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1、island 岛 on the island 在岛上 an island 一个岛屿 2、full of 满是……的, 充满……, 装满……。

(1)后边常常接名词,full of 与后边的名词一起构成后置定语,修饰前边的名词。full of 相当于filled with

例句:the basket full of apples. the cup full of water .

(2) full of 前边也可以与be动词连用,在句中做谓语。be full of相

当于be filled with.

例句:The classroom is full of students.= The classroom is filled with students

The box is full of apples.= The box is filled with apples. 3、already与yet

(1)already “已经” 常用于现在完成时的肯定句中,常放在have/has之后、过去分词之前或句末。

例句:They have finished their homework already . The train has left already .

(2)yet “已经” 用于现在完成时的疑问句中。 例句:Have you eaten yet ? Have they read this book yet ? (3) yet “还” “尚” 用于现在完成时的否定句中。 例句:He hasn’t done his homework yet . The train hasn’t arrived yet .


(4)not yet 还没有 常用于回答现在完成时的一般疑问句。 例句:Have you eaten yet ? Not yet.

4、英语中,疑问词what/how/which/where/who/when 后边出现动词时,往往用“疑问词 + to do sth ”结构,此结构在句中可以做主语、宾语和表语.

例句:I can’t decide when to start . please tell me what to do next . He doesn’t know where to live . Do you know which to buy ? 5、finish doing sth 做完某事

例句:Did you finish watching TV ? I have finished cleaning the room . 6、put down 放下 down是副词,接代词时,代词要放在中间。 例句:Your bag is very heavy ,please put it down . 7、page 页 表示第…页时,用page + 数字 例句: page 18 18页 page 42 42页

8、in + 一段时间 在……后,常用于一般将来时。 例句:They will be back in three days .

after + 一段时间 在……后,常用于一般过去时。 例句: He went to Beijing after three days .

9、cut down砍倒 down是副词,接代词时,代词放中间 例句: The trees are important, Don’t cut them down. 10、learn to do sth 学习做某事 learn from 向……学习 例句:We should learn from that boy . When did you learn to play the piano ?


11、else 别的 其他的 常放在疑问词和something/anything/nothing等词的后边。

例句:What else can you do ? I have something else to say. 12、how long 与 how soon

(1)how long 多长时间 常用于对“for + 一段时间”或“since + 过去的时间点”提问,主要用于一般过去时或现在完成时。

例句:How long did you study English ? I studied English for 2 years. How long have you lived here ? I have lived here since last year . (2)how soon 多久 常用于对“in + 一段时间”提问,主要用于一般将来时。

例句:How soon will he be back ? He will be back in two days . 13、one ……,the other …….. (两者之中)一个……,另一个……。 例句:He has two sons ,one is a doctor , the other is a worker .

注意下边的例句:He has four books , one is about Chinese , the others (the other three) are about English .

14、named 是name 的过去分词,被命名为…的, 名字叫…的,named与后边的名词一起修饰前边的名词。 例句:The boy named Tom is a friend of mine . I have a student named Chong tongyao . 15、in the middle of 在…中间

例句:in the middle of the road. in the middle of the river . 16、can’t wait to do sth 迫不及待去做某事




