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一.单项选择 ( 均出自首师大附中08年入学考试真题 )

1. His daughter is always shy _________, and she never dares to make a speech to _________.

A. the public; the public B. public; the public C. the public; public D. public; public 2. _________ and I’ll get the work finished.

A. Have one more hour B. One more hour

C. Given one more hour D. If I have one more hour 3. –Did you take enough money with you?

--No, I needed _________ I thought I would.

A. not so much as B. as much as C. much more than D. much less than

4. Mr. Smith, theirs is a man at ________ front door who says he has ________ news for you of great importance.

A. the; / B. the; the C. /; / D. /; the

5. Do let your mother know all the truth. She appears ________ everything. A. to tell B. to be told C. to be telling D. to have been told

6. ________ the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement. A. The president will attend B. The president to attend C. The president attended D. The president’s attending 7. The news reports hurried to the airport, only ________ the film stars had left. A. to tell B. to be told C. telling D. told 8. An old man with his two children ________ down the road now.

A. comes B. is coming C. are coming D. was coming 9. The discovery of new evidence led to _____________.

A. the thief having caught B. catch the thief

C. the thief being caught D. the thief to be caught 10. The workers has got _________ work to do on ________ hot a day. A. much too; much too B. too much; too much C. too much; much too D. much too; too much Key: BBCAD DBBDC


( )1. A. where B. who C. what D. which ( )2. A. excuse B. cute C. use D. plus ( )3. A. worker B. corner C. word D. world ( )4. A. thin B. big C. little D. light ( )5. A. eat B. head C. bread D. sweater Key: BDBDA


( )1. A. river B. eat C. worry D. stay ( )2. A. pear B. apple C. flower D. banana ( )3. A. bread B. milk C. table D. egg ( )4. A. one B. two C. first D. four ( )5. A. lamb B. climb C. rabbit D. sheep Key: ACCCB

四.根据句子意思写出括号内所给词的适当形式填空。(东直门中学08年分班考试真题) 1. It _______ ( snow ) heavily when the old couple ________ (find) the pet dog.

2. Mary _____ (have) already ______ (finish) her homework. Now she ______ (play) the violin. 3. The farmers are busy _________ (cut) wheat in the fields. 4. We asked the teacher _________ (sit) down for a rest. 5. Which is the _____ (large) country, Canada of India? 6. Would you mind ______ (clean) the blackboard? 7. He spent two hours ______ (write) a composition.

8. Wang Ping _____ (join) the PLA in 2000. He _____ (work) in the army for over five years. 9. Mrs. Chen _____ (have) just ______ (go) out. She said she ______ (come) back soon. 10. The teacher and singer ______ (be) from Shanghai.

Key: 1.was snowing, found 2. has finished, is playing 3. cutting 4. to sit 5.larger 6.cleanig 7.writing 8.joined, has worked 9.has, gone, would come 10.is 五.根据汉语写单词。(101中学08年分班考试真题)

1. It was ______ (几乎) dark when they came out of the last shop. 2. Are you all good at _______ (爬)?

3. I’ve just won the _______ (女子) 100-meter race. 4. He sometimes ______ (遗忘) his keys at home. 5. Do you mind my ______ (打开) the window?

6. The ______ (警察) is helping the old man to cross the street. 7. We have enough time to prepare for the _______ (最后的) exam. 8. Nobody taught her how to cook. She ______ (学会) it all by herself.

9. June 1st is _______ (儿童) Day and September 10th is _______ (教师) Day. 10. Did Wei Meng jump ______ (远) than any other boy in the sports meeting.

Key: 1.almost 2.climbing 3.women’s 4.leaves 5.opening 6.policeman 7.final 8.learnt 9.Children’s, Teachers’ 10.farther

六.用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空。(三帆中学08年入学考试真题) Anywhere jump bedroom outside surprise happen around wear 1. 2. 3. 4.

