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Gertrude Chandler listened. Another train was rolling down the tracks 1 her house in Putnam, Connecticut. She 2 to live on the street near the railroad station. With her brother, John, and her sister, Frances, she often went outside to wave at the people on passing 3 .

Sometimes, Gertrude was 4 and had to stay home from school. When she was not feeling well, 5 were her friends. She loved to read. She also enjoyed making her own books to 6 as gifts. One day in 1899, Gertrude looked out of the 7 at a train. She could see inside its last car, the caboose. She saw a small stove, cups, and a coffeepot. It was like a little home. Wouldn't it be 8 to live in a caboose?

After high school, Gertrude decided to find a 9 . She had always loved to write. Soon she was writing for a newspaper in her town. Later, at age twenty-six, she wrote her 10 real book. With her sister, Gertrude 11 more books. Most of these were for grown-up readers.

In 1924, Gertrude wondered again about 12 in a train car. She decided to write a story called The Boxcar Children. The characters in the book were called the Alden children. The Alden children lived in an empty train car 13 had many adventures together. When Gertrude became a teacher, she read the boxcar book to her 14.

During the next thirty years, Gertrude wrote eighteen more books about the boxcar children. She 15 in 1979, but her well-loved books live on. The adventures of Henry, Jessie, Violet, and Benny still bring smiles to the faces of young readers.

( )1. A. inside B. outside C. into D. out of ( )2. A. hated B. hoped C. loved D. disliked ( )3. A. trains B. cars C. ships D. planes ( )4. A. happy B. excited C. sad D. ill

( )5. A. books B. music C. songs D. photos ( )6. A. receive B. accept C. give D. read

( )7. A. window B. school C. car D. restaurant ( )8. A. boring B. wonderful C. sad D. bad ( )9. A. job B. home C. school D. book ( )10. A. first B. second C. third D. last ( )11. A. read B. make C. sell D. wrote ( )12. A. moving B. studying C. flying D. living ( )13. A. and B. so C. but D. or

( )14. A. brothers B. friends C. pupils D. parents ( )15. A. stopped B. failed C. died D. lost

Collecting stamps is a great hobby that people of all ages can enjoy. From kids to adults, stamp collecting gives hours of enjoyment to them. There are easy ways to begin collecting stamps. Search your mail. Your mail is the easiest place to start. Add to your collection by getting stamps from letters and postcards. This way is also the cheapest. Find a theme. This isn’t necessary, but for a lot of beginners, it’s a fun way to start a collection. Find a favorite subject, such as animals, sports, art or history, and your collecting will become much more interesting when you find that perfect stamp. Learn how to get stamps from envelopes. Since your collection will start with the mail, you’ll need to know how to get a stamp safely from the envelope. This is quite easy, but you’ll need tongs to do it. Join a stamp collecting group. Find one in your town or village, or join a club that’s held at a school. You can learn a lot from other stamp collectors. ( )1. How many ways of collecting stamps does the writer tell us in the passage? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six. ( )2. __ is an interesting way to start a collection. A. Searching your mail. B. Finding a theme. C. Learning how to get stamps from envelopes. D. Joining a stamp collecting group.

( )3. What does the underlined word “search” mean in Chinese?

A. 搜寻 B. 撰写 C. 快递 D. 进入 ( )4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. The cheapest way to get stamps is to search your mail. B. Finding a theme is not necessary to start collecting stamps. C. If you use tongs, it will be easy to get stamps from envelops.

D. If you want to find the perfect stamp, you should join a stamp collecting group. ( )5. What is the passage mainly about? A. How to get stamps from envelops. B. A great stamp collecting group. C. How to start collecting stamps. D. A perfect theme.

You all need water. All living things must have water to survive. Without water, your body would stop working. Water makes up more than half of your body weight. A person can’t survive for more than a few days without it. Why? Your body has lots of important jobs and it needs water to do many of them. For instance, your blood, which contains a lot of water, carries oxygen to all the cells of your body. Without oxygen your body would stop working.

