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Unit9 Fun time


剑桥国际少儿英语Unit9,Page 57-Page 59. 二、目标语言

重点语言:can can’t ,/f/的发音 补充语言:chant

复习: play football/basketball/tennis,Play the guitar,play the piano,swim,ride a bike. 三、教学目标

学会can chant这首歌谣,正确掌握/f/的发音,进一步练 习can 和can’t。 四、教具准备


2. 道具手掌两个。 3.Unit9的故事卡片。 五、教学过程

1、【warm-up 热身】 ① Greeting

T: Good morning !

Ss: Good morning ! T: How do you feel today? Ss: … ② Review

1. Fast look. 复习上节课学过的关于衣服的单词。 2. Match the right words. 3. Sing a song.

4. Review the sentences. “Can you…?”“Yes, I can./No,I can’t.

2、【Presentation 呈现】&【Practice 操练】

Page 57,Part 7:say a chant 呈现

① “Look at the picture. What can he do?” 呈现chant相关图片,引出学生说出:“He can play basketball,He can…” ② 呈现第一段歌谣,带领学生读并比谁读的又准又快。 ③ 跟着录音chant,用同样方法学习第二段歌词。

Page 57,Part 7:say a chant 操练

① 播放音频,学生跟着录音一起chant并做相应动作。 ② 全班起立,一起大声chant。

③ Have a competition. The winner can get a star.

Page 58,Part 8:Say it with Monty 呈现

① 展示图片问“What’s this”让学生说出frog。“Do you know his name?”介绍Freddy。“This is Freddy frog. Say hello to

him, OK?”

② “Today’s sound is… ”引出F的发音/f/,带领学生读“/f/ /f/,Freddy、/f/ /f/,frog.

③ 显示以/f/发音开头的单词图片:friend,frog,fish,feet。 ④ “How many children can you see?”引出“Three”。“How many feet have they got?”引出句子Three friends,six feet.同样方法引出其他句子,带领学生读。

⑤ Say it with Monty!播放flash,让学生跟着读。

Page 58,Part 9:Say it with Monty 操练

① Green or yellow side. When I touch the word with green

side, say it loudly. When I touch it with yellow side, say it loudly and squat down.

② 绕口令比赛。给1分钟的时间练习此句子,然后个人show。 ③ Ask and answer.(学生用书P58 Part 10)“Can you swim?”

问学生问题,学生回答,把活动9b发给学生,让他们之间互相问问题,用“Can you…”问。

Page59,Part 11:Listen to the story 呈现

① “Today we will learn a story. Look at these pictures. Who &

What can you see. Can you guess what happened.”呈现故事图片,发挥想象力。

② “Watch the DVD,and put the pictures in the right order.”




