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2020年人教版小升初英语毕业升学模拟试卷(二) 试卷(含答案)

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一、选出每组单词中不同类的一项. ( ) l.A.fruit B.jump C.run ( ) 2.A.longer B.taller C.tired ( ) 3.A.teeth B.length C.feet ( ) 4.A.head B.hand C.fat ( ) 5.A.big B.old C.how 二、选择填空.

( ) 1. We go to school from Monday _______ Friday. A. to B. for C. on

( ) 2.-Could you help me, Mr Black? -______ A. Certainly. B. Thanks. C. Hi.

( ) 3. Mary likes singing, and she sings very ______. A. badly B. bad C. well

( ) 4. -Could I speak to Ann, please? -______

A. I'm Ann.

B. Sorry, I'm not Ann. C. This is Ann speaking.

( ) 5. Here are some flowers _______ our best wishes. A. to B. with C. for

( ) 6.-When is_______ ?

-September 10th. A. Teacher's Day B. Teachers' Day C. The teacher's Day

( ) 7.-______do you go there? -On foot. A. Where B. How C. Why

( )8.I'm going to _______ my uncle _______ Tuesday. A. Look at; / B. see;/ C. see;on

( ) 9.Granny Li often______children stories. A. speaks B. talks C. tells

( ) 10. -I'm sorry.I can't help you with your English. -Thank you _______ . A. very

B. all the same C. at all

三、选择合适的句子补全对话. A:1.____

B:My name is Zhang Jian. A:Nice to meet you. B:2.____ A: 3.____ B:It's Sunday. A:4.____

B:My PE teacher. A:5.____

B:Goodidea! Let's go.

A. Would you like to play football with me? B. What's your name? C. Nice to meet you, too. D. Who is that young man? E. What day is it today? 四、按要求写句子.

1.I can speak English.(改为否定句)

______________________________________________ 2.Can Mike clean his bedroom?(做否定回答) ______________________________________________ 3.Do you like playing basketball?(做肯定回答) ______________________________________________ 4.There is a book on the desk.(改为复数句) ______________________________________________ 5.your,is, What, hobby(连词成句)

______________________________________________ 五、完形填空.

It's spring now. It's time 1 plant trees. Today is the twelfth of March. All the students of 2 are planting trees. Some are 3 .Some are carrying water. 4 are watering trees. All of the students are busy. 5 hard all the students are working! They are helping to make our country beautiful. ( ) 1.A.for B.on C.to

( ) 2.A.one class B.Class First C.Class One ( ) 3.A.digging B.to dig C.dig

( ) 4.A.The others B.Others C.Another ( ) 5.A.What B.Why C.How


( )1.How much pens are there in your bag? _____________ A B C

( )2.-What are these? -They are watchs. _____________ A B C

( )3.-What's book is it?-It's mine. _____________ A B C

( )4.The cat on the tree is very clever. _____________ A B C

( )5. There is a boat in the lake. _____________ A B C 七、阅读理解.

One day, Mr and Mrs White went shopping by car. They stopped their car near a shop. They bought many things from the shop. And the things were very heavy, so they wanted to put them in their car.

Mr White couldn't open the door of the car. \said Mrs White They asked a policeman to help them. The policeman was very friendly to help them open the door of the car. At that time,a man came up and shouted(叫),“What are you doing with my car?”Mr and Mrs White looked at the number of the car, then they said sorry to the man.

根据短文内容将正确答案的序号填在括号内。 ( )1. Mr and Mrs White went shopping ____.

A. by bike B. in the evening C. by car

( ) 2.They wanted to ____.

A. put the heavy things into their car B.carry the things home

C. ask a policeman to carry the things for them

( )3. Mr and Mrs White couldn't open the door of the car,____.

A. but Mrs White could

B. but a policeman could help them C. but soon they opened it

( )4.Mrs White asked ____ to help them open the door of the car.

A. an old man B. a young woman C. a policeman

( )5.They looked at____and they knew they were wrong.

A. the policeman B. the number of the car C. the man

八、以“My Family”为题写一段话. (不少于10句) (10分)


小学英语毕业升学模拟试卷(二) 一、1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.C

二、1.A 【解析】from…to…意为“从……到……”。 2.A 3.C 4.C

5.B 【解析】with表伴随。 6.B

7.B 【解析】根据答语“on foot”,可知是问出行方式。

8.C 【解析】look at意为“看着”,watch表示“观看”,均不符合题意。介词on表时间时,放在具体某一天前面。

9.C 【解析】speak侧重说话,讲某一种语言;talk意为“谈论”;tell stories表示“讲故事”。 10.B

三、1.B 2. C 3.E 4.D 5.A 四、1.I can't speak English. 2.No.he can't. 3.Yes,I do.

4.There are many books on the desk. 5.What is your hobby? 五、1.C

【解析】It's time to do sth意为“到了做某事的时间”。 2.C 3.A

4.A 【解析】the others表示“剩余的所有”;others意为“别人”;another表示“另一个”。 5.C 【解析】用how引导感叹句时,后面直接加形容词或副词;用what引导时,则要加名词或名词性短语。 六、1.A;many 2. C; watches 3.A;Whose

4.A;in【解析】on the tree表示“长在树上”,in the tree则表示外界事物依附于树上。 5.C;on

七、1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 【解析】根据文章最后一句可知。 八、略。

2020年人教版小升初英语毕业升学模拟试卷(二) 试卷(含答案)


