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学位英语和论文难度加大,是为了控制网络教育的质量,控制学位证的发放量。同志们要更加努力才能拿到双证! 听力的考试顺序变了:

1.b, 2c, 3c, 4 d, 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 ,9 ,10,11 , 12 , 13,14 b, 15,16 b, 17 c,18a ,19c, 20 c.


21d,22a,23d,24b,25c(2005年题)。 26d,27b,28c,29d,30a(2003年题)。 31a,32a,33c,34c,35d(2003年题)。


完型(2003年题)41c,42a,43c,44d,45c, 46a,47a,48a,49c,50b, 51a,52b,53b,54d,55c, 56b,57d,58c,59d,60b.

词汇和语法:61a, 62a, 63c,64b, 65a, 66b, 67d,68b, 69c, 70b,71b, 72d, 73c, 74b, 75c, 76a, 77c, 78a ,79b, 80d(顺序变了)

语法81womens ,82the,83any,84their ,85deadly, 86 hadnt heard ,87painted, 88will, 89for, 90because 听力:(顺序变了)

1. a. no, im not kidding you.

b. no, im serious. 你开玩笑?一周完成2篇学期论文?不,(我没开玩笑),我是认真的。

c. yes, you should do this. d. yes, i’m just joking. .

2. a. ok , i can make the schedule.

b. can you make it monday? (彼特peter,我不能在周二安排那个会议。我周二的日程表都排满了。)能安排在周一吗? c. yeah, looks like you 11 be free. d. ok, lets try on tuesday.

3. a. no, you must be joking. b. really? i dont think so.

c. thank you for saying so.(今天你穿的这件连衣裙真是美极了。穿上它你很耀眼!)谢谢你这样说。 d. you like it?

4. a. mind your own business. b. whats up?

c. i am busy now.

d. sure, what can i do for you? (你能帮个忙吗?)当然,我能为你做些什么?

14. a.mr. johnsons secretary.

b. mr. smiths secretary.(这位女士是)史密斯先生的秘书。 c. the mans friend.

d. a nurse in a hospital. 16. a. course design.

b. elementary education. (卡罗尔carol女士主要的研究领域是什么?)基础教育。(注:书中问话有误,改emily为carol) c. childrens literature. d. childrens psychology.

17. a. they can learn how to write such stories. b. the stories are on their reading list.

c. thats their assignment. (为什么说话者要读儿童故事?)那是他们的作业。

d. they find these stories interesting. 18. c. solferino. b. new york.

a. geneva. (国际红十字会总部设在,瑞士的)日内瓦。 d. sweden.

19. a. help governments to win wars. b. help civilians to survive wars.

c. help wounded soldiers to survive. (国际红十字会的目的是)帮助受伤的战士活下来。 d. win nobel peace price. 20. a. one time. b. two times.

c. three times. (国际红十字会获得了几次诺贝尔奖?)3次。(1917年,1944年,1963年共3次) d. not mentioned.


too much tourism can be a problem. if tourism grows too quickly, people must leave other jobs to work in the tourism industry. this means that other parts of the country’s economy can suffer.

on the other hand, if there is not enough tourism, people can lose jobs. businesses can also lose money. it costs a lot of money to build large hotels, airports, air terminals, first-class roads and other support facilities needed by tourist attractions. for example, a major international-class tourism hotel can cost as much as 50 thousand dollars per room to build. if this room is not used most of the time, the owners of the hotel will lose money.

building a hotel is just a beginning. there must be many support facilities as well, including roads to get to the hotel, electricity, sewers to handle waste, and water. all of these support facilities cost money. 21选d.

what is probably the reason if local people dislike tourists?d a.tourists come to enjoy the customs and beauty b.local people lose jobs c.a lot of hotels are built

d.too many tourists cause traffic problems 22选a.

what can we do to solve the problems caused by tourism? a.make plans properly

b.help the country’s economy c.build fewer hotels

d.advance the well-being of local people 23选d.

if tourism grows too quickly,__d____. a.businesses will lose money

b.other parts of the country’s economy will make more money c.local people will be happier

d.more local people will work for tourists 24选b.

support facilities needed by tourist attractions includes ___b___.



