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Survey of AIDS Related KAB Among Immigrant Female Factory Workers in Dongguan City

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Survey of AIDS Related KAB Among Immigrant Female Factory Workers in Dongguan City


【期刊名称】《中华性传播感染杂志:英文版》 【年(卷),期】2004(004)002

【摘要】Objective: To understand the HIV/AIDS-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviors (KAB) among immigrant female factory workers(IFFW). Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among IFFWs sampled from several joint- venture and private factories in Dongguan city. Results: Out of 175 sampled workers, 165 qualified for inclusion and the median age was 22. The resultsshowed that the IFFWs had low levels of knowledge about HIV/AIDS, and held many misconceptions. Thirty three of 76 (43.4%) unmarried IFFWs had premarital sexual contact, and more than half of these contacts were one-night stands (54.5%). More than one quarter of the women(25.9%) never used condoms, 49.4% sometimes used condoms and 24.7% used condoms every time. Twenty-eight women (31.8%) had an induced abortion because of an unexpected pregnancy. Fourteen (14.9%) had been infected with STDs, and four IFFWs(2.8%)had tried drugs before the interview. Conclusion: In order to empower the IFFWs in the city to protect themselves from HIV, and to contain the rapid spread of HIV in our province, targeted HIV/AIDS health promotion programs should be

Survey of AIDS Related KAB Among Immigrant Female Factory Workers in Dongguan City