Finally, Linda found her dog _____ the station. The naughty boy ______ down from the wall and hurt his left leg. This apartment is so big that it has three _________. –Xiao Li is in hospital now. --What _______?

--He has an accident yesterday.

5. He was ______ to see such a strange thing. It looked like a cat but it wasn’t. 6. Where is my CD? I can’t find it _______. 7. Look! Jack _______ a T-shirt and jeans.

8. I was doing some washing at ________ five in the afternoon.

Key: 1.outside 2.jumped 3.bedrooms 4.happened 5.surprised 6.anywhere 7.is wearing 8.around 七.改错。(实验中学08年入学考试真题)

1. The terrible story was happened in the year of 1945. ___________________ 2. –What’s the time in your watch? –It says half past twelve. ___________________ 3. Because I liked the book very much, so I bought it at once. ___________________ 4. I felt very cold when I went out the room. ___________________

5. When you enter into the room, you will find many paintings on the wall. __________________ Key: 1.去掉was 2.in改by 3.去掉so 4.out改out of 5.去掉into 八.根据首字母填写单词。(人大附中08年分班考试真题)

1. He is young, but he e_________ a good salary in a computer company. 2. He a________ great success in the field of chemistry. 3. She got good g________ in her final exams last term.

4. Patrick e_______ me the document that I wanted yesterday evening. 5. Most people speak S_________ as their first language in South America. Key:1.earns 2.achieved 3.grades 4.emailed 5.Spanish 九.根据要求转换句型。(三帆中学08年入学考试真题) 1. He could hardly wait. (改为反意疑问句)

He could hardly wait, _______ ________? 2. The chicken is very delicious. (改为感叹句)

_________ delicious the chicken ________!

3. We stopped playing. We saw the teacher coming in. (合并成一句)

We stopped playing _______ _______ _______ we saw the teacher coming in. 4. New York is 14,800 kilometers away from Beijing. (就划线部分提问)

________ ________ is New York from Beijing?

5. We had some work to do last Sunday. (改为一般疑问句)

_______ you _______ _______ work to do last Sunday? 6. The dictionary cost me 20 yuan. (保持原句意思)

I _______ 20 yuan _________ the dictionary.

7. He has already finished his homework. (改为否定句) He ________ finished his homework __________. 8. Peter has to see a doctor. (改为反义疑问句) Peter has to see a doctor, ________ ________? 9. I must be leaving now. (同义句转换)

_______ _______ for me _______ _______ now.

10. You’ll be late for the concert if you don’t start right now.(同义句转换)

You’ll be late for the concert _______ you start right now.

Key: 1.could he 2.How, is 3.as soon as 4.How far 5.Did, have any 6.spent,on/paid, for 7.hasn’t,yet 8.doesn’t he 9.it’s time, to leave 10.unless

十.根据所给中文意思,完成下列句子,没空一词。(交大附中08年入学考试真题) 1. 你能看出天空中有什么异常的东西吗? Can you see _________ __________ in the sky? 2. 杰克,请打开收音机。

Jack, please ________ _________ the radio. 3. 如果你明天不早点起床,上学就会迟到。

If you ________ get up _________ tomorrow, you __________ be late for school. 4. 从今以后,我们必须更加小心。

_________ ________ ________. We must be _________ _________. 5. 她的妈妈是医生还是护士?

_________ ________ mother a doctor _________ a nurse? 6. ---你们周末经常干什么?


---What do you often do ________ __________? ---We often play ________ and _________. 7. 我每天都锻炼,我姐姐一周锻炼两三次。

I __________ every day and my sister _________ ________ or three times a week. 8. 北京道上海有多远?

________ ________ away _______ ________ ________ Beijing __________ Shanghai? 9. 上星期天,我们坐火车去长城了。

Last Sunday we _______ the _________ to the _________ __________. 10. 你能和我一起打网球吗?

Can you _________ __________ __________ __________?

