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1. close to(在时间上,空间上)接近 2. go to school去上学 3. be good at擅长

4. make friend with 与…交朋友 5. all over遍及

6. ask sb. about就…询问某人 7. live with与…一起生活 8. be far from远离

9. best wishes最美好的祝愿 10. on the Internet在互联网上 11. in my free time在我的业余时间 12. hear from sb.收到某人的信 13. start with开始 14. get…from从…得到 15. pay attention to注意;重视去做 16. brush one’s teeth刷牙 17. junior high school初级中学 18. morning break 早间休息 19. take part in参加

20. have a good time过得愉快 21. help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事 22. at the end of在…的尽头 23. in one’s seat在某人的座位上 24. from…to…从…到… 25. provide…with…为…提供… 26. put…into…把…倒入… 27. throw away扔掉 28. on the land在陆地上 29. in the sky在空中 30. under the water在水下 31. make energy制造能源 32. under the ground在地下 33. catch a fish抓鱼 34. lift…up…把…抬起 35. in the air在空中

36. need sth/sb to do sth.需要…做某事 37. find out 发现 38. take a trip去旅行 39. go on a picnic去野餐 40. make snowman堆雪人 41. fly kites放风筝 42. go swimming去游泳 43. have a picnic去野餐 44. during the winter holiday在寒假期间 45. get married结婚 46. at this time of year每年的这个时间 47. go to the beach 去海边 48. in the middle of在…中间 49. more than多于 50. be able to能够 51. have to不得不 52. so that以便 53. as…as像…一样 54. that is也就是说 55. in space在太空 56. tie…to把…系在 57. do exercise做运动 58. at the moment此刻 59. solve the problem解决问题 60. in the future在将来 61. a large amount of大量的 62. so that以致

63. travel guide旅游手册 64. place of interest名胜 65. in the centre of在…中心 66. light up点亮 67. talk about谈论 68. travel around环游 69. the capital of …的首都 70. be away from 离开 71. find out查明,找到 72. put on穿上

73. for pleasure为了取乐 74. get a bird’s-eye view of 鸟瞰

75. have a wonderful time玩的开心 76. a large public area大型公共区域 77. in every direction四面八方 78. natural beauty自然的美丽 79. walk along沿着…走 80. grand theatre大剧院 81. learn about学习 82. all the way一路上 83. of course当然 84. remote control遥控器 85. welcome to…欢迎到 86. launch…into把…投入;发射 87. disappear into消失于…之中 88. solar power太阳能 89. give…back把…给回 90. look up查阅 91. in the past在过去 92. in the woods在树林里 93. go on an adventure去探险 94. so…that如此…以致 95. hurry to匆匆忙忙去 96. get to到达 97. wait for等候 98. living room客厅 99. make a list列清单 100. have some tea喝茶

101. in a short time不久;一会儿 102. work of art艺术作品 103. take place发生 104. belong to 属于 105. learn about了解 106. be bad for对…有害 107. be interested in 对…感兴趣 108. a waste of time浪费时间 109. front door前门 110. go inside 走进去 七年级下

1. as well也

2. take care of照顾;照料 3. tell jokes讲笑话 4. make fun of嘲弄 5. be strict about 对…要求严格 6. give up放弃 7. be good at擅长 8. be full of充满 9. think of认为

10. make friend with 与…交朋友 11. all day and all night夜以继日 12. stare at盯着看 13. tour guide导游 14. look like看起来像 15. the top of… …的顶部 16. take the lift乘坐电梯 17. more than超过 18. go down the stairs下楼 19. be famous for以…而闻名 20. department store百货商店 21. prefer to更喜欢 22. place of interest名胜 23. such as 例如 24. in the centre of在…的中心 25. by the sea 在海边 26. go on holiday 去度假 27. go sightseeing 去观光 28. Western Europe西欧 29. on the coast在海滨 30. be different from 与…不同 31. walk up 向上走 32. be know as以…而闻名 33. over the years 多年以来 34. be closed to…对…不开放 35. for safety reasons 由于安全原因 36. at least 至少 37. not only…but also… 不但…而且… 38. arrive at到达 39. by oneself 独自 40. lead sb. to带着某人到… 41. fall asleep入睡 42. wake up 醒来 43. get down 趴下 44. fire engine消防车 45. next to 紧挨 46. with one’s help在某人的帮助下 47. apologize to sb.向某人道歉 48. look after 照顾

