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第一章 单元测试

1、问题:My computer has an audio output. And I need an audio cable to send the files to you. 选项: A:video B:visual C:audio D:visible

答案: 【audio】

2、问题:I’m deeply impressed by the great musical effect of this theatre. Even if you sit in the farthest seat, the music is still . 选项: A:audible B:inaudible C:credible D:incredible

答案: 【audible】

3、问题:The in the downtown area is really poor

today. I hope you are careful when you drive after class. 选项:

A:visibility B:visible C:video


答案: 【visibility】

4、问题:It is evident that we have to do something to improve the hazy weather. Otherwise the sea might become . 选项: A:vicious B:vigorous C:inedible D:invisible

答案: 【invisible 】

5、问题:I can not a life without beautiful scenery around me. I want to see the sea, the sand and the sun every day. 选项:

A:visualize B:vision C:visionary D:volunteer

答案: 【visualize】

6、问题:The company Goldman Sachs made a (预言) about national economies. The experts there predicted that the Chinese economy would be the largest one in the world by the year 2050. 选项:

A:dictation B:prediction

C:condition D:preparation

答案: 【prediction】

7、问题:The experts must have used big data to make the national economies predictable. Without the help of big data, the ranking would be (不能预言的). 选项:

A:predictable B:unpredictable C:speakable D:unspeakable

答案: 【unpredictable】

8、问题:I like Hamlet’s (独白):“To be or not to be. That is the question.” 选项:

A:monologue B:murmur C:dialogue


答案: 【monologue】

9、问题:Environmental pollution has been a big concern for many countries. I think governments should put environmental issues high on the (议事日程). 选项: A:agenda B:agency C:scale