Key: 1.anyting strange 2.turn on 3.don’t, early, will 4.From now on, more careful 5.Is her, or 6.on weekends, basketball, soccer 7.exercise, exercises, twice 8.How far, is it from, to 9.took, train, Great Wall 10.play tennis with me

十一。 完形填空(二中分校08年入学考试真题)

You are being given an opportunity that a lot of others would be dying for,but that doesn’t mean it is the best path for you to take .Since you have already been to _1___,you know what to expect._2___I think you have pretty good grounds to decide for ___3__which you would prefer to do—go or stay .All I would like to do is to __4__you of some of the __5__and disadvantages of going to live abroad .Some of these come from my own personal experience of living inChina.The benefits of going to America would include things like better living _6__:access to the most up-to-- date technologies in the workplace and for your entertainment ;the opportunity to learn about a different __7___;and you could see new places and __8__your English .If you were to return to china after several years ,I’m sure all of these skills would __9__you in apposition to be very successful __10___ whatever career you choose to pursue .you have some __11__aused nd friends in America already ,so you have someone to turn _12__when you need help or are feeling__13__.

Here are some of the ___14__of living ina foreign country. The most obvious one for you is the language barrier ,and the number of jobs you can apply for will be __15__.Food .You won’t be able to eat the food you are used to ,__16___your relatives cook authentic Chinese dishes every day .Racial prejudice.This you could meet with at work in the __17__of lower wages for example ,and in many social situations.

By __18___advertages and disadvertages in this way , it becomes clearer which choice would be better for you .just remrmbver ,both outcomes will have their advantages and once you make the decision don’t look __19___.

Put all your positive energy into .the _20__you choose You are a bright young person,so I’m sure you will do well no matter what you choose .

1 A China B English C America D abroad 2 A so B but C himself D still

3 A myself B oneself C himself D yourself 4 A warn B remind C ask D inform 5 A conditions B advantages C chances D benefits 6 A things B room C places D conditions 7 A culture B places C countries D language

8 A learn B increase C perfect D succeed 9 A take B send C put D give 10 A to B from C in D give 11A classmates B relatives C family D teachers 12 A on B up C down D to 13 A tired B happy C pleased D homesick 14 A disadvantages B advantage C suggestions D advise 15A enough B given Climited D offered 16 A unless B until C If D now that 17 A charge B form C honor D front

18 A explaining B listing C talking D discussing 19 A up Bfor Cdown D back 20 A work B country C path D place 十二 根据句子意思填写单词(四中08年分班考试真题) 1 India has the second _____population in the world . 2 August is the ___month of a year . 3 October 1 is ____Day.

4 ---what can I do for you,Madam? -----I’d like a ____of shoses for my son.

5 These is going to ____a basketball match in our school next week. Key :1 largest 2 eighth 3 National 4 pair 5 be 十三 阅读理解

A (北达资源中学08年入学考试真题) 任务型阅读理解。

A new life on the university campus

I am a freshman of the English Department at Pujiang University .Life at the university is so exciting and challenging.

There are two campuses for our university: one is for freshmen and sophomores and the other is for juniors, seniors and graduate students .My campus is located on the outskirts of the city,which is a new one ,very peaceful and free from the hustle and bustle of a metropolis .It is free from all sorts of distractions and diversions that most city dwellers find it hard to escape or ignore .

We have a three-day orientation programme about campus life for entering students,including a campus tour in which we can visit libraries ,classroom buildingas language labs ,the multimedia resource center ,computer support services, the student club ,and the sports stadium. We freshmen hve access to all these resources and technical facilities on a regular basis .they are open to all students ,as a matter of fact ,we’re encouraged to make the most of the libraries and technical support services on the campus.

We all live on campus ,as the school rules say that no freshmen should live off campus during the weekdays ,unless the university authorities give permission .We prefer to eat in school cafeterias because there is a variety of foods on the menu, which changes every day .besides ,the food service is much better than that of most secondary schools.for one thing,our campus cafeterias are under the management of a professional food service company with an annually—renewable contract.

Being an English major, we have to speak English with our fellow students and English



