Passage 2
7. 1-6-4-5-2-3
8. 1(a) 2(d) 3(c) 4(b) 5(c)
9. 1.they will not be following ; during similar events 2.had been told by her model agency ; if she lost weight 3.taking your weight in kilos ; a more accurate measurement 4.comment on or interfere in ; would use their common sense 5.who are promoting size zero models ; design and promote
Unit 4
Inside view Conversation 1
1. Janet: 1,3,6 Andy:2,4,5,7.
2. 1.What Janet was doing at the market with Joe 2.He is right about Andy being late quite often 3.He says something unexpected has come up 4.So that he can check his schedule 5.At 2.30
6.The city of London
Conversation 2
4. 2-5-1-4-3
5. 1(d) 2(c) 3(d) 4(a) 5(c) 6. 1.what does; have to do 2.So we’re not actually 3.Basically come in here on the left 5.moving through to this room
6.What about this room on the left 7.And this room here below contains
Evertday English
7. 1(b) 2(a) 3(b) 4(a) 5(b) 6(b)
Outside view
2 the true statements are:4,5,6 and 7 3. 1(b) 2(a) 3(c) 4(c) 5(b) 5. 4-3-5-7-1-2-6
6. 1.if we’re not happy 2.make all of that better 3.make more choices
4.still thinks about money 5.of having the money 6.would get solved us more choices
Listening in Passage 1
2. 1.They were exchanging metals for goods.
2.They first appeared in Europe.
3.Coins appeared in Lydia around 700BC.
4.The drachma was used as a standard from of money in large parts of Asia and Europe.
5.Around 960AD,in China..
6.They can be seen as early banks. 7.It was applied all over the world. 3. 1.we exchanged things,didn’t we don’t last 3.a lot easier to use 4.Coins then appeared 5.started producing them 6.a big advantage of 7.has a certain value 8.exchanged the grain
9.a certain amount of silver
10.1870 to 1915
Passage 2
6. 6-3-1-7-2-5-4
7. 1(b) 2(a) 3(a) 4(a) 5(c)
Unit 5
Inside view Converation 1
1. Andy : 1,3,5,7 Janet:2,4,6
2. the true statements are:1,4,5,6,8 and 9
Conversation 2
4. 1.only five to ten per cent 2.about 75 percent 3.women 4.nursing
5. 1(b) 2(c) 3(c) 4(a) 5(b) 6. 1.It’s not fair 2.I may be wrong
3.About 60 per cent of 4.the percentage
5.are in a slight majority 6.Mind you 7.I give up 8.I bet you
9.It’s typical of you men
Everyday English
7. 1(b) 2(a) 3(b) 4(a) 5(a)
Outside view
2. the issues that are mentioned are : equal pay,day care centres for
children,choice of jobs, financial independence,family helping with childcare,afterschool care,choosing between a career and a family, and making a valuable contribution to society 3. 1(b) 2(d) 3(d) 4(c) 5(c)
4. theeconomic and political sectors 2.based on
3.such jobs as teaching and nursing 4.make their own money the number of families 6.very well looked after 7.although the system is will be difficult when 9.who might be able to 10.been responsible for 11.less well paid than men 12.are rewarded
Listening in Passage 1
2. Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 Speaker 4,6 1,2 6 1,5 3 1 3. 1.An ad in which a man is shown as being no good at a DIY job. 2.That feminism has gone too far; it treats men as inferior.
3.There is no real equality of pay;men still have the top jobs but they aren’
t always shown as super-masculine.
4.It is good that men aren’t always shown as supermasculine,because this is more realistic.
5.A car insurance ad,which shows a woman as a smart boss and as a dumb idiot.
Passage 2
5. 1.logical 2.nurturing 3.spatial 4.verbal 6. 6-3-4-1-5-2
7. men : 1,3,4,7 women : 2,5,6 8. 1 the result of upbringing 2.learn to speak earlier intelligence tests
4.are better at language skills 5.less interested in women 6.have better social skills
7.boys and girls quite differently
Unit 6
Inside view Conversation 1
2. the true statements are: 1,2 and 6.
3. 1.It’s his favourite view in the whole of London. 2.It’s well worth a visit 3.If she can go up the tower
4.People need permission from their MP to go up the tower.
5.Because it’s the most important government building in the country . 6.In the summer
7.To do the research
8.To phone a friend who works at the Houses of Parliament to see if she can meet them
Conversation 2
5. 1.1859 2.1870
3.Westerminster Hall 4.the 11th century 5.two
6.the people (everyone in the country who has the right to vote ) 7.the prime minister 6. 1(c) 2(a) 3(c) 4(b) 5(a) 7. widely believed to be
2.No,that’s not what I’m trying to say 3.It would appear that 4.It seems that
5.there’s little doubt that’s widely thought that considered to be
8.But what’s even more amazing is
Everyday English
8. 1(b) 2(a) 3(a)
Outside view
2. 4-8-3-7-1-2-6-5
3. 1 no more that 170 kms 2.more that nine million 3.five or six
5.over 1500 6.five or six
7.more than one and a half million 8.Liverpool and Southampton 4. 1(a) 2(c) 3(d) 4(d)
5. 1 the biggest navy in the world 2.what it was like 3.brought tea put up the sails 5.passenger ships maritime history
7.the world’s biggest cruise ship 8.five or six hours and toys
Listening in Passage 1
2. the true statement is :6
3. 1. 1533 2.1536 3.1558 4.1568 5.1587 6.1603 4. 1(b) 2(b) 3(c) 4(d) 5(d) 6(d)
Passage 2
7. 1 Pompeii
2.a guide to the town 3. almost 2000years ago 4.August 5.two days 6.two
8. 1.Well,turn around…what do you see? 2.Yes,it could erupt again 3.Yes,he was praying 4.Not until 1748
5.There were two owners-they had a small business 6.It says,”welcome ,money”
7.We think it was a mirrior although we haven’t had…
Unit 7
Inside view Conversation 1
2. Janet 1,5,6 Andy 2,3,4,7 3. 1. 1oo pounds per week of the most expensive cities 3.shared with three other people 4.110 pounds per week
5.outside business hours, in his own time