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2. As new technology is introduced, many worry about its influence on our present and future lifestyles﹣particularly when it comes to jobs.It is a common belief that with the rise of robotics and artificial

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节)第一节(满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)intelligence, many people's jobs, and therefore their livelihoods, are likely to be lost to automation(自动化). 中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑. This type of fear isn't new.In the 19th century, the automated weaving machine was revolutionising the English textiles industry and would contribute to the Industrial Revolution.When workers became unemployed, it caused 1. The last male northern white rhino in existence died this week.It marks the end for the entire subspecies and protests at the loss of their jobs. is yet another tragic reminder of how we are destroying our planet.Enough is enough.Please take action today Automation in the work place is nothing new.Machines have been performing dull tasks for years, allowing us to and donate £25 to help save the critically endangered eastern black rhino.It's time to take a stand and protect the escape many repetitive jobs.In fact, the International Federation of Robotics states that in manufacturing on eastern black rhino. average there are now 74 robots per 10, 000 employees.That has risen from 66 in 2015.

General Manager of Distal Customer Engagement Solutions at tech firm Nuance, Bernard Louvat, believes that\ The world is witnessing the extinction of the northern white rhino.This rare creature was once abundant across

Central Africa, but unbelievable rates of illegal hunting for their horns wiped them out until just three individuals is a big threat to low﹣skilled jobs, no question.\were left.With the recent death of Sudan, the last male, only two female northern white rhinos remain.This has within a decade.When you consider that a large telecoms company like AT&T employs around 100, 000 call centre to he our final wake﹣up call﹣we must stop the senseless killing of rhinos in the wild.Unless we act now, the staff, that's a lot of people on the dole(救济). eastern black rhino could suffer the same fate.It is on the edge of extinction with only 850 left in the wild.You can And that's just one industry.A recent report from the McKinsey Global Institule, a private sector think

tank, states that nearly two thirds of all jobs could have at 1east 30%of their activities automated by make a difference﹣right now.In 2004, Fauna &Flora International(FFI)helped to create O1Pejeta

Conservancy, a safe shelter for endangered animals in Kenya.O1Pejeta is now home to over 100 eastern black 2030.However, McKinsey also believes that this new technology will also \rhinos, and with your support today, we can help keep them safe from illegal hunters. today, much as technologies in the past have done.\ By making a donation of £ 25 by 9 April, you could help us employ, train and equip guards to protect the mechanics and mechanized manufacturing drove up wages and created more long﹣term roles than it conservancy and keep these rare animals safe.Your gift could help to protect the last few eastern black rhinos in destroyed.In fact, figures from the World Bank have shown that despite a 2.2 billion rise in population between O1Pejeta.We must not bear witness to another extinction.Please complete the donation form to help save the 1991and 2017, global unemployment has fallen by 0.3%. eastern black rhino now. Whether or not robotics and AI will leave us all jobless remains to he seen.Current views on the subject are Please return your form to: Freepost FAUNA&FLORA IN'IERNATIONAL, The David Attenborough mixed.Increased automation could indeed lead to a loss of some jobs, but at the same time is likely to create many Building, Pembroke Street, CAMBRIDGE CB2 3QZ, call 01223 749019 or go to www.Save A Rhino.org to donate more as new skills are required.Will they balance out?


(1)Why did workers in UK protest in the 19th century?________

(1)What's the present situation of the northern white rhinos?________

A.They were out of work.

A.They face extinction.

B.Robots appeared at that time.

B.850 rhinos are left in the wild.

C.Their wages were less than before.

C.They are being hunted for their horns.

D.They were forced to become mechanics.

D.Two female rhinos are ready to produce young.

(2)What jobs are more likely to disappear because of automation?________

(2)What's the money raised for?________

A.Electronic engineers. B.Robot designers.

A.Protecting the eastern black rhinos in O1Pejeta. C.Call center clerks. D.High school teachers.

B.Educating people to live with animals in harmony.

C.Saving the endangered female northern white rhinos.

(3)What can we learn from Paragraph 5?________

D.Gathering all the eastern black rhinos into a conservancy.