49. at the bottom of 在…底部 50. as soon as 一…就… 51. step onto踏上 52. save one’s life 救了某人的命 53. think of oneself 为某人自己着想54. feel proud of 为…感到骄傲 55. take in 吸收 56. come from来自 57. for example例如 58. in fact确切的说 59. look around 环顾四周 60. be made of 由…制成 61. millions of 大量的 62. be good for 对…有好处 63. fight against 与…作斗争 64. be made from 由…制成 65. cut down 砍倒 66. pine tree松树 67. because of 因为 68. as a result 结果 69. in a danger 处在危险中 70. in one’s daily life 在日常生活中 71. not…until…直到…才… 72. a bit一点

73. part of…. ….的一部分 74. packet money 零花钱 75. be made up of 由…组成 76. dry up干涸

77. by the way 顺便说说 78. turn into 变成 79. have a bath 泡澡 80. instead of 代替 81. up to 达到

82. add…to… 把….加入进… 83. a packet of 一袋 84. in a way 在某种程度上 85. be connected to 连接到 86. power station 发电站 87. come from来自 88. in packet包装 89. come back回来 90. washing machine洗衣机 91. tidy up收拾 92. air conditioner空调 93. play chess下棋 94. share…with…与….分享… 95. take the medicine吃药 96. on time按时 97. start a fire 起义 98. make sure确认 99. vacuum cleaner吸尘器 100. microwave微波炉 101. not at all一点也不 102. be worried about 为…担忧 103. newspaper stand报摊 104. rush out冲出去 105. a crowd of一群 106. read…aloud大声朗读 107. in a group在小组里 108. building site 建筑工地 109. high up在高处 110. walk through走过 111. feel unhappy about 对…感到不高兴 112. at the same time 同时 113. in a…voice以…声音 114. by the way顺便说说 115. knock on 敲(门窗) 116. come up 升起 117. clean up打扫 118. from dawn to dust从早到晚 119. in the future在将来 120. used to 过去常常做 121. go outside外出 122. look like 看起来像 123. more and more越来越多 124. grow up长大

125. go sailing去进行帆船运动 126. the beginning of …的开始 127. look at 看 128. groups of一组组的 129. shoot across划过;掠过 130. learn about 了解 131. find out发现 132. be proud of 为…感到自豪 133. last for持续

134. achieve one’s dream实现某人梦想 135. stay in bed躺在床上 136. go to bed上床睡觉 137. be useful for 对…有用 138. give up 放弃 139. from that day on 从那天起 140. dream of 梦想 141. find a way 找到方法 142. for a long time长时间 143. one another互相 144. come true成真 八年级上 1. die out灭绝 2. in the countryside 在农村 3. find out了解 4. human being 人类 5. look up 查阅

6. from an early age 在很小的时候

7. learn about了解 8. more than多于 9. go for a walk 去散步 10. learn…from… 从…获得…. 11. take pictures of 拍…的照片 12. a type of 一类 13. be important to 对…而言重要 14. climb up to 往上爬至 15. a long time ago 很早以前 16. challenge…to…向…挑战…. 17. and so on ….等等 18. the rest of 剩余的 19. make money 赚钱

20. follow one’s advice 听从某人的建议 21. nothing but…除了…以外什么都… 22. from then on 从那时起 23. not… any more 不再 24. all year round终年 25. take place发生 26. copy down抄下

27. work with 从事…工作;在一起干 28. at first首先

29. in the way 以这种方式 30. so that 以便

31. develop into 使发展成 32. lead to导致 33. for sure无疑 34. one grain of 一粒 35. get a prize 得到一件奖品 36. work as 从事…工作 37. be unaware of 没意识到 38. depend on 依靠 39. in addition 除了…以外 40. grand total 总计 41. one day总有一天 42. happen to 发生在….的身上 43. change one’s life 改变某人生活 44. get on the Internet 上网 45. be forward to 盼望 46. be made of 由…制成 47. for too long 长时间的 48. in the past 在过去 49. at a…speed 以…速度 50. since then自那以来

