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( B )35. Franco is not interested in researching his family history.


A. Right B. Wrong


Xiaoyan: I have most of the things I need. We don’t need to buy any rice, and we don’t need any peas.

Mary: We need some oranges. How many do we need to buy? Xiaoyan: Four are enough. And we need some cream.

Mary: How much cream do we need to buy for four people?

Xiaoyan: Two cartons? Shall we get a melon? And some wine. And I haven’t got any coffee. Mary: OK. And lychees. Two tins?

Xiaoyan: How many lychees do you get in a tin?

Mary: I don’t know. Let’s get a big tin. We also need some mineral water. Xiaoyan: And the prawns. How many prawns?

Mary: One big packet will do. I also need to get some vegetables for next week – potatoes, carrots, onions, and a cabbage I think. There’s a little greengrocer’s along th4e road. Why don’t we go there first?

( C )36. How many oranges does Xiaoyan want to buy?

A. One. B. A kilo. C. Four ( A )37. Do they need any cream?

A. Yes, they do.

B. No, they don’t.

C. The text does not tell us.

( A )38. How many prawns do they want to buy?

A. A packet. B. Two packets. C. Three packets. ( B )39. Who would like to have some vegetables?

A. Right. B. Mary. C. Shopkeeper.

( A )40. Which is not included in the shopping list?


A. Rice and peas. (水稻和豌豆) B. Potatoes and coffee. (土豆和咖啡) C. Melons and wine.(西瓜和酒) 第五部分 翻译(15分)


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41. The living room is large and comfortable. 起居室既大又舒适。

42. I prefer watching TV to reading the paper. 我喜欢看电视而不喜欢读报。

43. The bank is opposite the newsagent’s.


44. He borrows a lot of money from me. 他(常)向我借许多钱。

45. It takes forty minutes to get from the airport to the city center by taxi. 乘出租从飞机场到市里需要40分钟。

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1. 在表示比较时,常用形容词比较级 + than的结构,请举出两个例句。除此之外,还可以通过其它一些句子结构来对人或事物进行比较。请写出这些句子结构并举一个例句。(Unit 14 Unit 17) (1) 形容词比较级+than She was warmer than Frank. She was a little faster than him. (2) To be+形容词+as Shanghai is as modern as London. This book is as thin as that one. (3) to be the same as Business life in Shanghai is the same as in London. 2. 这几个单元介绍了多种用于表示将来的时态句子结构,请各举一个例。 3. (1) 一般现在时表示预先安排的日程(Unit 13) Next month I do aerobics on Saturday. (2) 现在进行时表示将来的安排(Unit 14) Is she coming back to London on Thursday? (3) 一般将来时表示预测(Unit 15) How much will we need? (4) 一般将来时表示将来的客观事实(Unit 15) Molly will be here. (5) 一般将来时表示即时的决定(Unit 17) What about the shopping ? There is a lot, (6) 表示将来的计划和意图(Unit 17) Tim is going to borrow his parents’car. 13 / 23


(Units 13-18)

第一部分 交际用语(10分)

1一5小题:阅读下面的小对话,判断答语是否恰当,恰当的选A(Right),不恰当的选B(Wrong),并将答案写在各题前的( )中。(每题2分,共10分) (A) 1.一How are you feeling?

--- I feel much better. Thank you. A. Right. B. Wrong. (B )2.一 How was your day yesterday?

一I've got a bad cough.

A. Right. B. Wrong. (A )3.一 Why don’t we have a barbecue? 一That's a good idea.

A. Right. B. Wrong.

(B) 4.一What time does the Swimming Pool close? --- On Tuesday.

A. Right. B. Wrong. (A) 5.一What was the party like? --- It was great.

A. Right. B. Wrong.


6一25小题:阅读下面的句子,选择正确答案,并将所选项的字母符号写在各题前的( )中。(每题2分,共40分)

(B ) 6. _______any yoga classes in the evenings?

A. Is there B. Are there C. Have (B) 7. Which is _________,the Yangtze River or the Yellow River?

A. a bit long B. longer C. more long (B) 8. I'm _________ a list of things to buy.

A. doing B. making C. having (A) 9. Rose is experienced _________ training.

A. at B. of C. on (A) 10.She is making a cup of coffee

A. herself B. himself C. myself (B) 11. When are you ______ London _________ Paris?

A. leave,go to B. leaving,for C. leaving from,to

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(A)12. I think there will ________ 50 people at tomorrow's party.

A. be B. being C. are (C)13. Carlos ________ serve the drinks and take the orders.

A. have to B. has C. has to (B)14. Hurry up. We don't have ________ time.

A. many B. enough C. too many

(A)15. I'll give _________.

A. the man the book B. the book the man C. the book for the man (A)16. I am not feeling very well. I ________ to see the doctor.

A. need B. should C. would (B)17.Tim ________ make a cake for the party.

A. going to B. is going to C. are going to (B)18. She ________ a teacher in Shanghai last year.

A. is B. was C. were (A)19. My housewarming party is ________ Mary’s.

A. different from B. different as C. as different as (B)20. ________ prepare everything today?

A. How about B. Why don't we C. What about (C)21. I have an English class ________ a week.

A. three B. three time C. three times (C)22. Chris usually goes to the gym ________ the weekend. A. from B. in C. at (B)23. I’m bad at spelling, but Jane is ________than me.

A. bad B. worse C. less (A)24. _________ of these two books do you prefer?

A. Which B. What C. How (A) 25. --The classroom is not big enough for 50 students. -- Yes, I agree. It’s ______.

A. too small B. no big C. not small enough

第三部分 句型变换


26. He goes to work by bus. (用how对划线部分提问) How does he go to work?

27. She is flying for Paris on Thursday. (用when对划线部分提问) When is she flying for Paris?

28. The bus stop is outside the post office. (用where对划线部分提问) Where is the bus stop?

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