A.New technologies always create new jobs.

B.By 2030,two thirds of all jobs will be automated.

(3)How many ways of donation are mentioned in the text?________

C.In the past,new technology didn't bring forth new jobs.

A.4 B. C.2 D.

D.Between 1991and 2007,the rate of unemployment reached 0.


第1页 共18页 ◎ 第2页 共18页

(4)How does the author feel about whether AI will leave us jobless?________ A.Postive.

3. Déjàvu﹣the strange feeling of having been to this very place or done this very thing before when you know you haven't﹣happens to most people at some point in their fives.The expression comes from the French, meaning\.\

My friend Shannon knew that she was going to marry her husband the clay that they met.She had dated a lot of men following her divorce, but none of them felt right.Then, she met Bob.There was something about the way he smiled, his voice and the shape of his hands, that made her think that they had known each other before.After talking it was clear that their paths had never crossed, but after their first lunch date, they became

inseparable.What Shannon and Bob immediately felt for each other was more than just physical chemistry.It was a natural understanding and a depth of closeness that usually arises after couples are together for many years.They were married two months after they met and have been together now for ten years.

I'm often asked how to tell the difference between a feeling of déjà vu when we first meet someone and all attraction stemming from an addictive obsession(痴迷).

There is a strong tendency among addicts to try to\

relationships inspired only by strong physical attraction.They often have nothing to do with déjà vu, but stem rather from a basic emptiness that longs to be filled.There is no true bond between the people involved, they hardly know each other, and these partnership attempts fail miserably when the pink glow of newness wears

off.However, mostly déjà vu experiences convey a quality that is quiet and solid.The possibility of having a déjà vu is existing in partnerships of all kinds, particularly the more intimate ones.It can occur in business, friendships and family, often leading to outcomes that can impact the direction of our life.

Déjà vus can take place anywhere, at any time and with anyone.Don't let these possibilities pass you by.Summoning the courage to take a chance and act, to have faith in what is not yet visible, will make the experience your own.

(1)What is déjà vu?________

A.The feeling that one falls in love at first sight. B.The fact that one is often cheated by his belief. C.The wrong idea that couples share everything in life. D.The false belief that one has experienced something before.

(2)Why does the author mention his friend's love story in Paragraph 2?________ A.To introduce the topic. C.To support the explanation.

(3)In what way is déjà vu different from physical attraction?________ A.It occurs a11the time.

B.To entertain the readers.

D.To analyze couple relationship.




B.It's stable and lasts long. C.It involves a previous experience. D.It appears only between couples.

(4)What does the author suggest doing when déjà vu takes place?________ A.Practicing before acting. B.Calming down and letting it go. C.Regarding it as nothing but imagination. D.Seizing the opportunity and taking actions. 4.

Many Canadians are aware that problems with the nation's health care system have resulted in a lack of hospital beds and medical equipment, overcrowded emergency rooms, long waiting lists, and not enough family doctors. Over the last 10 years, the number of medical students choosing the family practice as their lifelong career has been dropping at a surprising rate. When asked why they lack interest in family medicine, the students cite(援引)a heavy student debt load and the long hours required of a doctor who is managing the family practice. As in other kinds of work, young doctors today want a balance between their professional and personal lives.

In British Columbia (BC) this problem is made worse because the province produces fewer medical graduates for each person than any other province in Canada. The provincial government has committed itself to doubling the number of medical student graduates. This strategy doesn't come close to giving us the new doctors needed each year in BC to replace those who are retiring, moving out of the province, reducing their hours of practice, or dying. The primary care system is showing its cracks. Ten years ago, 2,030 of BC's family doctors were providing obstetrical(产科的)care. Today just 945 are performing this invaluable service. Although delivering babies is a \area of medicine, the hours are long, but the reward for bringing new life into the world is modest. It's no surprise, then, that many of BC's family doctors are no longer taking on new patients. In 1999, there were 1,420 family doctors accepting new patients—in 2004 that number declined to 599, a drop of 58%.