51. keep in touch with 与….保持联系 52. in the daytime 在白天 53. keep…off使…不接近 54. at the same time 同时 55. get a mark得到分数 56. at the weekend 在周末 57. top speed最高速度 58. on land 在陆地上 59. turn into 变成 60. instead of 代替 61. right now现在;目前 62. work as担任 63. all the time 一直 64. make a mess 弄得一团糟 65. at the tip of 在…的尖端 66. refer to涉及

67. with the help of 在…的帮助下 68. look like像 69. at first 起初 70. so far迄今为止

71. introduce….to…使….初次了解 72. come over to 从…到…(远距离) 73. in one’s home 在某人的家里 74. tour around 游览 75. one another互相 76. activities in school校内活动 77. activities outside school 校外活动 78. apply for 申请 79. between…and…. ….和….之间 80. have a reference from 有…的推荐信81. wait for 等待 82. come on 加油

83. look down 俯视 84. be under attack受到攻击 85. turn around转身 86. fill…with…装满 87. act out将…表演出来 88. except for 除了…之外 89. look over察看 90. go to sleep入睡 91. on the side of 在…旁边 92. climb out of从…爬出来 93. one by one一个接一个 94. be afraid of 害怕

95. play a trick on sb.捉弄某人 96. take out 取帐 97. pour out 涌出 98. put… into 把…放进 99. make a noise 发出嗓音

100. exercise one’s brain 锻炼某人大脑 101. live a healthy life 过健康的生活 102. have a balanced diet 饮食均衡 103. get worried 担心 104. slow down 反应慢 105. stay relaxed 保持放松 106. take place发生 107. write down写下

108. improve one’s memory 提高某人记忆力 109. in one’s mind在某人脑海里 110. make a sentence造句 111. far from…离…很远 112. have trouble with 因…苦恼 113. treasure hunt 寻宝游戏 114. in public 公开的 115. put on 上演 116. in my opinion 依我看 117. above all 尤其是 118. look out 小心 119. give a speech 演讲 120. communicate…with… 与…交流… 121. first at all 首先 122. in all 总计 123. ought to 应该 124. set a trap 设计圈套 125. belong to 属于 八年级下

1. in need 需要帮助的 2. voluntary work 义务性工作 3. ask permission 报请批准 4. suffer from因…受苦 5. raise one’s spirits 使振奋;使鼓起勇气 6. take photos of 讲故事

7. express one’s feelings 表达某人的感情 8. look after 照顾 9. raise money 筹款 10. give sb. permission 批准某人 11. pay for 付费

12. body language 肢体语言 13. make a good impression on….给…留下好印象 14. smile at 朝…微笑 15. at once 马上

16. at the moment此刻,现在 17. feel like 想要做 18. cross one’s arms交叉双臂 19. shake hands握手 20. nod one’s head 点头 21. shake one’s head 摇头

22. look into one’s eyes 直视某人的眼睛 23. the key to ….的关键 24. look away移开目光 25. part-time job兼职

26. turn one’s head toward sb 将头转向某人 27. build a career 创立一番事业 28. eye contact 目光交流 29. up to 到达;至多有 30. set off 出发;动身

31. up and down起伏,上下波动 32. after dark 天黑后 33. no more 不再 34. be good at 不再 35. get ready for 为…做准备 36. tie…around 绕…捆绑 37. stop…from doing 阻止..做.. 38. push…into… 把…推进… 39. at the front of... 在…的前部 40. all the time 一直 41. bring up 养育 42. cut out 裁剪 43. in the shape of 以…的形状 44. comic strip连环漫画 45. pop out 瞪大眼睛 46. decide on 决定 47. video camera摄像机 48. play against同…比赛 49. think about 考虑 50. add…to…把…加入 51. do one’s voice为…配音 52. do the voice of 为…配音 53. weather forecast天气预报 54. life jacket救生衣 55. thank goodness 谢天谢地 56. make it 获得成功 57. watch out / look out当心 58. end with 以…结束 59. laugh at 嘲笑 60. speech bubble 对话框 61. thought bubble思想泡 62. in the wild在野生环境中 63. at birth出生时 64. on one’s own独自 65. fact file小档案 66. give birth to 生育 67. throw…at…向…扔… 68. feel sorry about.. 为…感到抱歉