Your body doesn’t get water only from drinking water. But water and milk are the best choices. Other sports drinks, soda, pop, or a fruit-flavored drink, are not good for every day. Why? They have a lot of sugar, which means a lot of calories. But water has no calories! These sweet drinks also may lack the vitamins and minerals found in milk. Lots of foods contain water. Fruit and vegetables contain water, too. Since water is so important, you might wonder if you’re drinking enough. In fact, we can’t tell how much water that kids need to drink every day. Usually, kids like to drink something with meals and should certainly drink when they are thirsty. But when it’s warm or you’re having exercise, you’ll need more. Be sure to drink some extra water when you’re out in warm weather, especially while playing sports. When you drink is also important. If you’re going to sports practice, a game, or just working out or playing hard, drink water before, during, and after playing. or playing hard, drink water before, during, and after playing.

( )36. A. continue B. stop C. begin D. keep ( )37. A. head B. feet C. arms D. body

( )38. A. carries B. settles C. compares D. arranges ( )39. A. drinking B. making C. providing D. sending ( )40. A. worst B. hardest C. best D. easiest ( )41. A. salt B. sugar C. oil D. fat ( )42. A. contain B. mix C. lack D. pollute

( )43. A. In all B. In total C. In detail D. In fact ( )44. A. thirsty B. hungry C. tired D. full

( )45. A. popular B. important C. regular D. tasty


Rodd and Todd were lucky because they were chosen to go and see Santa Claus at the North Pole. They were sent there by a magic sleigh.

When they entered a great hall, the hall was dark: all there was a large desk with a big chair behind it. Some elves came in and told them that Santa Claus was very busy.

Rodd and Todd waited a long time, in silence, thinking of what to say. But they forgot everything when the ball began filling with lights and colors. Santa Claus appeared on the big chair, and soon there were all kinds of toys on the large desk. How exciting! While Todd ran to hug Santa Claus, Rodd were over the model bicycle he wanted to have. Santa was only there for a short while, just enough for Todd to say “thank you”. However, Santa left before Rod had even looked at him.

From that day on, every time Rodd saw a toy, he would look around to see if he was missing something important. And in this way he knew how to choose. He knew it was more important to help the poor, give love to others, and put smiles on the faces of the unhappy. ( )61. How did Rodd and Todd probably go to the North Pole? A. They walked there. B. They flew there. C. They drove there D. They boated there ( )62. What were in the great hall where they came in?

① Santa Claus. ②A large desk. ③Some elves. ④ A big chair A. ①②③ B. ①③ C. ②④ D. ②③

( )63. What does the underlined word “appear” mean in Chinese? A. 出现 B. 消失 C. 隐身 D. 跑光 ( )64. What can we learn from the passage?

A. At last Rodd learned to find the important things around him. B. Rodd got a big hug form Santa Claus.

C. Todd had no time to say “thank you” to Santa Claus because he was busy. D.learned to find the important things around him. ( )65. What is the passage mainly about? A. How to get a magic sleigh.

B. Don’t miss the important things. C. Santa Claus is a busy man.

Keith Fitzhugh has always dreamed of becoming a professional football player. He was a new player in 2009, and had already served the New York Jets. One day, the football team called him to be back again. But Fitzhugh refused.

“I know it would be a good chance,” Fitzhugh said. “But you only get one mom and one dad. I’d rather be there for my parents than go for a super star chance.”

Fitzhugh knows that his time with the Jets could last as little as a few weeks. Though he loves football, supporting his family is more important to him. He was unemployed by Jets for months after his last time on the football field. Now he has a steady job as a railway conductor which his parents hope him to have. He lives with his family and helps to support his mother and father. The family is close-especially since the death of Fitzhugh’s younger sister. She died from the West Nile Virus at the age of 14, just as Fitzhugh was starting college.

“That’s why I’m so strong about being around family now,” Fitzhugh said. “Life is short. You never know what will happen. When I was unemployed, my family was there for me. I don’t want to take a risk. I don’t want to lose anything more important for my family again.” For this football player, family comes first.