The foundation of primary care needs to be strengthened. The Working Agreement between the doctors and the government includes a series of primary care renewal projects designed to make the family practice more attractive to medical graduates, improve upon working conditions, and entice family doctors from outside BC to start their business here. Yet still more needs to be done.

(1)What makes medical students unwilling to be family physicians? A.The student debt and long working hours. B.Long term of study at a medical school. C.A limited number of places in medical school.

D.An increasing number of patients and long waiting lists for specialists.

第3页 共18页 ◎ 第4页 共18页

(2)What does the text say about family doctors in BC? A.They are no longer needed. B.They are too few in number. C.They will soon become abundant. D.They are rapidly leaving the province.

(3)Which can replace the underlined word \A.Forbid.

(4)What is the primary purpose of the text? A.To show sympathy for family doctors. B.To inspire young people to be family doctors. C.To stress the urgent need of more family doctors. D.To tell the disadvantages of being family doctors.



Letting Go of College Kids.Is Mom Ready?

The college acceptances are arriving.Kids are thrilled and parents are panicked.Your son cries,\(1)_______\?\?\,I consulted with my very wise colleague.Here are some things he told me.

Pat yourself on the back for getting them this far.If they have been accepted to college.you have already been successful.(2)_______They couldn't feed themselves and would have died without you.They were completely dependent on you.If your child can get around in the world without you,then you have succeeded.Every parent's goal is to make themselves no longer useful.

As a parent,you have invested nearly two decades of your time,money and love in this young person.It is natural to wonder if they'll be OK,if they'll make it in the world.Remember,you have taught them all you can.(3)_______ Congratulations! You did a great job.

To me,I think of young adults as baby just learning to walk and they will fall down.They even have a right to fall down.Only by falling down and picking themselves up,can they learn.I remember holding my precious infant in my arms.I wished I could fix in his mind all the mistakes I had made so he could avoid them.If he was a second generation airplane,I could improve on the design.But,he is not and each new generation has to reinvent themselves.(4)_______ As Roy says,\.You get the test first and the lesson later.\

(5)_______It is a loss.It is a loss of affection,a loss of fun activities,and a loss of community.But,you have taught them as much as you can.Let them go. A.So you deserve some credit.

B.College is not necessarily a must for kids.

C.When they were born,they were defenseless. D.They have a right to make their own mistakes.




E.You smile and your heart sinks at the same time. F.It's natural to feel sad when your child leaves home.

G.And,it is a bumpy road from adolescence to adulthood.

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节)第一节 完形填空(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.

6. When I was having my coffee at a restaurant last week, a cockroach(蟑螂)suddenly came from somewhere and sat on one lady.She started screaming out of fear.With a panic stricken face and(1)_______ voice, she started jumping, with both her hands(2)_______ trying to get rid of the cockroach.Her(3)_______ was spreading, as everyone in her group(4)_______ got panicky.The lady finally(5)_______ to drive the

cockroach away but…it landed on(6)_______ lady in the group.Now, it was the(7)_______ of the other lady in the group to continue the performance.

The waiter(8)_______ forward to their rescue.In the(9)_______ of throwing, the cockroach next fell upon the waiter.He stood(10)_______ , calmed himself and observed the(11)_______ of the cockroach on his shirt.When he was(12)_______ enough, he grabbed it with his fingers and threw it out of the restaurant. Slowly drinking my coffee and(13)_______ the amusement, my mind picked up a few thoughts and started(14)_______ , was the cockroach responsible for their behavior? If so, then why was the waiter not

disturbed? He handled it near to(15)_______, without any chaos.It is not the cockroach, (16)_______ the inability of those people to handle the (17)_______caused by the cockroach, that disturbed the ladies. Many such things happen in my life.(18)_______the problem itself, it's also my reaction to a problem that creates(19)_______ in my life.I understood a lesson from the waiter how to(20)_______ to a

challenge; when faced with tough times, stay calm and save a situation from going out of control and you can find solutions. (1) A.1ow (2) A.flexibly (3) A.expression (4) A.also (5) A.managed
















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