69. at least 至少 70. happen to… 发生在…. 71. fall asleep睡着 72. hear of 听说 73. show a great love for 表现出极大的热爱 74. go missing 失踪 75. in the memory of纪念 76. Asian elephant亚洲象 77. South China tiger 华南虎 78. Red-crowned crane 丹顶鹤 79. nature reserve 自然保护区 80. care for 照顾 81. what’s more更有甚者

82. have no choice but to do 除了…别无选择 83. lie around 无所事事的混日子 84. hold…in one’s arms 把…抱住 85. grow up长大 86. learn…from 从…学习 87. according to 根据…所说 88. bark at 对着...叫

89. a small number of 一小部分 90. be faithful to… 对…忠诚的 91. compare…with…将…与…作比较 92. complain about/make a complain about 抱怨

93. in a moment 一会儿 94. heart attract 心脏病 95. in fear 恐怖的 96. landing site 降落场 97. thousands of 成千上万的 98. wake up 醒来 99. at midnight 在午夜 100. mention…to…向…提及 101. refuse to do 拒绝做某事 102. power line输电线 103. weather balloon气象气球 104. in the present现在 105. mix…with…使…与…混合

106. be connected to与…相连接 107. recommend…to…向…推荐… 108. communicate with…与…交流 109. prepare for 准备 110. in a second 片刻;瞬间 111. tidy up整理

112. break down 发生故障 113. by post 邮寄 114. get a reply得到回复 115. go on 运转 116. shout at朝…喊 117. fail to do 未能做 九年级上

1. be happy with..(对某人或事物)满意的 2. fill…with…用…把…装满 3. run over 溢出 4. send…to prison 把…关进监狱 5. be made of…用…制成 6. go straight to…径直走向… 7. put…into…把…放进… 8. be amazed at 对…感到惊讶 9. both…and… …和…. 10. make sb sth 为某人制造某物 11. as…as… 和…一样… 12. try to do 尽力做某事 13. take part in…参加 14. each other 互相 15. ask sb for sth 向某人要… 16. cut…in half 把…切成两半 17. go ahead 前进 18. make sure 确保 19. not…any longer 不再

20. be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事 21. cut…up 把…切碎 22. have a try 试一试 23. take…off…把…带离 24. add up加起来 25. lead…onto…把…带上… 26. go down 下降 27. draw a line 画一条线 28. hold up 举起来 29. by heart 单凭记忆;能背诵 30. sense of humour 幽默感 31. let…down 使…失望 32. take a seat 坐下 33. without difficulty 轻而易举 34. join in 参加;加入

35. (be)in trouble 倒霉;处于困境 36. have no idea 丝毫不知道

37. on one’s way to 在某人去…的路上 38. so…that…如此…以致… 39. such…that….如此…以致… 40. It’s a pleasure to do sth 做某事是一件愉快的事情 41. listen to… 听… 42. offer to do 主动提出做… 43. play a joke on sb 跟某人开玩笑;捉弄某人 44. turning point 转折点 45. a series of 一系列 46. side by side 并排的 47. in return 作为回报 48. stop doing 停止做某事 49. be bored with 对某事感到厌烦 50. at the age of… 在…岁时 51. do well in….在…方面做得好 52. at the end of 在…的末尾 53. on one’s way to在某人去…的路上 54. from time to time 时而;时不时的 55. look like 看起来像

56. help sb with 在…方面帮助某人 57. (be) on business 出差 58. have no interest in 对…没有兴趣 59. be away from…离开 60. go out of date 过时 61. look after 照顾

62. like doing 喜欢做某事 63. pocket money 零花钱 64. make sense 有意义;讲得通 65. (be) on a diet 节食 66. laugh at 嘲笑 67. feel ashamed of… 对…感到惭愧 68. drive sb mad 让某人受不了 69. make a mess 搞得一塌糊涂 70. be worried about 担心… 71. a group of… 一群… 72. make jokes about sb 拿某人开玩笑 73. have a habit of doing sth 有做某事的习惯 74. keep…tidy 保持…整洁 75. feel sorry about doing sth 对做某事感到遗憾/内疚 76. do some research 做调查 77. write to sb 写信给某人 78. lose weight 减肥 79. be full of… 充满…. 80. used to do sth 过去常常做某事 81. be afraid of 害怕…. 82. arrive at… 到达…. 83. make sure 确保 84. out of place 格格不入

