeconomics 主讲人 教学方式 备注 4 hours 4 hours 16 hours Chapter 2 The Solow Growth Model Chapter 3 The Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans Model Chapter 4 The Diamond Model Midterm Exam 4 hours 4 hours 8 hours 8 hours 4 hours 8 hours Chapter 5 New Growth Theory Chapter 6 Real-Business-Cycle Theory Chapter 7 Traditional Keynesian 第13周 Theories of Fluctuations Chapter 8 Microeconomic 第14/15Foundations of incomplete 周 Nominal Adjustment

高级宏观经济学 教学大纲


