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牛津译林版英语七年级上册U6 Task 教案

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Unit 6 Food and lifestyle


I. Teaching aims and learning objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. retell Simon’s lifestyle. 2. write about their lifestyles.

II. Teaching contents

New words and phrases: energy, whole, play football to keep fit, help me start the day well, give me energy for

the whole afternoon, be good for us, need them to keep healthy

III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 1. Find useful expressions in Simon’s article; 2. Analyze the structure of Simon’s article; 3. Write about their own lifestyles.

IV. Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in Free talk

T: Boys and girls, do you remember Kitty’s lifestyle? (1) What does she love doing?

(2) How long does she dance? Why does she dance every day? (3) What does Kitty eat for three meals?

(4) When she feels hungry, what does she eat? Does she eat sweet snacks? (5) Why doesn’t she eat sweet snacks?

(6) Who can make a conclusion about Kitty’s three meals?


Step 2 Listening 1. Listen and answer

T: Today we’ll read an article about Simon’s lifestyle. Please take some notes while listening and try to answer the following questions. (1) What does Simon often do?

(2) What does Simon have for three meals? 2. Retell with useful expressions

T: Please retell Simon’s hobby and his three meals with the useful expressions below. For example: For breakfast, Simon always has an egg./Simon always has an egg for breakfast. S: He often plays football to keep fit.

S: He also eats baozi or mantou for breakfast.

S: …


Step 3 Reading

1. Read and finish a table

T: Turn to page 78. Please read the article by yourselves and finish another table on the screen. 2. Retell with useful expressions

T: Can you tell me why Simon often plays football?

T: Why does Simon has an egg, baozi or mantou and a glass of milk for breakfast? T: What about his lunch and dinner? Why does he eat them?

【设计意图:通过阅读范文,加深学生对文本内容的理解和记忆。通过口头提问和回答,帮助学生操练范文第二个层次的内容,即在每餐食物之后给出的原因。】 3. Analyze the structure of the article

T: From Simon’s article, we know that he lives a very healthy life. Do you know how to write an article to talk

about your lifestyle? Let’s read Simon’s article again, and analyze the structure. Para 1: name and hobby Para 2: breakfast and reason Para 3: lunch and reason Para 4: dinner and reason


Step 4 Writing 1. Before writing

(1) Revise five different kinds of food

T: Before writing, we should write the outline first.

T: The food you eat every day is the most important part in this kind of article. Do you remember the five different kinds of food?

S: Yes. They are vegetables, drinks, snacks, fruit and meat. (2) Present more words about food


(3) Finish the outline. (4) Pair work

T: Talk to your partners about your three meals with the useful expressions. Then I’ll choose some of you to speak in front of the whole class.

【设计意图:在写作前进行大量的口头操练是写作能得以流畅展开的保证。在说的过程中,鼓励学生反复使用已学过的重点句型,同时适时纠正表达中的错误,为写作的准确性提供保证。】 2. During writing 3. After writing

(1) Ask several students to read their articles before class.

Help correct the mistakes and find beautiful sentences. Offer scores according to the evaluation form. (2) Students rewrite their articles. 4. Suggestions for health

T: Here are some suggestions for health. I hope all of you can live a healthy life after learning this unit. 【设计意图:最后的写作部分是整节课的生成部份。通过之前各个环节的铺垫,学生不会再感到下笔很难。在展示作文的环节,除了教师点评,如果时间允许,还可以增加小组内的学生互评。最后给出的建议,既是单元的总结,又是情感的提升。】

V. Homework

Refine your passage according to the evaluation table.

牛津译林版英语七年级上册U6 Task 教案