85. none of one’s business 与某人无关 86. hear from 收到某人的信件 87. by accident 意外地 88. care about 关心;在乎 89. not… at all 一点也不 90. shout at….朝…喊叫

91. be surprised to do… 很吃惊做… 92. be polite to…对….有礼貌 93. thanks for doing sth 对做某事表示感谢 94. in…situation 在…的情况 95. worry about…担心… 96. make up one’s mind 下定决心 97. pay attention to 注意…

98. stop doing sth 停止做某事 99. floor plan 楼层平面图 100. talent show 达人秀 101. pass out 昏迷,失去知觉 102. keep still 保持静止,保持不动 103. emergency exit 紧急出口 104. (be) ahead of sb 领先某人 105. would love to do 乐于做某事 106. raise one’s hand 举起某人的手 107. it’s time for…到…的时间了 108. seem relaxed 看起来放松 109. keep doing 不停地做某事 110. between…and…在…和…之间 111. on weekdays 在工作日

112. try one’s best 尽某人最大的努力 113. well done!干得好 114. a piece of cake 小菜一碟 115. to cut a long story short 简而言之 116. have difficult(in)doing 做某事有困难 117. not…at all 根本不 118. jump out of one’s skin 大吃一惊 119. work as 担任 120. to be honest说实话 121. keep up 继续下去 122. a balanced diet均衡饮食 123. dairy product乳制品 124. stay away from离开 125. fried food油炸食品 126. soft drink软饮料 127. medical examination体检 128. in general通常

129. treat oneself to sth给自己买 130. eating habits饮食习惯 131. in the fading light在黄昏的余光中 132. gentle wind微风 133. would rather to do宁愿做 134. remind sb of使某人想起某事 135. be seated就坐

136. drip onto 滴在……上 137. think of考虑 138. be unknown to 在……不为人知 139. refuse to do拒绝做 140. in public公开地 141. come along 出现 142. pick up 捡起 143. what a pity真可惜 144. go on doing 不停的做 145. in silence 沉默的 146. after a while过了一会 147. trick sb into doing诱使某人做 148. turn sth over使翻转 149. fly at扑向 150. put out熄灭 151. get a chance to do 得到一个做某事的机会 152. be famous for因……变得出名 153. stay away from远离 154. dig up 挖出 155. knock sb out打昏 156. take one's hand拉着某人的手 157. at last最后

158. natural disaste自然灾害 159. pass by通过,经过 160. stick with持续,坚持

161. sit around无所事事消磨时间,闲坐 162. have no time to do没有时间做 163. stare at盯着看 164. in surprise惊讶的 165. for now暂时 166. survival kit救生包 167. be interested in对...感兴趣 168. be dead 占线 169. can afford to do负担起费用 170. dream about梦到 171. pack up收拾,打包 172. pay attention to注意

173. happen to sb 发生在某人身上 174. hold back the tears忍住眼泪 175. be missed失踪 176. find sb doing sth 发现某人正在做 177. turn to变成 178. be covered in 被...所覆盖 179. expect sth\sb to do sth期待某人某物做某事 180. at any time 在任何时间

181. cause sth\sb to do导致某人某物做某事 182. the huge amount of 大量的 183. be dying to do 渴望做

184. check in(at)在旅馆或机场登记报到 185. to be honest说实在的 186. keep one's balance 保持平衡 187. jump out of 跳出 188. throw at 朝…扔 189. one another互相 190. manage to do成功做到了 191. for the first time 第一次 192. have an effect on对…有影响

193. take responsibility for sb对某人做某事 194. in general 总的来说 195. at this stage 在现阶段 196. make a decision for sb 为某人做决定 197. in the same way 以相同的方式 198. be certain about 对…肯定 199. for this reson 为此 200. in ancient times在古代 201. get to sleep睡着 202. at any time随时 203. deal with 解决,处理 204. guard against防止,提防 205. cancel out取消

206. look on the bright side持乐观的态度 207. take up 学着做 消遣 208. leave behind把……抛在后面 209. cheer up使振奋 210. focus……on sth把……集中在做某事 211. a risk to…… …的风险 212. have a quarrel 争吵 213. force sb to do 强迫某人做 doing 214. lead a balanced life 过着平衡的生活



