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人口老龄化背景下农村养老保障问题研究 - 图文

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题 目:人口老龄化背景下农村养老保障问题研究


二级学院: 管理与法学院 专 业: 人力资源管理 学生: 盛卉 学号: 140514131 指导教师: 群 职称(学位): 讲师(硕士) 合作导师: 职称(学位): 完成时间: 2016 年 5 月 23 日


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摘 要 ................................................................................................................ - 1 - Abstract .............................................................................................................. - 2 - 前 言 .................................................................................................................. - 3 -

(一)研究背景 ............................................................................................. - 3 - (二)研究意义 ............................................................................................. - 3 - (三)研究思路和方法 ................................................................................... - 4 -

一 人口老龄化背景下农村养老保障相关概念及特征概述.......................... - 5 -

(一)人口老龄化概念 ................................................................................... - 5 - (二)农村养老保险概念及特征 ..................................................................... - 5 -

二 人口老龄化背景下市农村养老保障现状分析 .......................................... - 6 -

(一)市农村养老保障制度分析 ..................................................................... - 6 - (二)市老年人口现状及其对市养老保障的影响 ............................................. - 8 -

三 人口老龄化背景下市农村养老保障存在的问题 ...................................... - 9 -

(一)农民保障水平低 ................................................................................... - 9 - (二)保障的覆盖面窄 ................................................................................... - 9 - (三)没有完善规的基金管理部门 ................................................................. - 9 - (四)土地的保障功能日趋下降 ................................................................... - 10 -

四 人口老龄化背景下市农村养老保障建设的对策 .................................... - 10 -

(一)继续加强家庭养老保障的作用和宣传新的养老观念 ............................. - 10 - (二)进行多渠道融资政府加大扶持力度 ...................................................... - 11 - (三)健全完善农村养老保障法制建设 .......................................................... - 11 - (四)加强土地对农民的保障功能 ............................................................... - 12 -

结论 .................................................................................................................. - 12 - 参考文献 .......................................................................................................... - 13 - 致 ...................................................................................................................... - 14 -

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摘 要



作者认为,随着经济建设的发展和人口老龄化程度的加深,市农村养老保障制度改革势在必行。可以根据市目前的现状和农民的要求,主要进行养老保障制度的逐步改革,辅以养老院形式的社会团体,并且继续加强家庭养老的作用来改善市目前养老的困境。 关键词:人口老龄化;农村;养老保障

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With the change of population aging in contradiction rapid development of China's

economy and people's traditional concepts have become increasingly prominent, the consequent pension problem has become the most prominent problem in our country, despite the government's commitment to this end a very heavy financial burden but the question of any course no good solution.

How to solve the pension problem in the face of an aging population pressure has become the most important issue, followed by a call for this Chuzhou also launched a series of reforms. Based on the Chuzhou City Development and Present pension system in recent years, the analysis results Chuzhou pension system problems for rural Chuzhou security payments current Endowment low, narrow coverage, lack of a sound fund management system, weakening the land security functions and other analysis of the situation and put forward opposing solutions: First, continue to strengthen the role of the family old-age security and promote a new concept of old age; the second is a multi-channel financing government has increased efforts to support; the third is a sound and comprehensive rural endowment security legal System; Fourth, increase farmers' disposable income.

The author believes that with the development of the aging population and the deepening of economic construction, Chuzhou rural pension system reforms. According Chuzhou current status and the requirements of farmers, the major reform of the pension system, supplemented by nursing home form of social organization, and continue to strengthen the role of the family pension to improve the plight of Chuzhou current pension.

Keywords: aging population; rural; pension

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人口老龄化背景下农村养老保障问题研究 - 图文


