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四年级下学期考点复习小学英语期末模拟试卷II卷《标准版》 时间:90分钟 满分:100分 题号 一 二 三 总分 得分 一、基础练习(40分) 1. 判断画线部分发音是(T)否(F)相同。⑴______A.uncle B.people C.little⑵______A.shirt B.skirt C.dirt⑶______A.apple B.table C.bottle⑷______A.whose B.clothes C.coat⑸______A.shorts B.forty C.doctor 2. 将下列中英文匹配 ⑴after school______A. 今天 ⑵art lesson______B. 放学后 ⑶week______ C. 美术课 ⑷on Sunday______D. 周 ⑸today______F. 在星期天 第 1 页 3. 选出你所听到的词语( ) A .fourteen B .forty C .first 4. They are twelve dollars . (对画线部分提问)______ ______are they? 5. 阅读判断。 Look! There are so many things on the playground. Whose red T-shirt is it? Oh, it's Wu Yifan's. Whose pink dress is it? Oh, it's Bai Ling's. Whose yellow shoes are they? Oh, They're Chen Jie's. Whose black pants are they? They're Mike's. Whose purple jacket is it? Oh, it's Sarah's. Please take the things back, children! 1. (1)The red T-shirt is John's. 2. (2)The pink dress is Bai Ling's. 3. (3)The yellow shoes are Wu Yifan's. 4. (4)The black pants are Mike's. 5. (5)The purple jacket is Miss White's. 6. —______pencil is this? (Who's/Whose) —It's David's. 7. 选出句子中出现的单词( ) A .horses B .pigs C .sheep 8. 将下列中英文相匹配 ⑴sunny______A. 多云的 ⑵cool______B. 晴朗的 / 共 4 页 ⑶hot______C. 凉爽的 ⑷warm______D. 炎热的 ⑸cloudy______E.温暖的


9. He likes ______ new friend. A .he B .his C .him

10. 阅读对话,完成选择和填空。

Five students are in different cities. They're talking about the weather.

Tom: It's cloudy in Beijing. I can play football with my friends.

Jim: It's sunny in Hainan. My family are going to swim.

Bill: It's rainy in Qingdao. I have to stay at home and watch TV.

Andy: It's snowy in Harbin. I'll go outside to make a snowman.

Mark: It's windy in Shanghai. It's a good time to fly kites.

1. (1)What's the weather like in Qingdao?

A .It's sunny. B .It's rainy. C .It's windy.

2. (2)What can Mark do on the day?

第 2 页

A .He can swim. B .He can watch TV. C .He can fly kites.

3. (3)Are Jim's family going to make a snowman?

A .Yes, they are. B .No, they aren't. C .Yes, he is.

4. (4)Tom can ______ ______ on a cloudy day. 5. (5)Bill has to stay at home on a ______ ______. 6. (6)It's ______ in Beijing and it's windy


7. (7)It's sunny and hot in Hainan but it's snowy and______ in Harbin.

11. The library is next to Classroom 4. 12. There are no ______ in the city. A .mouse B .mice C .mouses

13. What's the weather like in Xiamen?(看图回答问题)


14. It's cold and windy here.

15. 当你想问别人,“你喜欢音乐吗?”你要怎么问:____ A .Do you like sport? B .Do you like music?

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16. 为下列图片排序。 A.





17. 为下列应答语排序。

(______)A.No,it isn't.It's on the first floor.(______)B.It's cool and cloudy. (______)C.They're fifty yuan. (______)D.Yes,they are. (______)E.It's very pretty. 18. 补全下面的对话。

第 3 页

W:Can I help you?

M:Yes.These ______are nice.Can I try them on? W:Of course.What size would you like? M:Size ______,please. W:Here you are.

M:They're a little ______.

W:Let's try size 36.Are they OK?

M:They're just right!How much are they? W:They're ______yuan.

M:OK.I'll ______them.

19. Bobby and Tom ______(be)good friends . 20. 阅读理解

My grandma is over sixty, but she still likes gardening very much. When she is busy with her work in the garden, there is always a smile on her face. She grows all sorts of plants in her garden. She works very hard and looks after them every day. So all the plants in her garden grow well. When you come to visit her garden, you can find beautiful flowers there.

My grandma not only waters the flowers, grass and trees but also let them listen to some music. She says music helps them grow well. She's really a clever lady. On weekends my parents and l visit her and help her to take care of the garden. When we leave. She always gives us some flowers. I love my grandma and her pretty garden.


1. (1)My grandma is over .

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