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B. it is difficult for other space stations exceed Mir’s success. C. Mir is the best long-term human habitation in space in history. D. multinational space operation are getting more accomplishments. 40. What is the author’s attitude toward Mir?

A. indifferent. B. ironic. C. favorable. D. negative

第三篇 Eye-tracker Lots You Drag and Drop Files with a Glance

Bored of using a mouse? Soon you'll be able to change stuff on your computer screen – and then move it directly onto your smartphone or tablet(平板电脑) –with nothing more than a glance. A system called EyeDrop uses a head-mounted eye tracker that simultaneously records your field of view so it knows where you are looking on the screen. Gazing at an object – a photo, say – and then pressing a key, selects that object. It can then be moved from the screen to a tablet or smartphone just by glancing at the second device, as long as the two are connected wirelessly.

\we want to acquire,\University, UK. Turner believes EyeDrop would be useful to transfer an interactive map or contact information from a public display to your smartphone or for sharing photos.

A button needs to be used to select the object you are looking at otherwise you end up with the \点石成金) effect, whereby everything you look at gets selected by your gaze, says Turner. \

Christian Holz, a researcher in human-computer interaction at Yahoo Labs in Sunnyvale, California, says the system is a nice take on getting round this fundamental problem of using gaze-tracking to interact. \solves this in a slick (灵巧的)way by combining it with input on the touch devices we carry with us most of the time anyway and using touch input as a clutching mechanism,\无缝地) interact across devices far and close in a very natural manner.\

While current eye-trackers are rather bulky, mainstream consumer devices are not too far away. Swedish firm Tobii is developing gaze-tracking technology that can be installed in laptops and tablets and is expected to be available to buy next year. And the Google Glass headset is expected to include eye-tracking in the future.

Turner says he has also looked at how content can be cut and pasted or drag-and-dropped using a mix of gaze and taps on a touchscreen. The system was presented at the Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia in Sweden, last week.

41. The eye-tracker technology enables us to______ A. change our computer screen.

B. focus on anything that interests us. C. get a smartphone connected wirelessly. D. move an object from screen with a glance. 42. Why is a button needed?

A. To minimize the cost of EyeDrop.

B. To choose as many objects as possible. C. To make EyeDrop different from others. D. To select what we want.

43. The word “this” in Paragraph 6 refers to_______

A. application of gaze-tracking in human-computer interaction. B. interaction between human and computer.

C. combination of gaze-tracking with input on touch devices. D. generalization of EyeDrop system.

44. Which of the following statement is true of eye-trackers for consumer devices. A. They are costly. B. They are available.

C. They are installed in Google Glass headset. D. They are expected to come out soon. 45. What is Turner likely to study next? A. How to drag and drop with gaze and taps. B. How to present the system in public. C. How to get touch screen involved.

D. How to cut and paste content from a public display.



The Day a Language Died

When Carios Westez died at the age of 76. A language died, , more commonly known as Red Thunder Cloud,was the last speaker of the Native American language Catawba. Anyone who wants to hear the songs of the Catawba can contact the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, ., where, back in the 1940s, Red Thunder Cloud recorded a series of songs for future generations. (46)A They are all that is left of the Catawba language. The language that people used to speak is gone forever.

We are all aware of the danger that modern industry can cause the world’s ecology(生态).However,few people are aware of the impact widely spoken languages have on other languages and ways of life. English has spread all over the world. Chinese, Spanish, Russian, and Hindi have become powerful languages as well. As these languages become more powerful, their use as tools of business and culture increases. As well, F (47)When this happens, hundreds of languages that are spoken by only a few die out.

Scholars believe there are around 6,000 languages around the world, but more than half of them could die out within the next 100 years. There are many examples,Araki is a the language of the island of Vanuatu, located in the Pacific Ocean. It is spoken by only a few older adults,so like Catawba,Araki will soon disappear. Many languages of ethiopia will have the same fate because each one has only a few speakers. B (48)In the Americas, 100 languages, each of which has fewer than 300 speakers, are dying out.

Red Thunder Cloud was one of the first to recognize the danger of language death and to try to do something about it. He was not actually born into the Catawba tribe, and the language was not his mother tongue. C(49). The songs he sang for the Smithsonian Institution helped to make Native American music popular. Now he is gone, and the language is dead.

What does it mean for the rest of us when a language disappears?When a plant, insect, or animal species dies, it is easy to understand what has been lost and to for the balance of the natural word. However, language is only a product of the mind. To be the last remaining speaker of a language,like Red Thunder,must be a peculiarly lonely destiny, almost as strange and terrible as being the last surviving member of a dying species. E (50)

A . Some people might want to learn some of these songs by hearts.

B . Papus New Guines is an extremely rich source of different language,but more than 100 of them are in danger of extinction(灭绝).

C . However,he was a frequent visitor to the Catawba reservation in South Carcinoma where he learned the language.

D . There language don’t have many native speakers.

E . For the rest of us, when a language dies, we lose the possibility of a unique way of seeing and describing the world.

F . As these language become more use as tools of business and culture increase.


Underground Coal Fires

Coal burning deep underground in China, India and Indonesia is threatening the environment and human life, scientists have warned, these large-scale (51) blazes cause the ground temperature to heat up and kill surrounding vegetation, produce greenhouse gases and can (52) ignite (点燃) forest first, a panel of scientists told the annual meeting of the American Association For the Advancement of Science in Denver. The resulting (53) of poisonous elements like arsenic and mercury can also pollute local water sources and soils, they warned.

“Coal fires are a global catastrophe,” said Associate Professor Glenn Stracher of East Georgia College in Swainsboro, USA, But y (54) few people know about them.

Coal can heat up on its own, and eventually catch fire and burn, if there is a continuous oxygen supply. The heat produced is not cause to (55) and, under the right combinations of sunlight and oxygen, can trigger spontaneous (白发的) catching fire and burning. This can occur underground, in coal stockpiles, abandoned mines or even as coal is transported.? (56) fires in China consume up to 200 million tons of coal per year, delegates were told. In (57), the U.S. economy consumes about one billion tons of coal annually, said Stracher, (58) analysis of the likely impact of coal fires has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Coal Ecology.? (59) underway, coal fires can burn for decades, even centuries. In the process, they release large (60) of greenhouse gases poisonous fumes and black particles into the atmosphere.

The members of the panel discussed the (61) these fires may be having on global and regional climate change, and agreed that the underground nature of the fires makes them difficult to (62).

Ultimately, the remote sensing and other techniques should allow scientists to (63) how much carbon dioxide these fires are emitting. One suggested(64) of containing the fires was presented by Gary Colaizzi, of the engineering firm Goodson, which has developed a heat-resistant grout (a thin mortar used to fill cracks and crevices), which is designed to be pumped into the coal fire to (65) the oxygen supply. (出处:2014年教材理工类阅读理解 第二十四篇Underground Coal Fires – a Looming Catastrophe) house B underground C sky D water only B even C just D then

release B paste C consumption D elimination

happily B traditionally C surprisingly D fashionably exchange B regenerate C disappear D transfer Most B Such C Some D Many

comparison B case C time D turn which B who C whose D what Yet B Unless C Although D Once data B volumes C figures D images

attack B impact C identification D implication develop B relieve C detect D supply

estimate B experiment C gather D illustrate cause B method C treatment D rule take up B back up C run out D cut off



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